The Devastating Impact of Earthquake Images on Human Psychology

The Devastating Impact of Earthquake Images on Human Psychology

Content Summary

Deprem sonrası ortaya çıkan görüntülerin depremi yaşamış kişiler üzerinde olumsuz etkileri olabilir; bu görüntüler yıllar sonra bile travmayı tekrardan yaşatacak şekilde tetikleyici görevi görebilir. Bu görüntülerin travmatik etkileri ve travma sonrası tetikleyiciler bilinmelidir; görüntüler, videolar ve fotoğraflar, insanların hayatındaki travmaları ve acıları tekrar tekrar yaşamasına neden olur. Travmatik olaylar, yaşayan kişilerin hayatında her zaman hatırlanır ve günlük yaşamda bu olayları hatırlatan durumlarla karşılaşırlar. Kendilerinin travmatik haldeki görüntülerini internette görmeleri son derece rahatsız edicidir. İyi niyetle yapılan paylaşım zamanla hata olabilir. Bu hatalardan kaçınmalı ve insanların travmaları tekrar tekrar yaşamasını engellemeliyiz. Depremin travmatik süreçlerine değinmek önemlidir; Posttravmatik stres bozukluğu, belirli bir süre sonra gelişen ve kişinin ruh halini iyileştirmeyen bir durumdur. Her travma bir kayıp ve her kayıp yas içerir. Yas döneminde öfke, pazarlık, depresif durum gibi tepkiler normaldir; ancak 3 aydan fazla sürerse uzman desteği alınmalıdır. Posttravmatik stres bozukluğunun önlenmesinde psikolojik direnç çok önemlidir; olayların anlaşılması, insanların algısı ve psikolojik direnç bu süreçlerde önemli rol oynar. Sosyal destek de koruyucu faktörler arasındadır.

Images published on social media about the earthquake can have traumatic effects on people who have experienced the earthquake first-hand. Sensitivity should be shown against such posts. Experts warn that these images can remind the trauma even years later.

Since the images that emerge after the earthquake can have negative effects on the people who experienced the earthquake, these images should be used more carefully. These images can serve as a reminder even years later and can make the trauma live again.

It is also very important to know the traumatic effects of the images that emerged after the earthquake and the triggers after the trauma. The images, videos and photographs that emerge in this process mean that the traumas and pains that exist in people's lives in the future will be experienced again and again.

What is the destructive effect of images on human psychology?

Especially traumatic events will always be remembered in the lives of people who have experienced them. People will also encounter situations that remind them of the event from time to time in their daily lives. However, it is very disturbing for people to see videos and photographs of themselves in that state when they type in a search engine, for example.

Experiencing traumas is a serious problem. It is inconvenient for images that trigger these traumas to appear again and again. Sharing with good intentions may turn into mistakes over time. We should take care to avoid these mistakes and prevent people from experiencing these traumas over and over again.

It is very important to address the traumatic processes of the earthquake. The disorder we callpost-traumatic stress disorder is a name given to the processes that develop after a certain period of time and do not improve the mental state of the person. In fact, every trauma is a loss and every loss involves grief.

When to Get Support from an Expert?

There are certain reactions that people show during periods of grief. Some of these are anger, bargaining, depressive state, and then the process of acceptance begins. Therefore, it is quite normal for people to have anger, rebellion, bargaining and depressive collapse during this period. However, if similar reactions are still shown despite a period of more than 3 months, then it is necessary to seek support from a specialist.

Psychological resilience is very important in the prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder. Of course, the understanding of events, the perception of people and psychological resilience are very important in these processes. In order for a person not to get post-traumatic stress disorder, he/she should have a lot of protective factors for those stress factors that he/she struggles with. Among these protective factors, social support is also very important.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At17 February 2023
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