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Depremler, bireylere ve toplumlara fiziksel, ekonomik ve sosyal kayıplara neden olan başlıca felaketlerden biri olup, büyük bir psikolojik etkiye de sahiptir. Deprem sonrası en yaygın ruhsal bozukluklar, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu (TSSB) ve depresyondur. Depresyon belirtileri arasında isteksizlik, halsizlik, moral bozukluğu, uyku ve iştah bozuklukları ve hayattan zevk alamama yer alır. Deprem travmasını aşmak için, temel ihtiyaçların karşılanmasını da içeren birinci basamak müdahale olarak psikolojik ilk yardım önemlidir. TSSB ise travmatik deneyimin sürekli hatırlanması, travmayı hatırlatan durum ve olaylardan kaçınma ve artmış uyarılma ile karakterizedir. Deprem sonrası verilen tepkiler kişinin özelliklerine göre değişir ve fizyolojik (yorgunluk, mide bulantısı vb.), bilişsel (hafıza sorunları, dikkat eksikliği vb.), duygusal (kaygı, depresyon vb.) ve davranışsal (uyku sorunları, aşırı ağlama vb.) reaksiyonları içerir. Bu tepkiler normal olsa da bir aydan uzun sürerse, psikiyatri ve/veya psikoloji uzmanına başvurulmalıdır.

Quae omnis velit sin.

Earthquakes, one of the leading disasters that cause physical, economic and social losses to individuals and societies, also have a great psychological impact. Therefore, education, training, preparation, planning and mitigation activities on disasters and disaster management are very important.

What are the Traumas that Develop After an Earthquake?

The fact that the earthquake, which is one of the natural disasters, cannot be known in advance, causes the person to experience a sense of helplessness, causes changes in his/her life and causes psychological problems.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after the Earthquake and Depression is the most common mental disorder.

Depression is another common disorder following traumatic experiences. The most common symptoms of depression are reluctance, weakness, demoralization, sleep and appetite disorders, and lack of enjoyment of life.

How to Overcome Earthquake Trauma?

The primary psycho-social intervention after an earthquake is psychological first aid. This support is for stressed people who have recently been exposed to a major crisis situation. Psychological first aid is a humanitarian and supportive intervention offered to an individual who is suffering or in need of support and assistance. Psychological first aid is an important first aid intervention to cope with the event, including meeting basic needs. The main goal here is to guide people through acute traumatic stress reactions after sudden traumatic experiences such as earthquakes, to make it easier to return to normal life and to protect individuals from the possible long-term effects of the traumatic event.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD ) is a disorder characterized by constant recollection of the traumatic experience, avoidance of situations or events reminiscent of the trauma, and increased arousal. In the emergence of PTSD, many factors such as pre-trauma (gender, genetic structure, past traumatic experiences, past mental problems, etc.), during trauma (severity, duration of traumatic experience, presence of injuries, etc.) and post-trauma (low social support, economic problems, etc.) have an impact.

How should psychological support be provided after the earthquake?

The reactions given after the earthquake vary according to personal characteristics. These are natural reactions that are seen as normal responses to an abnormal situation. These reactions are divided into physiological, cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Physiological reactions include fatigue, nausea, headache, tics, dizziness. Cognitive reactions include memory problems, attention problems, difficulties in making decisions. Behavioral reactions include sleep problems, frequent crying, anxiety, reluctance, alcohol and substance abuse. Emotional reactions include anxiety, depression, guilt, expectation of harm to self or others. Although these reactions are normal, they should be carefully observed and if they last longer than one month, they should be referred to psychiatry and/or psychology.

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CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 June 2024
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