Symptoms and Treatment of Fish Poisoning

Symptoms and Treatment of Fish Poisoning

Content Summary

Balık zehirlenmesi, bulantı, kusma, ateş, kramp ve bayılma gibi semptomlarla karakterize edilen bir gıda zehirlenmesi türüdür ve acil müdahale gerektirir. Zehirlenmeye, yanlış pişmiş veya bayat balık tüketimi neden olabilir, özellikle deniz ürünlerinde mikrobiyal çoğalma hızlıdır; bu nedenle balığın iyice temizlenmesi ve pişirilmesi şarttır. Belirtiler, balık tüketiminden 2-3 saat sonra ortaya çıkabilir ve karın ağrısı, sürekli kusma ve bulantı, ateş, kramp, halsizlik, deri dökülmesi, kaşıntı, uyuşma, soğuk suya temas halinde yanma hissi ve şiddetli zehirlenmelerde şoku içerir. Tedavi, zehirli yiyecekleri vücuttan uzaklaştırmak (kusmayı teşvik etmek), sıvı tüketimini artırmak, mide yıkama ve sağlık kuruluşuna başvurmayı içerir. İyileşme döneminde, mideyi yormayacak şekilde haşlanmış sebze, elma, limonlu su ve sulu gıdalar tüketilmelidir.

Fish, which is one of the most beneficial foods for human health, is also a food item that causes poisoning. Therefore, the freshness of the fish consumed and how it is consumed is very important. Symptoms of fish poisoning; It manifests itself with symptoms such as fever, vomiting and fainting. Like poultry poisoning, fish poisoning is among the serious poisonings that require emergency treatment .

Like other food poisoning, fish poisoning is characterized by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, cramping pain and fainting. When fish poisoning occurs, immediate intervention is required.
Fish poisoning is a type of poisoning that occurs after fish consumption. Although it is simple, it is actually risky. Therefore, fish poisoning should be intervened immediately. If milk and dairy foods such as yogurt and cheese were consumed with the fish and the fish was stale, then the symptoms may be less noticeable. It may be caused by fish that is not cooked with the correct cooking technique or stale fish. Especially in seafood, microorganisms can multiply rapidly. It is therefore important to clean and cook fish or seafood well. Along with this, fish that is not stored correctly also becomes stale quickly.

What are the Symptoms of Fish Poisoning?

Poisoning caused by fish can cause vomiting and nausea, just like other food poisoning. If these symptoms are experienced within 2-3 hours after fish consumption, fish poisoning may occur. Symptoms of fish poisoning are as follows;

  • Stomach ache after consuming fish
  • Abdominal pain followed by persistent vomiting and nausea
  • Fever
  • Cramp pain
  • Fainting
  • Fatigue
  • Skin flaking
  • Itching of the skin
  • Numbness in the body
  • Burning sensation when cold water touches the skin
  • Shock in case of very intense poisoning

Fish Poisoning Treatment

Fish poisoning causes rapid growth of viruses and fungi in the body. Therefore, intervention should be taken when fish poisoning occurs. After poisoning, it is necessary to remove the poisoned food from the body. Therefore, the individual may want to force himself to vomit and biotoxins are removed from the body in the first step. Then fluid consumption increases. With poisoning, a health institution can be consulted and the stomach can be washed. Since the stomach is tired after poisoning, care should be taken with the food consumed. It is also recommended to consume boiled vegetables, apples and water with lemon, as well as watery foods and soups. After poisoning, the diet should be the same for at least two days. After the stomach has regained its former function, the old eating habits can be resumed without loading the stomach.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At01 December 2022
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