Staying at Home is the Perfect Opportunity to Fill in the Gaps!

Staying at Home is the Perfect Opportunity to Fill in the Gaps!

Since the first days of 2020, we have been going through stressful times, and with the coronavirus pandemic, feelings of anxiety and fear have increased even more. Now, as the time spent at home increases, experts point out that this can be turned into an opportunity. Emphasizing that sitting at home will not cause depression for those who know how to interact with themselves and their relatives at home, Specialist Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik said, "Sitting at home should not mean being constantly on social media. This is an opportunity to establish healthy communication with family members or the people they live with. First of all, it is useful to think about what we may have been missing so far. It is an excellent opportunity to complete them." He used his expressions.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Specialist Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik emphasized that the spread area of anxiety is wide as well as the spread area of peace and drew attention to how those who are concerned about the coronavirus epidemic will manage these feelings.

Experiences should be evaluated and measures should be taken

"An anxious person chooses especially the most negative ones, finds and reproduces them as if he/she catches them with tweezers," said Expert Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik and added: "For this reason, accurate and dosed information is important. As the dose of information is missed, constructions and exaggerations arise spontaneously. In order not to increase mental constructions, we must really believe in the authority of the information we trust. Everything starts with faith and walks with trust. It seems that as the number of cases in the coronavirus increases, mental fictions increase at the same rate. The first thing we need to realize is that every case does not necessarily mean a loss. We are actually luckier as a nation because what various countries have done is an experience for us, experiences are evaluated and precautions are explained. If this is a war against a virus, we, as the Turkish nation, are the descendants of people who lived and lived miracles by being an unbreakable unity in wars. Unity means being in one movement, one thought and acting accordingly. Unity in truth brings peace and happiness. So we are the ones who know what to do."

Happiness can be achieved in the most unhappy times

Expert Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik; "When we are most unhappy, we should look at what gives us happiness and remember what happiness is if it has slipped our minds. Happiness is different for each individual. For some, seeing a blooming flower, taking care of the soil. For some, it is a baby smiling and holding your finger; sometimes it is being with pets such as cats and dogs and feeding the animals we love; for others it is being able to look into the eyes of our loved ones, a pleasant memory from the past and many other things. In addition, when we stop saying "if only", when we do what we need to do instead of what we wish, happiness is right next to us."

Being at home should not mean being on social media all the time

Emphasizing that sitting at home all the time will not cause depression for those who know how to interact with themselves and their relatives at home, Expert Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik said: "Staying at home should not mean being on social media all the time. This is an opportunity to establish healthy communication with family members or the people they live with. First of all, it is useful to think about what we might be missing so far. It is a perfect opportunity to complete them. In the hustle and bustle of life, we don't have time for each other and we get distant when we are close. These times can be perfect for organizing these things and perhaps restoring the balance that has been disturbed. Say the positive things that you always expect others to say, but that you yourself have not been able to say to them. Why don't they say it, don't I deserve it, when in fact we may never have said it or even given it a chance to be said. How right is it to expect someone else to do what we have not done ourselves? But if we can initiate it without always expecting it from the other person, we will unlock the other person. Let's give each other opportunities in this respect."

Information specific to the child's age should be given

Stating that children essentially accept what their parents say, Expert Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik said, "What needs to be done is not to be a worried parent, but to show the child a confident parent. We should pay attention to the broadcasts we watch. Because what we understand and what the child understands are not the same. Therefore, sometimes we have to be a decoder for the child. The child may only take the sentence "there is death" and get a great anxiety, whereas what is said is a long sentence such as "if you are not cautious about this and that, if you do not pay attention to hygiene, death is approaching". Therefore, parents should definitely sit together and give sufficient information. It is not right to try to give more information than necessary."

Create different interests for children!

Stating that children get bored quickly, so it is necessary to keep them interested in many things, Specialist Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik said, "When the time comes, games played as a family, movies watched together, games that used to be known by adults that none of the current children know, they can be removed. You can play marbles all together at home or the games we used to play by throwing the soda cap from the edge of the carpet. Three stones, five stones, many old games can attract children's attention. Instead of constantly searching for information about the virus, you can search for information about old games and spend good unforgettable times with your family."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At26 March 2020
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