Spiritual detox Ramadan

Spiritual detox Ramadan

Content Summary

Psikiyatri Uzmanı Dr. Mahir Yeşildal, Ramazan orucunu sadece açlık ve susuzluk olarak değil, yalan söylememe, dedikodu yapmama ve gönül kırmama gibi koşulları da içeren ruhsal bir detoks olarak tanımlıyor. Orucun bedensel etkilerinin yanı sıra, ruhsal temizlik için harika bir fırsat olduğunu belirtiyor. Sosyal dayanışmayı artıran zekat verme gibi uygulamaların ruh sağlığına olumlu etkilerinin yanı sıra, Ramazan'ın aile bireyleri arasında iletişimi güçlendirmek için bir fırsat olduğunu, televizyon ve telefonları kapatarak birlikte iftar ve sahur yemeklerinin önemini vurguluyor. Ayrıca, Ramazan'ın öfke kontrolü ve hoşgörü geliştirme için bir eğitim alanı olduğunu, zorluklara daha sabırlı yaklaşmayı ve karşılıklı anlayışı artırmayı hedeflememiz gerektiğini ekliyor.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Mahir Yeşildal made important evaluations about the importance of Ramadan on psychology.

Fasting has a meaning far beyond fasting for a certain period of time. Stating that Ramadan includes conditions such as not lying, not backbiting and not breaking hearts, Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Mahir Yeşildal said that fasting with all its requirements is a spiritual detox and added, "As we cleanse our body from poisons and toxins, we need to cleanse our soul from toxins and poisons. Ramadan is a great opportunity for this."


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Mahir Yeşildal made important evaluations about the importance of Ramadan on psychology.

The meaning of fasting is much more than starvation

Prof. Dr. Mahir Yeşildal Prof. Dr. Mahir Yeşildal said, "Fasting during Ramadan is generally perceived as not eating and not having sexual intercourse from dawn to iftar; but this is a very shallow definition. Fasting also includes conditions such as not lying, not backbiting, and not breaking hearts."

"Of course, hypotension and hypoglycemia caused by fasting and dehydration can seriously disrupt our psychology, especially towards the evening, make us more irritable, more intolerant people, cause very serious problems in traffic, cause husband-wife fights before iftar... These are or have been experienced in every home."

"Like our body, we need to cleanse our soul from toxins"

"Performing the worship of fasting with all its requirements is actually a spiritual detox," said Uzm. Dr. Mahir Yeşildal continued his words as follows:

"As we cleanse our body from poisons and toxins, we also need to cleanse our soul from toxins and poisons. Ramadan is a great opportunity for this. If the lie neurons in your cortex did not work for a month, if your soul did not deal with backbiting and gossip for a month, if you did not write bad comments to people you do not know on social media for a month and if you liked all the photos shared by your friends, it means that you have entered a spiritual detox program. With spiritual detox, you are cleansed of these things. From inner evil, dirt, prejudices about people, stigmatizing, marginalizing, ignoring people...

"Helping will be good for your soul"

There is an institution of zakat in Ramadan and culturally we save it for Ramadan, even though there is no such requirement. It's very important for social solidarity and for people to feel good about themselves. The feeling of helping someone who needs help is very good for the soul. If you have depression or anxiety that might start, it will prevent it.


"Our tolerance threshold needs to increase"

Towards iftar, we witness people from all over Turkey breaking their fast with swearing, insults and fights. In the spiritual detox part of Ramadan, we also need to increase our tolerance threshold for things that make us angry. In other words, we need to try not to get extra angry during Ramadan at something we normally get angry at. No matter how much the other person provokes us. You know, there is a very famous hadith that says, 'If someone says something bad to you during Ramadan, do not respond and say, "I am fasting"'... We need to apply this to daily life and daily practice.

"A great opportunity for family relations"

Because Ramadan is a great opportunity where anger is tested in a very serious way, but if certain things are done properly, anger control can be achieved. Another aspect, I think one of the most fundamental things that makes a family a family is having dinner together. But turning off the TV, turning off the cell phones, having a family meal together. Ramadan is a great opportunity for this."

Turn off the TV and silence your cell phone at the dinner table

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Mahir Yeşildal said, "Everyone has to wait for the evening prayer. It is necessary to turn this into an opportunity," he said and concluded his words as follows:

"Especially if it is thought that relations within the family have weakened, it is necessary to turn these iftar and sahur tables in Ramadan into an opportunity for the family to reunite with each other, to get to know each other again, to deal with each other's problems again, but from the heart."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At09 May 2019
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