Specific learning disabilities affect academic success

Specific learning disabilities affect academic success

Content Summary

Öğretmenler, öğrenme güçlüğü (disleksi) belirlemede önemli rol oynar. Okul başlangıcından itibaren altı ay içinde öğrencilerin okuma, yazma ve konuşma becerilerindeki gelişimi gözlemlenmelidir. Konuşma, işitme, görme ve kalem tutma becerilerini ölçen testler rehberlik servisleri tarafından uygulanmalıdır. 7 yaşından önce, aile ve öğretmen desteğiyle sorunlar çözülebilir ancak 2-6 ay içinde ilerleme olmazsa tedaviye başvurulmalıdır. Uygun tedaviyle öğrenme güçlüğü 8 aya kadar sürebilir. Öğrenme güçlüğünün ihmal edilmesi, çocuğun akademik başarısını ve motivasyonunu olumsuz etkiler. Öğretmenler, sınıftaki farklılıkları açıklamalı ve rekabeti körüklemek yerine öğrencileri kendi hızlarında ilerlemeye teşvik etmelidir. Bazı durumlarda, aile ve öğretmen desteğinin yeterli olmadığı durumlarda, ciddi psikolojik rehabilitasyon ve tıbbi destek gerekebilir. Öğretmenlerin aileleri yönlendirerek durumu ihmal etmemesi çok önemlidir.

Specific learning disability, also known as dyslexia, is a condition that can be treated with a special learning style and lasts for a maximum of 8 months once the appropriate treatment is found. Neglecting learning disabilities can negatively affect a child's academic success and motivation.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Leyla Arslan said that teachers have important duties in determining learning disabilities, also called dyslexia.

"Students who have just started school may not be at the same level in terms of school maturity, but the situation should be balanced after six months," said Leyla Arslan, "It is very important for the child to be able to speak properly, to distinguish sounds correctly, and to learn to read and write correctly. We can accept it as the first clue about whether the child has learning difficulties or not."

Stating that a teacher's free short conversation with the students is enough to detect this situation, Arslan also stated that tests measuring speech, hearing, vision and pencil-holding skills should be carried out by guidance counselors in the first months of school in accordance with the program.

With the right treatment, the problem can be overcome in 8 months

Emphasizing that these screening activities are carried out jointly with the guidance service of schools, Arslan made the following assessments:

"If a student who has difficulty in following the program in speaking and writing will have learning difficulties, it will be immediately obvious, but until the age of 7, whatever the problem is, efforts to overcome the problem are tried to be overcome with the support of the class teacher and family. If the child who is 7 years old cannot make progress between 2-6 months despite the measures taken, it is necessary to seek treatment to prevent the development of a sense of inadequacy."

Stating that learning disability is a condition that can be treated with a special form of learning and lasts for a maximum of 8 months when the appropriate treatment is found, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Leyla Arslan warned, "Neglecting special learning disabilities negatively affects the child's academic success and motivation."
Individual differences should be explained to other students

Expert Clinical Psychologist Leyla Arslan said, "After identifying the children in the class who require special attention, the teacher should explain to the children that differences should not be mocked and that everyone can have individual differences. They should encourage children to progress at their own pace and not fuel competition."

Teacher should not neglect

Noting that every teacher knows the importance of the level cluster and can provide inclusive education in the classroom, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Leyla Arslan concluded her words as follows:
"However, there are some cases such as specific learning disabilities and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) where only family and teacher support is not enough. Serious mental rehabilitation and medical support may be required. After referral to appropriate institutions, attention tests are applied, intelligence tests are applied or the "cas" test, which measures all three and finds the child's learning strategy, is applied. The child with a learning profile is supported with various exercises and academic difficulties are prevented. The most important task of the teacher is to guide the family without delaying and neglecting the situation."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At09 August 2018
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