Smoking kills 6 million people a year!

Smoking kills 6 million people a year!

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Sigara, dünyada yılda yaklaşık 6 milyon ölüme neden olmakta ve kardiyovasküler hastalıklardan kaynaklanan ölümlerin %10'undan fazlasından sorumludur. Sigara içmenin kansere, diyabette, hamilelik riskine, erken menopoza, ameliyat sonrası iyileşmeyi engellemeye ve KOAH'a kadar birçok ölümcül hastalığa yol açtığı bilinmektedir. Uzmanlar, sigarayla ilgili sağlık sorunlarının ve ölümlerin sigarayı bırakan kişilerde azaldığını belirterek, sigarayı azaltmak yerine tamamen bırakmanın önemine dikkat çekmektedirler. Sigara içmek, periferik vasküler hastalık ve inme riskini artırır; kolon, baş ve boyun, özofagus, böbrek ve idrar yolu, karaciğer, akciğer, pankreas, mide ve rahim ağzı kanserlerine neden olur. Ayrıca solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarını, özellikle zatürre, grip, soğuk algınlığı ve tüberkülozu artırır ve 2. tip diyabet riskini yükseltir. Ek olarak, kemik kaybına ve özellikle kadınlarda kalça kırıklarına neden olur, erken menopoza yol açar, gebelik riskini artırır ve cinsel isteksizliğe neden olur. Sigara içmek, yaraların iyileşmesini engeller, ameliyat sonrası iyileşmeyi olumsuz etkiler ve ağız ve diş eti sağlığını bozar. Sigarayı bırakmak, bu riskleri azaltır ve ortadan kaldırır ancak nikotin yoksunluğu nedeniyle iştah artışı, kilo alımı, depresyon, uykusuzluk, sinirlilik gibi sorunlar yaşanabilir. Bu nedenle, sigarayı bırakmak isteyenlere destek ve gerektiğinde diyetisyen ve psikolog desteği verilmelidir.

Cigarettes kill around 6 million people a year worldwide, and are responsible for more than '% of all deaths from cardiovascular diseases worldwide. From cancer types to diabetes; from pregnancy risk to early menopause; from preventing recovery after surgery to COPD, smoking is among the preventable causes of death. Stating that smoking-related health problems and deaths are reduced in people who quit smoking, experts draw attention to the importance of quitting smoking completely, not reducing it.


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım gave important information about the effects of smoking on the body.

Smoking kills 6 million people a year!

"Smoking is among the preventable causes of death. It is known to cause approximately 6 million deaths worldwide." Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım said, "Smoking-related health problems and deaths decrease in people who quit smoking. Considering the diseases and deaths caused by smoking, both medical, psychiatric and state policies are trying to encourage people to quit smoking with smoking cessation centers. Smoking cessation at an early age, especially before the age of 40, reduces the development of diseases caused by smoking that cause death."

It causes many types of cancer!

Yıldırım said, "Smoking is responsible for more than one in ten deaths from cardiovascular diseases worldwide. Nicotine narrows the heart vessels and does this by directly disrupting the vascular structure, negatively affecting cholesterol values and increasing the coagulation rate."

"Quitting smoking also reduces the risk of peripheral vascular disease and stroke. Smoking has been proven to cause colon cancers, head and neck cancers, esophageal cancers, kidney and urinary tract cancers, liver cancer, lung cancers, pancreatic, stomach and cervical cancers. Although it causes many respiratory diseases, it is the primary cause of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), which results in respiratory failure.

Smoking cessation in early stage COPD patients provides a decrease in sputum production and cough within 1 year.

Increases respiratory tract infections!

Smoking causes an increase in respiratory tract infections, especially diseases such as pneumonia, influenza, colds and tuberculosis. Although smoking cessation reduces infections, studies on how much it reduces which infections are still ongoing.

Triggers the risk of Type 2 Diabetes!

Smoking increases the risk of Type 2 Diabetes with long-term use and this effect is predicted due to the insulin sensitizing effect of nicotine. It should be evaluated independently from Type 2 Diabetes, which develops due to rapid weight gain in a short period of time after quitting smoking.

Smoking causes bone loss and hip fractures!

Smoking causes bone loss and hip fractures, especially in women. After more than 10 years of smoking, the risk of hip fractures decreases in women who quit smoking.


Increases sexual reluctance!

As well as being a risk factor in pregnancy, smoking causes early menopause, premature births and increases sexual reluctance in men and women.

Reduces the effect of treatment!

The effectiveness of the treatment given with smoking decreases in those with ulcers in the stomach and 12-finger intestine; Helicobacter makes it difficult to destroy the bacteria as it is mostly the cause of ulcers.

It prevents healing!

Smoking also negatively affects oral and gum health. In addition, it prevents wound healing speed and healing after surgery and increases the risk of postoperative lung diseases. Some large-scale studies show that smoking causes breast cancer, prostate cancer, blood circulation disorders in the intestines and kidney failure.

It is important to quit completely, not to reduce!

"Although it is preferred by some people to reduce smoking, it is meaningful to quit smoking completely, not to reduce it, and it reduces and eliminates the risks," said Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım, Internal Medicine Specialist at Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital, and concluded her words as follows:

"During cessation due to the fact that nicotine in cigarettes is a psychoactive substance; increased appetite and weight gain, depressive mood, insomnia, irritability, intolerance, anxiety, difficulty in concentration, inability to rest, etc. deprivation may occur.

Dietitian and psychological counseling support may be required

When people want to quit smoking, they should be encouraged to do so and should be informed about the problems that may develop with nicotine withdrawal and should receive dietician and psychological counseling support when necessary. In this way, the risk of starting smoking again can be reduced and eliminated under the control of experts."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 February 2019
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