Simple movements to avoid injury

Simple movements to avoid injury

Content Summary

Çocuklarda ve yetişkinlerde sırt ve bel ağrılarında artış gözlemlenmiştir. Uzmanlar, bu ağrıları önlemek için ekranların göz hizasında konumlandırılmasını, hareketsizliğe ve kilo alımına bağlı kas kaybı ve eklem ağrılarını önlemek için ailece aktivite düzenlenmesini önermektedir. Ayakla ilgili rahatsızlıkları olan kişilerin ortopedik ve ortez ayakkabı arasındaki farkı dikkate almaları gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır. Ortopedik ayakkabılar, ayağı ve bileği desteklemek için tasarlanmış ayakkabılar olup, birçok kaliteli spor ayakkabısı bu özelliğe sahiptir. Özel üretim ortez ayakkabılar ise doktor tavsiyesiyle alınmalıdır. Çocuklarda artan obezite ve hareketsiz yaşam, kemik gelişimi bozuklukları ve kas-iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarına yol açmaktadır. Sağlıklı beslenme ve düzenli fiziksel aktivite, çocukların sağlıklı gelişimi ve güçlü kemik-kas yapısının oluşması için oldukça önemlidir. Ailece yürüyüşler, bisiklet turları gibi aktiviteler önerilmektedir.

The pandemic has increased the amount of time spent on TV and computers.

Especially in children, lower back and back pain have become more common. Stating that screens should be positioned at eye level to prevent these pains, experts recommend organizing family activities at home against muscle loss and joint pain due to inactivity and weight gain. Experts advise patients with foot-related discomfort to pay attention to the distinction between orthopedic and orthotic shoes.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan shared important information about preventive measures against orthopedic problems.

Inactivity caused significant problems

Stating that all children had to spend more time at home during the pandemic, Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan said, "The time everyone spends in front of the television and computer screen has increased. The opening of schools and education in virtual classrooms led to an increase in the time children spend in front of the screen daily. This situation has caused us to encounter more back and back pain in children. In addition, weight gain due to inactivity has increased musculoskeletal disorders."

Joint activities should be organized with children

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan said, "Especially in order to prevent back and back pain, the screens that children watch should be positioned at eye level and children should be made to sit upright and watch the screen" and continued his words as follows:

"In addition, since muscle loss, bone development disorders and joint pain may occur due to inactivity and weight gain, joint activities should be organized with children at home. With the support of social media videos, a different type of dance to be chosen jointly with the child can be done every day. In this way, enough movement will be done and fun will be had. Likewise, exercises to strengthen large muscle groups such as plates and exercises that focus more on flexibility such as yoga can be applied. The important thing here is to focus on simpler movements instead of complex movements in order to avoid injuries."

Orthopedic shoes are misunderstood

Stating that when it comes to orthopedic shoes, everyone thinks of shoes specially produced in a medical company, Soyarslan said:

"Actually, this statement is not exactly true. When we talk about orthopedic shoes, we are talking about shoes specially developed to support the foot and ankle structurally and mechanically. Most of the quality sneakers sold in the market have these features. People with simple problems in their feet can feel alleviation of their discomfort when they prefer this type of shoes. The shoes that are custom-made by medical companies are more commonly called orthotics. They are designed specifically for the problem in the person's foot and ankle. This type of specially manufactured shoes should be used with the advice of a doctor and should be purchased from experienced medical companies."

Attention to obesity in children!

Pointing out that obesity, which is the disease of our age, is now also seen in children due to industrial nutrition and inactivity, Soyarslan said, "Physical activity along with healthy nutrition supports healthy growth and development in children. A healthier body composition helps build stronger bones and muscles. It also improves the child's cardiovascular fitness. It increases balance, coordination and sportive skills in children who do enough physical activity."

No regular sports habits

Stating that childhood obesity is one of the most important health problems that threaten future generations, Dr. Mehmet Soyarslan said, "Although the most important reason for this is eating industrial prepared foods, the effect of sedentary life cannot be underestimated. Unfortunately, our culture does not practice regular sports. Therefore, parents who complain about their children's sedentary lives should first start with themselves. They can start with family nature walks on weekends. Family cycling trips can be planned. Although team sports are not recommended due to the pandemic, team sports such as football and basketball not only help your children's physical development but also contribute to their mental development and self-confidence."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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