Sacrificial meat should be consumed after resting for a day

Sacrificial meat should be consumed after resting for a day

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Kurban Bayramı'nda kurban etinin tüketimiyle ilgili uzman uyarıları şöyle: Kesimden hemen sonra tüketilmemeli, ilk 24 saatte meydana gelen rigor mortis nedeniyle sindirim sorunlarına yol açabilir. Et, en az 1 gün dinlendirildikten sonra tüketilmeli ve kahvaltıda tüketilmemelidir. Sığır eti birkaç gün soğuk ortamda bekletildikten sonra tüketilirse daha yumuşak olur. Kurban eti ızgara, fırın veya haşlama yöntemleriyle pişirilebilir, ancak yakılmamalıdır; çünkü yakılan et kanserojen madde oluşumuna neden olur. Et ile birlikte bol miktarda C vitamini içeren sebzeler tüketilmeli ve günlük kırmızı et tüketimi 90-120 gramı geçmemelidir. Kolesterolü yüksek kişilerin görünür yağlardan kaçınmaları önerilir. Etin saklanması için buzdolabında 3 güne, -4 derecede 7 güne, -32 derecede ise 3 aya kadar saklanabilir. Çözülme işlemi buzdolabında veya mikrodalgada yapılmalıdır. Bayramda şekerli tatlılar yerine sütlü tatlılar tercih edilmelidir.

Consume the sacrificial meat after resting for a day!

Experts warn as the Feast of Sacrifice approaches: "Sacrificial meat should not be consumed immediately after slaughter. A condition called rigor mortis (rigormortis) occurs in the first 24 hours. Hard-cooked meat causes digestive problems. For this reason, the sacrificial meat should be rested and consumed one day later."

Uskudar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Dr. Gizem Köse pointed out that wrong practices, especially in the consumption and storage of sacrificial meat before the upcoming Eid al-Adha, can lead to significant health problems.

Stating that it is a tradition to consume the slaughtered sacrificial meat immediately, Dr. Gizem Köse reminded that this habit brings digestive problems. Köse said the following:

"The sacrificial animal must have passed a veterinary control before being purchased. Meat from halal slaughter points will be the healthiest choice. Sacrificial meat should not be consumed immediately after slaughter. A condition called rigor mortis (rigormortis) occurs in the first 24 hours. This rigor makes protein digestion difficult. Therefore, the meat should be rested and consumed one day later. Otherwise, digestive problems and cooking difficulties may be encountered.

Some mistakes are made in the storage of meat. Bovine meat should be consumed after being kept in a cold environment for a few days. After being kept at 0 degrees for 7-10 days, bovine meats soften completely and the flavor and consistency of the meat is restored. Since you are short on time, it is useful to rest it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours."


Reminding another habit on the mornings of the Feast of Sacrifice, Dr. Gizem Köse stated that the consumption of sacrificial meat should be avoided especially at breakfast and gave the following advice:

"Eid mornings should start with a light breakfast including 2 glasses of warm water and cold-cut vegetables. Such a start will eliminate digestive problems and allow you to consume your meals in a balanced way. Sacrificial meat should not be consumed in the morning. Waiting meat is tastier, thicker and easier to chew. The cooking method applied to the meat directly affects the taste, appearance, consistency, smell and usefulness of the meat in the body. Undercooking reduces the quality and nutritional value of the meat. Grilling, baking or boiling are the most suitable methods for cooking sacrificial meat.

Red meat contains invisible saturated fat. The white fat layer on the outside is visible fat, it is useful to separate these fats with high cholesterol content. Especially people with cardiovascular disease, hypertension and high blood lipids should avoid visible fats in meat consumption. The daily consumption amount of red meat should be 90-120 g (3-4 meatballs)."


Stating that the barbecue cooking method is also frequently used during the holidays, Dr. Gizem Köse stated that the meat should not burn and listed her suggestions as follows:

"As a Turkish tradition, we love barbecue and we often use it as a cooking method during the Feast of Sacrifice. However, I would like to mention some points that the proximity of the meat to the fire causes both the formation of carcinogenic elements and the loss of vitamins such as A, B1, B12 and folic acid. Meat should be cooked about 15cm away from the fire. Otherwise, the protein on the outside of the meat will solidify due to the close fire and the protein will not be used in the body. It is also important to remember that burnt meat is carcinogenic. If the meat is overcooked, the carcinogenic effect can be reduced by consuming fresh and uncut green peppers containing plenty of vitamin C.


During the Feast of Sacrifice, vegetable consumption decreases due to meat consumption. However, in order to benefit from the protein and iron in the meat, vegetables or salads with greens should be consumed. Vitamin C is also helpful in iron absorption. Therefore, fill half of your plate with meat and half with vegetables or salad.

You should also be careful when choosing drinks. Herbal tea and mineral water should be preferred instead of fruit juice and acidic drinks. Water is an important element in the digestion of red meat. Water should be kept on the table where the sacrificial meat is served and if possible, a total of 2 glasses of water should be consumed before and during the meal."

Stating that eating habits change during the Feast of Sacrifice, Dr. Gizem Köse said, "When changes in diet are not careful, the risk of health problems such as indigestion, nausea, constipation, stomach pain, heart palpitations and high blood pressure increases. This is why it is even more important to eat little by little during these periods."

Stating that confectionery and dessert offerings also increase during the holidays, Köse said that it would be healthier to offer and consume milk desserts instead of dried fruit instead of sugar. He stated that with the hot weather, the effect of sherbet desserts on blood sugar will be faster, so plain ice cream should be preferred.


Stating that red meat has the risk of spoiling quickly because it is a protein-rich food, Dr. Gizem Köse emphasized that attention should be paid to storage conditions and said, "It should be stored in the refrigerator bag for maximum 3 days, in the freezer at -4 degrees for maximum 7 days, and in the deep freezer at -32 degrees for maximum 3 months. It will be the most appropriate condition to store the meat in small pieces, wrapped in bags and greaseproof paper and stored in the deep freezer. Thus, the thawing process will also take a short time, which will prevent the formation of bacteria. Thawing should not be done on the radiator, in the open or in hot water! Thawing in the refrigerator or microwave can be shown among the suitable options."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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