"Proper and Balanced" Nutrition Shield Against Coronavirus

"Proper and Balanced" Nutrition Shield Against Coronavirus

Content Summary

Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmek, koronavirüsle mücadelede önemlidir. Bu amaçla demir, çinko, omega-3, B12 vitamini, probiyotikler ve sirke tüketimine dikkat edilmelidir. Demir açısından zengin kırmızı et, yumurta, kuru meyve ve baklagiller; omega-3 açısından zengin uskumru, somon, sardalye; ceviz, badem ve yeşil yapraklı sebzeler bağışıklığı güçlendirir. Çinko et, karaciğer, yumurta ve deniz ürünlerinde bulunur. B12 vitamini ise et, süt, peynir, yumurta ve balıkta bulunur. Probiyotikler, yoğurt ve kefir gibi fermente süt ürünlerinde bulunur. Ev yapımı turşular da probiyotik özelliğe sahiptir. Ginseng, multivitamin takviyeleriyle birlikte bağışıklığı güçlendirir. Yeterli miktarda su içmek ve taze sıkılmış meyve-sebze suları tüketmek de önemlidir. Sarımsak, kefir, brokoli, zencefil, kekik, kırmızı biber, elma sirkesi ve bal doğal antibiyotik kaynaklarıdır. Düzensiz ve sağlıksız beslenme serbest radikallerin artmasına neden olur, bu nedenle işlenmiş gıdalardan kaçınılmalıdır. Antioksidanlar serbest radikallerle mücadelede etkilidir.

Keep meat, eggs, legumes, fish and green leafy vegetables on your table

Pointing out the importance of balanced and proper nutrition as well as the measures to be taken in the fight against coronavirus, experts advise to strengthen the immune system. Experts emphasize that the use of iron, zinc, Omega 3, B12, probiotics and vinegar should not be neglected to strengthen the immune system. According to experts, red meat, eggs, dried fruits and legumes containing iron, as well as mackerel, salmon, sardines containing Omega 3, walnuts, almonds and green leafy vegetables strengthen the immune system.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü said that strengthening the immune system is important in the fight against coronavirus.

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü gave the following information about vitamins, minerals and supplements that strengthen the immune system:

Iron: Deficiency weakens the immune system and increases susceptibility to infections. Vitamin C should be taken with red meat, eggs, dried fruits, legumes and green vegetables. Vitamin C helps increase iron absorption in our body.

Zinc: It has an important role in immunity. Meat, liver, eggs and seafood are the best sources of zinc.

Omega 3: It provides protection against diseases by strengthening the immune system. It is found in fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines), walnuts, almonds, soy sprouts, dark and green leafy vegetables, flaxseed, purslane. It should be taken up to 150 grams 2-3 times a week.

B12: It is involved in the production of blood cells in the immune system, nervous system and bone marrow. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal foods such as meat, milk, cheese, eggs and fish./p>

Probiotics: Milk and dairy products with high biological value and foods containing probiotics and prebiotics facilitate digestion and strengthen the immune system. Friendly bacteria that strengthen the immune system are called probiotics. Kefir is a probiotic food and also increases the absorption of B vitamins.

Make your own pickles

Homemade pickles have probiotic properties and do not leave us alone in strengthening our immune system. While the salt content of a ready-made pickle bought from outside may be high, it may pose a risk especially for blood pressure and kidney patients, it is useful to make your own pickles to eliminate this risk.

Another herb I would recommend using is ginseng. Since it is not possible to find ginseng as a plant, we can use it in the form of nutritional supplements as preparations supported with multi vitamins. Scientific research shows that ginseng has positive physical and cognitive effects. It strengthens immunity and increases concentration.

Vitamin C: prevents you from getting sick by keeping your immune system strong. Rosehip, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers, parsley, onions, berries, zucchini, broccoli and green salads are foods that will provide you with vitamin C.

Do not neglect 8 glasses of water

In addition, in order to accelerate toxin elimination and revitalize our body, it would be very correct to increase the consumption of some freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, while not neglecting the daily consumption of 8 glasses of water.

Vinegar: The positive health effects observed due to its consumption date back to about 10 thousand years ago. For the first time, Hippocrates, who is attributed as the founder of medicine, stated that vinegar could be beneficial for health. Since ancient times, vinegar has been used as an antiseptic to heal wounds and fight infections. It can also be used as a vegetable and fruit disinfectant and you can even add a few drops of vinegar to your water and drink it.

Tarhana: We know that tarhana is the indispensable soup of Turkish culture, the first word we say when we are sick is let me make you a hot tarhana and you will be fine. In addition to its vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content, it also has high nutritional properties.

Sleep / melatonin: Its production and release starts with darkness and ends with light. Prolonged light period or sudden exposure to light stops melatonin production. For this reason, melatonin has also been given the symbolic name "the biochemical descriptor of darkness". In humans, melatonin release begins just after dark (20:00-23:00), reaches peak levels in the middle of the night (02:00-04:00) and ends in the morning (07:00-09:00).

Black cumin: There is evidence that the extract is not toxic to healthy cells, but has a positive effect. Seed sap and seed oil have been reported to have antiviral and antimicrobial effects. There are studies suggesting that daily oral use of 30 mg/kg of black cumin seed has immune system strengthening effects.

Natural Antibiotics: Garlic, kefir, broccoli, ginger, thyme, red pepper, apple cider vinegar and honey.

Garlic: In addition to being used as a flavoring for food, it is also used to treat many diseases.

Kefir:It is very important in increasing body resistance when consumed regularly.

Ginger:The health benefits of ginger, a plant of Asian origin, have been known since ancient times and is a source of high vitamins and nutrients.

Thyme: It is used as a cramp reliever, disinfectant and expectorant. Lungs and bronchi are the main areas of use.

Honey: It has been used in medical treatment for years and is used as a natural medicine with its vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It strengthens the immune system by showing antimicrobial properties not only against bacteria but also against viruses, fungi and parasites. It provides rapid healing of wounds. Honey taken orally strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin C: In addition to its antiviral and antibacterial effect, it increases and strengthens immunity. Citrus fruits, green pepper, parsley, cherry, melon are important sources.

Irregular and unhealthy diet causes free radicals

Nutrition and diet specialist Özden Örkçü emphasized that free radicals cause damage to the DNA structure when they proliferate in cells and tissues and said:

"Free radicals also increase due to smoking, air pollution and radiation. In case of an increase, health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases and arthritis occur. The antioxidants we take with food fight against free radicals in the body. Adequate amounts of antioxidants should be consumed to prevent and minimize the negative effects of free radicals. Another factor that can cause the formation of free radicals is irregular and unhealthy nutrition. In particular, products whose ingredients we do not know, instant soups, refined foods (industrial type cakes, pastries, cakes, biscuits, products that are not cooked well, products with burnt and charcoal black appearance should be avoided."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At26 March 2020
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