Probiotic miracle in the treatment of diseases!

Probiotic miracle in the treatment of diseases!

Content Summary

Probiyotikler, vücut için fayda sağlayan mikroorganizmalar olarak tanımlanır ve bağışıklık sistemi zayıflığından diyabet, kilo kaybı, diş sağlığı, idrar yolu enfeksiyonları ve tansiyon düzenlemesine kadar birçok hastalığın tedavisinde rol oynarlar. Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi İç Hastalıkları Uzmanı Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım'ın belirttiği gibi, probiyotik açısından zengin yiyecekler arasında; keçi, koyun veya A2 ineğinden elde edilen, otla beslenen hayvanlardan gelen ve organik olan yoğurt, 3000 yıldır tüketilen kefir, lahana turşusu (sauerkraut), çiğ inek, keçi ve koyun sütü, A2 peynirleri, kimchi, natto, kvas ve kombu çayı bulunur. Probiyotiklerin sindirim sağlığı, antibiyotik direncinin azaltılması, bağışıklık sisteminin güçlendirilmesi, iltihaplanmanın azaltılması, sağlıklı cilt, gıda alerjilerine karşı koruma, bebeklerde ciddi hastalıkların tedavisi, tansiyonun düşürülmesi, diyabetin tedavisi, alkolsüz yağlı karaciğer hastalığının tedavisi, kanserle mücadele, diş sağlığı, idrar yolu enfeksiyonları, romatoid artrit, böbrek taşları ve kilo kaybı gibi sayısız faydası vardır. Bağırsak-beyin bağlantısının önemi nedeniyle, probiyotiklerin ruhsal hastalıkların tedavisinde de potansiyel rolü araştırılmaktadır. Ancak bağışıklık sistemi zayıf olan kişilerin probiyotik kullanımı konusunda mutlaka doktora danışmaları gerekir. Probiyotik tüketimi için doğal kaynaklar tercih edilmeli veya güvenilir markaların ürünlerine başvurulmalıdır. Elma sirkesi ve fermente sebzeler de probiyotiklerin fonksiyonunu destekler. Yüksek lifli besinler de probiyotik artışını destekler.

Probiotics, defined as "micro organisms that provide benefits for the body", act as an aid in the treatment of many diseases. Probiotics, which play a role in the treatment of many diseases from weak immune system to diabetes; weight loss, dental health; urinary tract infections, regulation of blood pressure, are expected to help in the treatment of mental illnesses.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım gave important information about probiotics.

"The word "probiotic", which is formed by the combination of the Greek / Latin word 'pro', that is, 'for' and the Greek word 'biotikos', that is, 'alive', means "for life, alive". Probiotics can be defined as 'micro organisms that provide benefits for the body'," said Uzm. Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım said, "The most popular probiotic food is made from live cultured yogurt or cow, goat or sheep milk" and made the following evaluations about foods containing probiotics:

Watch out for these 3 things when buying yogurt!

"In many cases, yogurt can be the pinnacle of probiotic foods if it comes from raw, raw-fed animals. The problem is that there is a huge variation in the quality of yogurts on the market. Look for 3 things when buying yogurt: Firstly, it must be made from goat's milk, sheep's milk or A2 cow's milk, secondly, it must come from grass-fed animals and thirdly, it must be organic.

3 thousand years old probiotic source: Kefir

Kefir has been consumed for more than 3 thousand years. The term 'kefir' started in Russia and Turkey and meant 'to feel good'. It has a slightly acidic and sour taste and contains 10 to 34 strains of probiotics. Kefir is similar to yogurt, but because it is fermented with yeast and more bacteria, it is richer in probiotics.

Don't just say "sauerkraut"!

Sauerkraut is a good source of natural lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus. It is made from fermented cabbage and other vegetables and is high in organic acids (sour-tasting foods) that support the growth of good bacteria. Sauerkraut is also high in vitamin C and digestive enzymes.

Use high quality raw dairy products!

Raw cow, goat and sheep milk and A2 cheeses are rich in probiotics. Not all pasteurized milk contains healthy bacteria, so only high-quality raw dairy products should be used to get probiotics. In addition, a type of pickle called Kimchi found in Far Eastern flora and culture, the Japanese dish Natto, macrobiotic Kvass, Kombu tea are among the foods containing probiotics."

The benefits of probiotics are countless!

Uzm. Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım listed the benefits of probiotics, whose potential to cure mental illnesses has been researched, as follows: "Digestive health, reduction in antibiotic resistance, strengthening of the immune system & reduction of inflammation, healthy skin, protection from food allergies, treatment of serious diseases in infants, lowering blood pressure, treatment of diabetes, treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, anti-cancer, dental health, urinary tract infections, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney stones, weight loss."

Those with weak immune systems, beware!

"A doctor should be consulted for patient groups with weakened immune systems and for the selection of special strains," said Uzm. Dr. Yıldırım warned, "After the patient has undergone the necessary evaluation, the appropriate choice for the person should be made by the doctor after the examination."

The relationship between the gut and the brain opens the door to new treatment methods

"Considering the gut as the 'second brain' has been an important research point as scientists have discovered the importance of the gut-brain connection," Yıldırım said,

"A 2015 study highlighted the complex interactions between the gut and the brain. Various gut-brain interactions underlie many disorders in which inflammation plays a role, such as mood disorders, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder, multiple sclerosis and obesity. Researchers continue to work under the definition of "psiobiotics" (probiotics that affect brain function) to address the development of these conditions. Although it has not yet been done on humans, studies on animals suggest that probiotics will contribute to reducing anxiety disorders thanks to their damage-reducing effect."

How should probiotics be consumed?

Uzm. Dr. Yıldırım said, "It would be more correct to prefer natural probiotics in general. Or probiotic strain producers of trusted brands should be preferred. Products with detailed prospectus information should be requested" and concluded his words as follows:

"Sour foods such as apple cider vinegar and fermented vegetables also contain healthy acids that support the function of probiotics and in some cases function as probiotics. You can add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You can consume 1 cup of kefir 2 times a day. Getting good, high quality fiber in your diet can actually cause probiotics to increase in your body. Some of the highest fiber foods are chia seeds and flax seeds. Other great additions to a healthy high-fiber diet include organic fruits, vegetables and sweet potatoes."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At11 October 2018
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