Prevent tennis injuries by stretching!

Prevent tennis injuries by stretching!

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Tenis, popüler bir spor olmasına rağmen ortopedik yaralanma riski taşır. Uzmanlar, omuz yaralanmaları, tenisçi dirseği ve bilek burkulmaları gibi birçok yaralanmanın meydana gelebileceğini belirterek tenis oynamadan önce germe egzersizlerinin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Sert tenis kortlarının da yaralanma riskini artırdığı belirtilmektedir. En sık görülen yaralanmalar arasında dirsek (tenisçi dirseği), omuz, stres kırıkları, ayak bileği burkulmaları ve bağ yaralanmaları, kas gerginlikleri ve yaralanmaları yer almaktadır. Bu yaralanmaların yaklaşık 2/3'ü aşırı kullanım kaynaklı iken, 1/3'ü ani gelişen travmatik yaralanmalardır. Sert kortlar kemiklere daha fazla yük bindirirken, toprak veya çim kortlar daha az stres oluşturur. Ancak yumuşak kortlarda kayma hareketleri diz ve ayak bileği bağlarında burkulmalara neden olabilir. Stres kırıklarını önlemek için yoğun ön oyun ısınması ve germe ile uygun güçlendirme ve dayanıklılık programı uygulamak önemlidir. Ayak bileği burkulmalarını önlemek için ise destekleyici ayakkabılar giymek, şüpheli yüzeylerden kaçınmak ve egzersiz öncesi ve sonrasında ısınmak ve soğumak faydalıdır. Tenisçi dirseği, tenisçilerde sık görülen bir durumdur ve tekrarlayan mikro travmalara bağlıdır. Omuz yaralanmaları ise özellikle servis atışlarında aşırı zorlanmaya maruz kalır. Tenis oyuncularının üçte birinden fazlası kronik sırt ağrısından muzdariptir. Önleyici tedbirler arasında uygun ısınma, germe, dinlenme ve alternatif düşük etkili aktiviteler yer almaktadır.

Tennis, one of the popular sports, carries a risk in terms of orthopedic injuries. Stating that many injuries such as shoulder injuries, tennis elbow and wrist sprains can occur, experts emphasize the importance of stretching exercises in tennis. According to experts, hard tennis courts also increase the risk of injury.


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora gave important information about tennis injuries.

Tennis injuries lead to job loss

Pointing out that injuries, most of which are specific to tennis, can result in job loss and disability, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora said that tennis-related injuries can be prevented by identifying risk factors.

Elbow and shoulder injuries occur most frequently

"Approximately 2/3 of tennis injuries are caused by overuse injuries. 1/3 of the injuries are traumatic injuries and develop suddenly. Regionally, elbow problems (tennis elbow), shoulder injuries, stress fractures (small fractures that occur in special areas in excessive repetitive compulsive accumulative movements), ankle sprains and ligament injuries, muscle strains and injuries are the most common injuries."

Hard ground warning!

Stating that hard tennis courts are effective in injury, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora said, "Hard tennis courts create more stress on the body when they are asphalt or waxed concrete. Every stroke movement on hard courts carries a risk in the formation of stress fractures."

Stretching movements are important

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora said, "Clay or grass courts create less stress on the bones because they are softer. On the other hand, more sliding motion on soft courts can lead to injuries, especially knee and ankle ligaments, known as sprains. In a study, it was found that the frequency of injuries in elite tennis players receiving treatment was approximately 2.5-3 times higher on hard or clay courts than on grass. Flexibility-oriented studies in training programs can be effective in preventing this type of strain."


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora gave the following information about the injuries that occur in tennis:

"Stress fractures: Stress fractures should be understood as small cracks in the bone. Pain and swelling are replaced by chronic pain over time. The fact that the court ground is hard like asphalt puts excessive load on the bones of the lower limbs, especially the foot. Stress fractures are less common on clay or grass courts. The most important way to prevent stress fractures is to apply an appropriate strengthening and endurance program with intensive pre-game warm-up and stretching. In addition, taking short rest breaks during intense training can be preventive.

Ankle sprains and ligament injuries: Ankle sprains can occur on any surface. This is because tennis is a sport that requires multi-directional movements. Often sudden runs and jumps lead to a false landing and an ankle sprain. It should be kept in mind that clay courts are more risky for ankle sprains. Most sprains heal with rest, immobilization, ice and sometimes pain medication. Wearing ankle-supportive shoes, avoiding suspicious surfaces and warming up and cooling down before and after activity are useful precautions.

Tennis elbow The athlete's grip and grasp of the racket are the most important movements that initiate the striking mechanisms, especially in tennis. During sports, the elbow joint is exposed to cumulative repetitive-micro traumas. It can be described as local inflammation at the site of adhesion of the muscle tissue that lifts our wrist upwards to the outer protrusion of our elbow joint above. Studies have shown that tennis elbow develops mostly in recreational athletes. Although the level of evidence is not high, there are studies that report that the non-dominant side absorbs (absorbs) the forceful forces and reduces the risk of tennis elbow in those who use backhand with both hands.


Shoulder injuries: In tennis players, as in all sports where the ball is overhead, especially the shoulder joint and surrounding tissues are overloaded. The shoulder and elbow joints are exposed to excessive strain in every overhead movement, especially in serving. The athlete should know how to use the kinetic chain effectively, especially in serving, overhead dunking and long strokes. Priority in treatment should be given to strengthening the inward rotation, the rotator muscles in the back and the scapular muscles.

Hip - knee injuries: Injuries around the hip are reported with a frequency of up to 25%, especially in elite athletes. Hip injuries cause impingement and groin pain due to asymmetrical growth of the groin muscles.

Tennis elbow It is a phenomenon similar to tennis elbow. It refers to chronic strain on the inner side of the gastrocnemius muscle, known as the biceps muscle. It occurs in 1/6 of athletes during tennis-related activities.

Back and lower back problems: More than 1/3 of tennis players suffer from chronic back pain. Long and vigorous serves lead to back pain. Athletes may also suffer from slipped back."

Pay attention to these warnings before the game!

Stating that warm-up and stretching exercises should be done before the game, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora said, "Resting during breaks will prevent excessive strain during training. Another way to prevent stress fractures is to turn to alternative low-impact activities such as swimming or cycling."
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora listed his other recommendations as follows: "As a result, tennis, a popular sport, is prone to injuries in the upper and lower limbs. While injuries on the upper side are chronic, acute injuries on the lower side are at the forefront. Court surface characteristics, the vibration effect created by the racket characteristics and the racket grip position, warm-up and cool-down habits before and after training, and the correct placement of the overhead serving style, especially in the beginning period, are effective measures to prevent injuries."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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