Plenty of heart-healthy walnuts

Plenty of heart-healthy walnuts

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Unhealthy diet and sedentary life trigger cardiovascular diseases. Emphasizing that processed foods such as butter, suet, margarine, sausage, salami, sausage, bakery products containing sugar, white bread and many other foods should be avoided, Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkcü draws attention to the importance of walnuts on cardiovascular health.


Every year, April 8-14 is celebrated as "Heart Health Week" to raise awareness about cardiovascular health. Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkcü made important evaluations about foods that affect heart health.

Walnuts lower cholesterol levels

"Monounsaturated fats make up approximately 'of the fats found in walnuts. Many studies have shown that consumption of walnuts, which are rich in this type of fat, leads to a reduction in high cholesterol levels and other cardiovascular risk factors," says Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkcü,

"One study investigated the effect of walnuts on the 35% energy portion of a Mediterranean diet used to lower cholesterol and found that people who consumed the walnut-containing diet (49 people) had lower levels of LDL (low-density proteins carried in the blood: They transport cholesterol) and Lp(a) (lipoprotein a: similar in structure to LDL and carries an abnormal protein) levels. The amount of Lp(a) increases the rate of blood clotting and creates a risk for blockage of blood vessels."

Prevents irregular heartbeat

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkcü said, "Walnuts also help to prevent irregular heartbeats thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, to produce blood type with less clotting properties in the vessels (blood clotting is effective in many types of heart attacks) and to increase the ratio of good HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol compared to bad LDL cholesterol." and continued his words as follows:

"Walnuts contain a significant amount of L arginine, a type of essential amino acid associated with high blood pressure. Especially in the body's overworked blood vessels, this amino acid is converted into nitric oxide, and nitric oxide helps the inside of the blood vessels to be smooth and smooth, relaxing the blood vascular system. Because people with high blood pressure are unable to maintain normal levels of nitric oxide, they also face significant health problems such as diabetes and heart problems. Studies have shown that the cardiovascular benefits of walnuts are even greater.

Natural source of melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain gland. This hormone is involved in a mechanism that controls sleep and is also a powerful antioxidant. Walnuts contain the ready-to-use form of melatonin for the human body. Melatonin can eliminate sleep disturbances in people who work at night and suffer from sleep disorders due to time difference. The production of this hormone decreases as the body ages, and this decrease may cause not only sleep disorders but also an increase in free radical-related diseases, possibly caused by antioxidant deficiency. It has been suggested that walnuts may reduce the risk of cancer due to their antioxidant properties, and may delay or reduce the development of cardiovascular and nervous system damaging diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Walnuts are a richer source of omega-3 fats."

Who is in the risk group?

Özden Örkcü gave the following information about individuals in the risk group:

- "Very high-risk individuals: Those diagnosed with heart disease and have one or more of the following risk factors; diabetes, smoking, dyslipidemia (triglycerides 200 mg/dl and above, HDL below 40 mg/dl)


-High-risk individuals: Those diagnosed with heart disease, with a 10-year risk of having a heart attack of more than 20%, and with 1 or more of the other risk factors,

Medium-risk individuals: People with a 10-year risk of having a heart attack of less than , who have 2 or more of the risk factors for heart disease,

-Low-risk individuals: Individuals with no or only one risk factor."

Which foods should be consumed?

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkcü listed the foods that should be consumed and avoided for heart health as follows:

- "Fat group

The best choice: Olive oil, canola oil, olives

Good Choice Trans fat-free soft margarine, special margarine with reduced energy value and added vegetable sterols, hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, oil seed kernels.

Medium Choice: Peanut butter (unsweetened), mayonnaise, soy sauce, other salad dressings.

What to avoid: Butter, suet, margarine, sweetened nuts, peanut butter.

-Meat, chicken, fish, legumes

The best choice: All kinds of fish and other seafood,

Skinless white meat of chicken turkey and other poultry

Legume dishes with olive oil

Good choice Black meat of chicken, turkey and other poultry

Medium selection: Legume dishes with meat.

What to avoid: Products made from meat (sausage, salami, sausages, roasts, etc.), fatty mutton and beef.

Fried meats.

Chicken and other poultry skin.

-Grain group

Good choice Bran bread, whole wheat bread, rye bread, oat bread.

Bulgur pilaf, legume-legume-bulgur-vegetable mix with olive oil


Popcorn, freshly boiled corn

Medium selection: Dishes such as pasta, spaghetti, ravioli with olive oil, vegetable oil or lentil sauce.

What to avoid: Any baked goods containing fat and sugar, biscuits, crackers, white bread.

-Milk group

Good choice Skimmed or reduced-fat (light) milk, yogurt

Cottage cheese, curd and other cheeses made from skimmed milk.

Ice cream made from skimmed or low-fat milk

Milk desserts made from skimmed or low-fat milk

What to avoid Whole milk-yogurt

Fatty cheeses

Ice creams made from cream

Desserts puddings with added chocolate

-Fruit group

Best choice: oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, cherries, strawberries, kiwi

-Vegetable group

Best choice: Greens (lettuce, cress, arugula, parsley, etc.)

Types of cabbage, leeks, cauliflower, tomatoes, broccoli

Good choice: All fresh vegetables except potatoes

-Sweet group

Medium selection: molasses, honey, jam, marmalade

Vegetable and fruit desserts

What to avoid: Chocolate and heavy desserts with added butter."

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At16 April 2019
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