Overcoming obstacles with sensory integration therapy!

Overcoming obstacles with sensory integration therapy!

Content Summary

Uskudar Üniversitesi NP Etiler Tıp Merkezi'nden Mesleki Terapi Uzmanı Şahram Mohseni, Down sendromu, otizm ve serebral palsi gibi özel durumdaki bireylere uygulanan rehabilitasyon faaliyetleri hakkında bilgi vermektedir. Oyun tabanlı terapilerle bu bireylerin günlük hayata adaptasyonunun kolaylaştığı ve yaşam kalitelerinin arttığı vurgulanmaktadır. Terapiler, duyusal, psikolojik ve fiziksel ihtiyaçlara duyarlılık kazandırmayı hedeflerken, bireylerin topluma entegrasyonunu ve bağımsız bireyler olmalarını amaçlamaktadır. Terapiler, görme, dokunma ve hissetme gibi duyuları aktive ederek öğrenme yeteneğini ve beyin gelişimini destekler. Oyunlar, sosyalleşme, öz bakım becerileri ve konuşma terapileri de içeren bireyselleştirilmiş yöntemlerle uygulanır. Ailelerin, terapinin etkililiği için bilgilendirilmesi ve sürece dahil edilmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır.

Occupational Therapy, which is applied in areas such as social skills, behavior and language development for children with special conditions such as Down Syndrome and Autism, facilitates the adaptation of people to daily life.

Uskudar University NP Etiler Medical Center Occupational Therapy Specialist Shahram Mohseni, who provides information about the rehabilitation activities applied to individuals with special conditions such as Autism, Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy, emphasizes that the adaptation of these people to daily life becomes easier with the therapies applied with the game method and accordingly, their quality of life increases.

Stating that they help the sensory, psychological and physical needs of the child to become more sensitive with the therapy methods applied in the Sensory Integration Center, Shahram Mohseni draws attention to the fact that they aim to integrate the individual into the society and become independent individuals.

Occupational Therapy Specialist Shahram Mohseni states that children with special needs and physical and mental disabilities due to Down Syndrome, Autism and Cerebral Palsy are offered solutions in the occupational therapy and sensory integration center.

They prepare for life by playing games!

Stating that they communicate with children through play, Shahram Mohseni; "Play is the most important tool in the development of the child. We apply different game methods in occupational therapy. In addition, their brain development is supported with artistic activities. Families also have great duties in this whole process. In order for the therapies applied to children to be effective, it is of great importance for families to be knowledgeable. Therefore, we strongly recommend that families are involved in the entire therapy process. For example, in a situation such as autism, it is important for the family to have information about what to do after therapy and how to approach the child in situations encountered in terms of support for the therapy process."

Mental balance is ensured along with physical development

Shahram Mohseni stated that in occupational therapy, they ensure that the senses such as sight, touch and feeling are activated and that these senses work in harmony; "With this start, learning ability and brain development are prepared. On the other hand, studies are carried out on children's learning to play games, socialization and self-care skills with individualized methods. Speech therapies are applied. Activities that improve hand and foot movements such as climbing stairs, balanced walking and hugging are carried out. Movement control is taught. Together with games, children's physical development and mental balance are ensured."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 December 2020
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