Occupational therapy is important in treatment planning

Occupational therapy is important in treatment planning

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Mesleki terapi, bireylerin öz bakım, üretkenlik ve boş zaman aktivitelerine bağımsız katılımını sağlayan bir sağlık alanıdır. Felç, serebral hemoraji, koma ve yoğun bakım sonrası tedavi gören bireylerin tedavi planlamasında çok önemlidir. Terapi, hasarlı duyusal ve motor becerileri, görsel algıyı, dengeyi, koordinasyonu ve kas gücünü iyileştirerek bağımsızlığı destekler. Bireyin günlük yaşam aktivitelerine katılımını artırarak, rol performansını ve aktivite kimliğini geliştirir, sosyal katılımı ve yaşam kalitesini yükseltir. Uygulamalar, nörolojik rehabilitasyonun yanı sıra psikiyatrik, pediatrik, geriyatrik, mesleki, onkolojik, topluluk tabanlı ve el rehabilitasyonu, LGBT bireyler, mülteciler ve yardımcı teknoloji gibi alanlarda da kullanılabilir. Kapsamlı bir analizle bireyin çevre ve aktivite uyumuna dair sınırlamalar belirlenir ve günlük yaşamda zorluk çektiği aktiviteler için yeni stratejiler geliştirilir. Gerektiğinde yardımcı cihazların seçimi ve kullanımı konusunda eğitim verilir ve duyusal entegrasyon yaklaşımıyla beyni destekleyici çalışmalar yapılır. Ayrıca bilişsel işlevleri iyileştirmek için aktivite planları oluşturulur, motor beceriler, kavrama, denge ve koordinasyon eğitimleri sağlanır ve bireyin bağımsızlığını sağlamak için çevresi ve bakım veren kişileri de kapsayan eğitimler verilir.

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Occupational Therapy Specialist Cahit Burak Çebi made explanations about who occupational therapy and sensory integration are applied to, in which disorders and how it works.

Occupational therapy applications help individuals to improve their damaged sensory and motor skills, visual perception, balance, coordination and muscle strength. Stating that the regaining of individual skills is supported during the treatment, experts say that participation in daily life activities and quality of life are increased. Experts draw attention to the importance of occupational therapy applications in the treatment planning of individuals receiving treatment after stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, coma and intensive care.
Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Occupational Therapy Specialist Cahit Burak Çebi made explanations about who occupational therapy and sensory integration are applied to, in which disorders and how they affect.

Occupational therapy is important in treatment planning

Occupational Therapy Specialist Cahit Burak Çebi defined occupational therapy as "a health field that enables the individual to participate in many daily life activities such as self-care, productivity and leisure time independently" and continued his words as follows:

"Occupational therapy practices are very important in the treatment planning of individuals receiving treatment after stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, coma and intensive care. The main focus of occupational therapy in these disease groups is the activity identity and performance of the person. Independent participation in activities, activity performance and positive activity identity are the main points that need to be gained to the individual for health and well-being."

Aiming to regain skills

Stating that individuals in this disease group may experience problems in the balance of participation in activity, Çebi said, "At this point, occupational therapy practices support the regaining of the individual's skills and provide a positive activity identity by enabling participation in daily life activities. During the applications, the development of role performance and activity identity through meaningful and purposeful activities, increasing social participation and quality of life form the basis of the contributions and benefits provided to the individual."

Balance, coordination and muscle strength are improved

Drawing attention to the importance of occupational therapy in disease groups that require a multidisciplinary approach, Çebi said, "The occupational therapist supports the individual's participation in daily life activities independently by helping the individual to improve damaged sensory and motor skills, visual perception, balance, coordination and muscle strength. When the individual reaches maximum independence in areas where he/she has problems in daily life, he/she gains a positive activity identity and his/her quality of life is increased."

Can be used in many areas

Stating that occupational therapy can be applied in all age groups, Occupational Therapy Specialist Cahit Burak Çebi said, "Occupational therapy provides a significant impact in many application areas. In addition to neurological rehabilitation for the disease groups we mentioned, occupational therapy applications can be used in many areas such as psychiatric, pediatric, geriatric, occupational, oncological, community-based and hand rehabilitation, as well as LGBT individuals, refugees and assistive technology."

Comprehensive analysis is carried out

Stating that many approaches and methods are used in occupational therapy for the needs of the individual, taking into account the individual, his environment and activities, Çebi said, "In order to ensure maximum independence, especially in the disease groups we have mentioned, a comprehensive analysis is carried out by occupational therapists in order to reveal the individual's environmental and activity adaptation and activity participation limitations. After the evaluation, new strategies are developed for the activities that the individual has difficulty in daily life. Environmental arrangements are made for the needs in the areas where the individual spends the most time such as home, work and school. As well as focusing only on the activities that the individual has done in the past, new hobbies and new skills can also be gained by acquiring new hobbies and jobs."

Developmental trainings are provided to the individual

Occupational Therapy Specialist Cahit Burak Çebi said, "If the individual uses assistive devices such as wheelchairs and crutches, the occupational therapist can help by providing training in the selection and use of appropriate assistive devices" and concluded his words as follows:

"In sensory sensation losses, sensory stimuli are provided with a sensory integration approach and the individual is offered brain-supportive work and activities. Occupational therapists create activity plans that support cognitive rehabilitation to improve the cognitive functions of the individual. Thus, attention, perception, memory, orientation and managerial functions are improved, enabling the person to participate in society in a more independent and unrestricted way. Occupational therapists provide various supportive trainings such as motor skills training, grip training, trainings to improve balance and coordination skills, activity adaptation. At the same time, in order to ensure the independence of the individual, trainings are provided for his/her environment and the people who care for him/her."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At05 January 2021
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