NP Health Group from Past to Present

NP Health Group from Past to Present

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NP Grubu, 1998'de toplumun ruh sağlığı düzeyini yükseltmeyi, ruh sağlığı sorunlarına çözüm üretmeyi ve modern bilimin öngördüğü yöntem ve koşulları sağlayarak hem yatarak hem de ayakta sağlık hizmeti vermeyi amaçlayarak kuruldu. 20 yıllık süreçte, sürekli gelişen tıp teknolojisine erişimi hastalar ve doktorlar için artırarak yatırımlarını artırdılar. 2006 yılında Türkiye'nin ilk özel nöropsikiyatri yatarak tedavi hastanesi olan NPISTANBUL Nöropsikiyatri Hastanesi'ni açtılar. Yıllar içinde EEG, beyin haritalama, manyetik uyarım tedavisi (MST), fonksiyonel ve volumetrik MR görüntüleme, klinik farmakogenetik laboratuvarı gibi teknolojileri ve hizmetleri hayata geçirdiler. 2014'te Türkiye'nin ilk JCI akredite özel psikiyatri hastanesi oldular ve AMATEM lisansı aldılar. 2017'de NPISTANBUL Hastanesi yeni binasında tam donanımlı bir ameliyathanesi, yoğun bakım ünitesi ve dahiliye, nöroşirürji, genel cerrahi, pediatri, KBB gibi uzmanlık alanlarıyla hizmet vermeye başladı. 2018'de ise JCI akreditasyonunu üçüncü kez aldı. Üsküdar Üniversitesi ile işbirliği içinde akademik alanda da çalışmalarını sürdürüyorlar.

NPISTANBUL Hospital Touchstones:

As NP Group, we set out in 1998 with the aim of raising the mental health level of the society, contributing to the solution of problems related to mental health, providing inpatient and outpatient health services and providing the methods and conditions envisaged by modern science while providing this service. Over the past 20 years, we have increased our investments to make the ever-changing and developing medical technology available to our patients and physicians. We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that our patients can always benefit from the latest technology available in their treatment.

Today, in 2017, we act with the same vision in our new building, NPISTANBUL Hospital.

Our milestones that prepared us for these days are as follows:

1998: We started working with standard EEG with the addition of brain mapping features and Neurobiofeedback computerized clinical tests and computerized training modules to diagnosis and treatment programs.

1999: We inaugurated the Turkish Branch of Memory Centers of America on May 25, 1999 on Bagdat Street in Istanbul with the participation of our 9th President, the late Süleyman Demirel. This Center, which performed the first "Brain Check Up" and "Magnetic Stimulation Therapy"(MST) in Turkey, continues to serve under the name of NP Feneryolu Medical Center within Üsküdar University by offering new treatment methods in psychiatry effectively with its expert staff.

2000: On October 3, 2000, we opened the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit of Memory Centers of America. We pioneered new approaches such as "treatment by measuring brain functions" and "thought-oriented medicine" in Turkey. We continued to bring the multidisciplinary approach from diagnosis to treatment to Turkey by bringing together Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychology.

2003: In February, we opened our 5-storey center in Feneryolu as Adult Neurology and Psychiatry and the pavilion behind it as Child Adolescent Psychiatry.

2006: On November 07, 2006, in order to meet the need for an inpatient institution, we opened NPISTANBUL Neuropsychiatric Hospital with the presence of Mr. Bülent Arınç, the 22nd President of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, and put into service Turkey's first private inpatient hospital in the field of neuropsychiatry.

2006: With the opening of our hospital, we started to use Functional and Volumetric MR imaging techniques.

2009: In June 2009, we launched Turkey's first Clinical Pharmacogenetics Laboratory in Neuropsychiatry. On August 10, 2009, we started to provide services in the fields of Child and Adolescent Psychology, Adult Sleep Disorders Unit, Neurology and Internal Medicine with our NPISTANBUL Etiler Medical Center.

2011: On March 03, 2011, we officially founded Üsküdar University. As of October 2011, our medical centers continue to serve as "NPSUAM Neuropsychiatry Health, Practice and Research Center" within Üsküdar University under the names of NP Feneryolu Medical Center and NP Etiler Medical Center.

2014: NPISTANBUL Neuropsychiatric Hospital became the first JCI-accredited private psychiatric hospital in Turkey to receive an AMATEM license from the Ministry of Health in December 2014 with its quality in treatment, service and safety. In this way, the hospital was also authorized and licensed to prescribe special medications for addiction patients, which can only be prescribed by doctors working in state hospitals.

2016: In December 2016, a pediatric occupational therapy unit was added to NP Etiler Medical Center.

2017: In January 2017, the Speech and Language Disorders, Otorhinolaryngology and Audiology clinics in Altunizade moved to the NP Feneryolu Medical Center Kalamış building, the current building continues to serve as Üsküdar University South campus.

2017: In January 2017, NP Feneryolu Medical Center started to serve in its new building in Kalamış and expanded its service areas by adding physiotherapy and occupational therapy units.

2017: In February 2017, NPISTANBUL Hospital started to provide services in its new building with a fully equipped operating room and intensive care unit, as well as specialty areas such as internal medicine, neurosurgery, general surgery, pediatrics, ENT, with a focus on the brain and general hospital facilities.

2018: Our hospital received the JCI (Joint Commission International) accreditation certificate, the world's largest and most prestigious health accreditor, for the third time with a success rate of 99%.

2019: We aim to train future doctors with academic equipment and practical experience at our Science Partner Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, which will receive its first students in the 2019-2020 semester.

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CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At07 January 2020
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