Move and avoid Alzheimer's!

Move and avoid Alzheimer's!

Content Summary

Demans, beyindeki sinir hücreleri arasındaki bağlantıların kademeli olarak kaybolmasıyla karakterizedir ve en yaygın türü Alzheimer hastalığıdır. Araştırmalar, egzersizle ilgili irisin hormonunun beyin hücrelerini hasara ve yaşlanmaya karşı koruduğunu göstermektedir. Yaşam boyu yetersiz fiziksel aktivite gösteren bireylerde düşük irisin seviyeleri gözlemlenir. Alzheimer's hastalığının önlenmesi için sağlıklı beslenme, düzenli egzersiz (terletici aktiviteler), sigarayı bırakma, stres yönetimi, yeterli uyku ve düzenli sağlık kontrolleri önerilmektedir. Düzenli egzersiz irisin hormonunun salınımını artırır; bu hormon, beyaz yağın kahverengi yağa dönüşümünü destekler, kemik oluşumunu teşvik eder ve beyin hücrelerini korur. Düşük irisin seviyeleri, Alzheimer hastalığının gelişmesine katkıda bulunur. En uygun egzersiz programı için fizyoterapistinize danışmanız tavsiye edilir.

With dementia, the connections between nerve cells in the brain gradually disappear. The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer's. According to recent research, the hormone irisin (exercise) protects brain cells against injury and aging. Experts point out that people who show insufficient physical activity throughout their lives have low irisin levels and emphasize the importance of exercise on the irisin hormone.

Prof. Dr. Defne Kaya, Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department at Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences, made important evaluations about the effect of exercise on brain cells.

Dementia destroys brain cells

"With dementia, the nerve cells in the brain and/or the connections between nerve cells gradually decrease and disappear," said Prof. Dr. Defne Kaya,

"Because of this, the brain can no longer function properly. Due to brain disorders, the person cannot take care of themselves and gradually becomes completely dependent on others for care. In some people the disease develops very quickly and in others slowly. At the beginning of the disease, memory impairments are usually prominent, but later on, the person's thinking and speaking abilities are also impaired. There may also be changes in character and behavior. As the disease progresses, the person may lose control over his or her life and may need the help of others to care for him or herself due to difficulties with daily activities. In dementia, the patient may die from another disease or infection (pneumonia) or from being unable to swallow."

The most common type of dementia: Alzheimer's

Prof. Dr. Defne Kaya emphasized that Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia,

"Alzheimer's disease is a physical disease of the brain. During the course of this disease, plaques and tangles develop in the brain that cause the death of brain cells. People with Alzheimer's disease also have a deficiency of some important chemicals that help to transmit messages within the brain. Alzheimer's disease also progresses and symptoms worsen over time. It is thought that there are around 300 thousand Alzheimer's patients in Turkey. As a country where the young population will gradually age, it is possible to say that this disease will be the most important health problem in Turkey after 30-40 years."

To prevent Alzheimer's: Eat healthy and move!

Prof. Dr. Defne Kaya, Head of the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Üsküdar University, stated the things to be done to prevent Alzheimer's disease as follows:

"Say goodbye to smoking, eat organic foods, consume seasonal vegetables and fruits, try not to consume pure sugar, remove additive foods from your life, cook food at low temperatures, consume foods rich in fermented beneficial bacteria such as yogurt-vinegar and pickles, Eat a low-calorie diet, keep your weight under control, do not neglect healthy sunbathing, go for regular health check-ups, include quality and adequate sleep in your life, manage stress, pay attention to hygiene and make moving a lifestyle."

Regular exercise boosts the hormone irisin

"Irisin, popularly known as exercise/sports hormone, starts to be released in exercise and cold. If you start exercising regularly, irisin is also released regularly, making you exercise-friendly," Prof. Dr. Defne Kaya said: "Recent research shows that irisin goes to war with fat on two fronts.

1) It activates genes that change from bad white fat to good brown fat,
2) It enables undifferentiated stem cells to become bone-building cells instead of fat storage.

Not only that, it can also protect our brain cells against injury and aging.

When we sweat, the hormone irisin starts to be produced. Studies on obese women show that a single afternoon session of moderate or high intensity exercise, intense endurance and strengthening exercises significantly increases irisin hormone levels.

Insufficient exercise triggers Alzheimer's!

Exercise, the irisin hormone, starts to decrease in Alzheimer-type diseases. Irisin is found in the hippocampus region in the brains of mice and humans. In normal mice, a decrease in irisin does not change memory or behavior, whereas in mice with Alzheimer's, memory and behavior were negatively affected. The absence of the iris also reduces the ability to form new neural connections. Studies show that people with low levels of physical activity throughout their lives have low levels of irisin, which is one of the factors that contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease. In other words, maintaining irisin levels through movement can help protect against Alzheimer's disease, just like eating a balanced diet and not smoking or drinking alcohol."


Consult your physiotherapist for the best exercise

Prof. Dr. Defne Kaya, Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department at Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences, concluded her words as follows:

"After brisk walking, strengthening exercises using either your body weight or sandbags/exercise bands make you sweat, allowing this miraculous hormone to travel through your veins. All you need to do to get this amazing fat burner with no side effects is to move enough to sweat. Consult your physiotherapist to find out which exercises are most suitable and beneficial for you."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At08 March 2019
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