Make sure you have breakfast before YKS!

Make sure you have breakfast before YKS!

Content Summary

YKS sınavından önce ve sınav günü dengeli beslenmenin stresi, kaygıyı azaltıp konsantrasyonu artırdığı belirtiliyor. B grubu vitaminleri (baklagiller, kırmızı et, balık, yoğurt, süt, peynir, yeşil yapraklı sebzeler gibi besinlerde bulunur) strese, yorgunluğa ve paniğe karşı koruyor. Sınav sabahı kahvaltı şart; şekerleme yerine kuru meyve tercih edilmeli, sınav sırasında su veya taze sıkılmış meyve suyu tüketilmeli, kafein alımı sınırlandırılmalıdır. Yeterli protein alımı uyuşukluğu azaltır; sınav öncesi evde hazırlanmış yemekler tercih edilmeli, gaz yapıcı ve lifli yiyeceklerden kaçınılmalı. Omega-3 yağ asitleri açısından zengin besinler (sardalya, ton balığı, somon) hafızayı güçlendirirken, folik asit açısından zengin yiyecekler (yeşil yapraklı sebzeler, meyveler, pirinç) beyin gelişimi için önemlidir. Çalışma sırasında süt, yoğurt, taze sıkılmış meyve suyu, meyve ve sebze gibi sağlıklı atıştırmalıklar tüketilmeli, şekerli yiyeceklerden uzak durulmalıdır. Vitamin A ve C açısından zengin yiyecekler (üzüm, erik, incir) konsantrasyonu artırırken, şekerli yiyecekler aksine gevşemeye neden olur. Düzenli uyku düzeni önemli olup, sınavdan bir hafta önce uyku düzenine dikkat edilmesi öneriliyor.

Proper and balanced nutrition before YKS is effective in balancing stress and anxiety levels and on concentration. Vitamin B found in legumes, red meat, fish, yogurt, milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables protects the mind against stress, fatigue and panic. According to experts, candidates should definitely have breakfast on the morning of the exam. They should prefer dried fruit instead of candy. Water or freshly squeezed fruit juice should be consumed during the exam. Caffeine consumption, which increases stress levels, should also be limited.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü said that a healthy and balanced diet of the candidates before the YKS to be held on the weekend will have important effects on concentration and attention.

Attention to insomnia

Stating that similar anxieties are usually experienced a few days before the exam and on the day of the exam, Özden Örkçü said:

"University entrance exams are one of the processes we all go through. After an intense and fast-paced preparation process, the big day comes. Most students are in intense anxiety; stress and anxiety suppresses some a month before and some a few weeks before. 'I wonder if I am ready, will I forget a formula, what if I don't remember that subject, will we be sleepless on the day of the exam, what if I get sleepy during the exam, what if I need to go to the toilet, it would be better not to drink too much, it is best not to drink anything.' Parental support in the form of 'Daughter, son, don't leave home without breakfast, take raisins with you, it opens the mind'. If you don't have a regular sleep pattern, make sure you adjust yourself in the last 1 week so that you can wake up easily for the exam. Taking the exam without sleep can cause you to be demoralized and the information may not be remembered."

B group vitamins protect the mind against stress

Drawing attention to the foods that should be consumed before the exam, Özden Örkçü said, "B group vitamins protect our mind against stress, fatigue and panic. Inadequate concentration, forgetfulness and learning difficulties cause weakening of intelligence and memory performances. Dried legumes, red meat, sunflower seeds, fish, yogurt, milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, chicken meat, peanuts, bananas, melons, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, eggs, melons and artichokes are rich in B group vitamins."

Fish strengthens memory

Stating that folic acid is very important for brain development, Örkçü said, "Its effects on brain development and intelligence are followed from the womb. Folic acid deficiency can cause mental retardation. In a way, we can call it the food of the brain. We can easily meet the need for folic acid by consuming especially green leafy vegetables and fruits and rice. Eating foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids such as sardines, tuna, salmon, dark green leafy vegetables, flaxseed strengthens mental development and memory."

Eat healthy snacks while studying

Emphasizing that consuming enough protein reduces drowsiness and ensures that energy is fully utilized, Örkçü said: "Fish, meat, eggs, hazelnuts, peanuts and walnuts are sources of quality protein and the fatty acids they contain are very important for the nutrition of the brain vessels. While studying; milk, yogurt, milk desserts, cheese between bread, freshly squeezed fruit juices, fresh fruits and vegetables and dried fruits should be preferred instead of foods such as sugar and sugary foods, chips, nuts, carbonated drinks, biscuits and crackers."

Home-cooked meals should be eaten before the exam

Noting that foods sold in the open carry the risk of spoiling quickly because they are not stored under appropriate conditions and do not meet all hygienic conditions, Örkçü noted that it would be better to eat home-cooked meals before the exam against a possible food poisoning.

Pay attention to gas-forming and fiber foods

Stating that caution should be exercised in the consumption of gas-forming foods such as legumes and foods with high fiber and fat content the day before the exam, Örkçü said, "With the increase in adrenaline levels during the exam, our digestive system starts to work more and causes us not to worry about whether I will need to use the toilet during the exam. Any food that the body is not used to should not be consumed before the exam. It may increase the risk of stomach and digestive system problems during the exam."

What should be done on exam day?

Nutrition Specialist Özden Örkçü emphasized that breakfast should be made on the morning of the exam and said, "Do not consume heavy foods for breakfast. The habit of eating breakfast regularly should be acquired and breakfast should definitely be eaten on the day of the exam. Since our body and brain urgently need energy to start the day after a night-long hunger, if breakfast is not eaten; attention is distracted more quickly, headaches and fatigue occur. A breakfast that provides sufficient energy and nutrients should include foods in four food groups such as milk, freshly squeezed fruit juice, cheese, eggs, a few slices of bread, molasses, tahini, olives, tomatoes, green pepper, cucumber, parsley or fruit."

Vitamin A and C for concentration

"There are misconceptions among the public that sugar and sugary foods increase attention and perception," warned Örkçü, "However, these carbohydrate-rich foods cause relaxation on the contrary. Instead of these before and during the exam, foods such as raisins, plums, figs or fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A and C should be preferred."

Water and freshly squeezed fruit juice increase concentration

Nutrition Specialist Özden Örkçü listed his other recommendations as follows:

"Fatty and salty foods that will cause thirst during the exam should be avoided. Keep water with you while taking the exam. In addition to water consumption during the exam, it should not be forgotten that freshly squeezed fruit juice will both meet the fluid needs and increase concentration.

Stay away from caffeine!

Foods containing caffeine can cause adrenaline to be released, thus increasing stress levels. For this reason, it is important to limit daily consumption to a maximum of 2 cups of coffee/tea. Excessive consumption of tea and coffee may increase your need for toilet during the exam due to its diuretic effect."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At05 July 2018
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