Live healthy with the right lifestyle...

Live healthy with the right lifestyle...

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Uzun vadeli sağlıklı yaşam için dengeli ve düzenli beslenmenin önemini vurgulayan bir beslenme ve diyet uzmanı, yeni yıl kararlarında sağlıklı beslenmeyi sürdürülebilir bir yaşam tarzına dönüştürmenin yollarını öneriyor. Hazır yemeklerden uzak durulması, sağlıklı atıştırmalıklar seçilmesi (örneğin, tam buğdaylı peynirli sandviç, az yağlı omlet, meyve ve az miktarda bitter çikolata) ve hareketsiz yaşamdan kaçınılması tavsiye ediliyor. Kişiselleştirilmiş beslenme planlarının önemine dikkat çekilirken, şeker, tuz, doymuş yağlar ve işlenmiş gıdalardan kaçınılması özellikle kalp, diyabet ve tansiyon hastaları için kritik olarak vurgulanıyor. Diyetin %55-60'ı karbonhidrat, %30-35'i yağ ve %12'si proteinden oluşmalı ve meyve, sebze, tahıllar, süt ürünleri ve et ürünleri dengeli bir şekilde tüketilmelidir. Alkol tüketiminden kaçınılması ve sağlıksız alışkanlıkların kademeli olarak değiştirilmesi de önerilen stratejiler arasında yer alıyor.

As a new year approaches, we make new resolutions and plans to organize our lives. One of these resolutions is to eat healthy and lead a regular lifestyle. Stating that these resolutions should not be limited to a few months, experts point out that this situation can turn into a lifestyle with a few measures to be taken:

NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü said that living a healthy and happy life is possible with a balanced and regular diet and a regular life.

Determine your lifestyle

Özden Örkçü noted that a balanced and healthy diet is a situation that should be paid attention to in every period of the year, "This should take place in our lives as a lifestyle. With the new year, while wishes are being listed and listed, I am sure that I will lose this much weight this year, I will now eat healthy and regular nutrition is among the wishes.

Stay away from ready-made foods

But is it so hard to get our eating habits in order? This is not as difficult as it seems, in fact, all you need to do is not to run away from ready-made foods, not to put your nutrition on the back burner when you have compressed time or when you are catching up from one place to another, and to choose healthy alternatives."

You can choose a healthy sandwich instead of a roll

Nutrition and diet expert Özden Örkçü listed his recommendations as follows:

"Instead of bagels, pastries and bagels for breakfast; prefer a whole wheat feta cheese sandwich or an omelet prepared with low fat. For those who say they do not have that much time, I recommend that they consume a sandwich they will prepare at night for breakfast in the morning.

What about the need for dessert?

One of the things we often encounter in our interviews is the lack of fruit consumption, include fruit consumption in snacks. If your sweet tooth persists, a small square of dark chocolate will make you happy.

Do not neglect exercise

Sedentary life is an invitation for our metabolism to slow down. Again, for those who do not prefer to go to gyms or who say that they have not been able to start exercising, get out a little before your destination and walk, park your car far away and choose a walking path for yourself, I am sure you will take a lot of steps in summer and winter, hot and cold."

A healthy nutrition program should be personalized

Noting that nutrition programs are personalized, Özden Örkçü said, "The effective factor here is the age, gender, height, weight, what the individual does, whether he/she is a student or an employee. It is also important whether the individual has any chronic diseases such as cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, heart and kidney disease."

Habits should be changed

Örkçü pointed out the importance of helping people change the habits they cannot give up in the acquisition of healthy eating habits and said, "For example, it is important to try to help people who state that they cannot drink tea without sugar or complete their meal without drinking an acidic drink to adopt habits that are difficult to change but can be changed over time."

Stating that nutrition is based on three main and three snacks, Özden Örkçü said, "In a daily nutrition plan, essential nutrients should be taken in a balanced and regular manner. 55-60% of our diet should be provided from carbohydrates, 30-35% from fats and -12% from proteins. Meat products, dairy products, cereals, fruits and vegetables should be included in the daily diet."

Heart, diabetes and blood pressure patients beware!

Özden Örkçü, who also listed the things that heart, diabetes and blood pressure patients should pay attention to in their diet, said the following:

- Diabetes patients should avoid foods such as honey, jam, marmalade, molasses, molasses, ice cream, whipped cream if they cannot control portions.

- Saturated fats such as margarine and butter are among the fat groups that should be avoided for cardiovascular patients. Instead, olive oil, flaxseed, walnuts, and foods with high omega 3 content should be preferred.

- They should avoid high-fat dairy products and saturated fats containing animal proteins such as beef, hot dogs, sausages, sausages and pork.

- People with blood pressure and heart disease should avoid salt and salty foods and nuts containing a lot of fat.

- Processed convenience foods with unknown ingredients are "sneaky" foods for diabetics. Many ready-made foods such as instant soups, bouillon, chocolates, biscuits, etc. pose a risk for chronic disease groups.

- Pastries and dumplings should be avoided.

- Fish with high mercury levels, such as swordfish and mackerel, should be grilled, baked or steamed instead of fried.

- High-fat dairy products, foods containing high fat proteins, egg yolks and offal such as liver are rich in cholesterol. Especially heart patients should not consume them.

- Alcoholic beverages can cause severe hypoglycemia in diabetic patients. Excessive consumption also causes impaired liver metabolism and elevated blood lipids. Avoid alcohol in your diet.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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