Late learning to read and write may be a sign of dyslexia

Late learning to read and write may be a sign of dyslexia

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Disleksi, okuma güçlüğü olan özel bir öğrenme bozukluğudur ve genellikle ilkokul çağında belirginleşse de, okul öncesi dönemde de belirtiler gösterebilir. Akademisyen becerilerindeki zorlukların süreklilik gösterdiğine dikkat çeken uzmanlar, çocuğun akranlarına göre okuma ve yazmada geç kalmasının disleksi belirtisi olabileceğini vurguluyor. Disleksi, okuma hızında, doğru kelime okumada ve okuduğunu anlamada sorunlara yol açar; harf, hece ve satır atlama gibi sorunlar yaşanır. Genetik ve çevresel faktörlerin etkileşiminin sonucu olan disleksi, birçok genle ilişkili bulunmuş olup ailede benzer bozukluğun görülme sıklığı normal nüfusa göre 5-12 kat fazladır. Erken doğum, düşük doğum ağırlığı, anne karnında nikotin maruziyeti, beslenme sorunları ve eğitim eksikliği gibi çevresel faktörler de etkilidir. Disleksi olan çocuklar sosyal beceri sorunları yaşayabilir, düşük öz saygıya sahip olabilir ve depresyon, anksiyete gibi sorunlar geliştirebilirler. Dislekside zeka sorunu yoktur ve Einstein, Da Vinci gibi ünlü kişilerin de disleksik olduğu bilinmektedir. Tedavi ise, okul eğitimine ek olarak uzmanlar tarafından verilen bireysel veya grup özel eğitimidir. Ailelerin, çocuğun gelişimini yakından takip etmeleri, olumlu bir ortam sağlamaları, çocuğa desteğe ihtiyaç duyduğunu anlamaları ve öğretmenlerle iletişim kurmaları önemlidir. Öğretmenlerin de, çocuğun okuma seviyesini belirleyerek, tekrarı sık kullanarak, sabırlı ve olumlu bir tutum sergileyerek ve dikkat artırıcı aktiviteler kullanarak sürece katkıda bulunmaları gerekir.

Dyslexia, which is called "special learning disability", becomes most evident in the primary school period, although it gives symptoms in the preschool period. Stating that difficulties in academic skills show continuity, experts point out that a child's late reading and writing compared to his/her peers may be a sign of dyslexia.
November 1-7 Dyslexia Awareness Week aims to raise awareness about dyslexia.

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said that dyslexia is a Specific Learning Disorder with reading impairment.

Dyslexia causes problems in reading speed

Stating that the term Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) is used to describe a group of 'specific' learning disorders that cannot be explained by mental and sensory disability, mental and neurological problems or psychosocial negativities, Başak Ayık said, "Although learning problems in this disorder can be seen in many areas, it can be summarized academically as three main groups; reading disorder (dyslexia), written expression disorder (dysgraphia), math disorder (dyscalculia)."

Pointing out that individuals with dyslexia have problems in reading words correctly, reading comprehension and reading speed, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "There is a delay in learning to read and write compared to their peers. While reading, misreading and slow reading, skipping letters, syllables and lines are common. They have difficulty in understanding what they read."

Dyslexia has a genetic origin

Stating that dyslexia occurs as a result of the interaction of genetic and environmental factors, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "Many studies have been conducted to investigate genetic causes and it has been found to be associated with many genes. Twin and family studies also support that it is a disease of genetic origin. The incidence of Specific Learning Disorder in the family of individuals with dyslexia is 5-12 times higher than the normal population. As a result of brain imaging studies, structural features different from normal were found in the brain. The most important environmental factors are premature birth, low birth weight, nicotine exposure in the womb, nutritional problems and lack of education.

It occurs during the school period

Emphasizing that the period when dyslexia, which gives symptoms in the preschool period, becomes evident is the school years, which are the years when formal education begins, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said the following:

"Difficulties in academic skills show continuity. In our country, these children, whose reading is delayed compared to their peers during literacy learning in primary school 1, experience problems such as slow reading, misreading and not understanding what they read in the following years. Dyslexia is a subtype of Specific Learning Disorder, a neurodevelopmental disorder. Neurodevelopmental disorders occur early in development as a result of the interaction of genetic and environmental factors and are usually lifelong conditions. In other words, a child does not become dyslexic later in life, but the needs for the affected academic skills may not become apparent until they exceed the individual's limited proficiency. In other words, the symptoms do not become evident in the same period in every child."

Malnutrition is effective in dyslexia

Stating that while investigating the factors that cause dyslexia, it is understood that environmental factors can also cause structural and functional differences in the brain, Ayık said, "Severe nutritional deficiencies that start early in development and last for a long time can lead to such changes in brain structure. It is also known that vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to learning disorders. Nutritional disorders are one of the environmental factors leading to learning disorders."

Stating that children with dyslexia have adaptation problems due to their special and difficult problems, Başak Ayık said, "If these special conditions are not recognized and necessary and sufficient support is not provided, different psychiatric diseases can be seen. In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association stated that children, adolescents and adults with dyslexia are in the risk group for suicide. Low self-perception may develop after adaptation problems."

Stating that the educational needs of the child should be determined according to the severity of dyslexia, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "They usually receive either regular or mainstreaming education in the regular classroom. Some children may also need additional special education."

They may have problems with social skills

Expressing that individuals with dyslexia may experience problems not only in the academic field but also in other areas of life, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "One of these is the problems they experience in social skills. They may have problems in expressing themselves appropriately. If they are not recognized and provided with the necessary support at the appropriate time, they may become depressed, anxious and have low self-esteem as a result of years of effort and academic difficulties. Problems in interpersonal relationships begin to be seen."
Emphasizing that it is necessary to know dyslexia in order to understand the individual with dyslexia, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "By obtaining information about the problems experienced by individuals with dyslexia outside of academic life, the child should be approached according to his/her behaviors and limitations. Necessary opportunities should be provided for the support they need."

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık also listed the duties of families as follows:

"Every family who closely follows the development of their child should consult a specialist to identify this situation when they see a difference. A positive environment that supports the child should be prepared. Together with the specialist, they should explain the problem they are experiencing to their child in appropriate language and make them realize their strengths and weaknesses. They should be supportive and encouraging and emphasize their positive and strong sides. Communication with teachers should be kept strong. Most importantly, they should not compare their children with other children."

There is no intelligence problem in dyslexia

Stating that there is a misconception in society that individuals with dyslexia have intelligence problems, Assist. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "The most important evidence for this is scientists and artists such as Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Rodin, Churcill and Cher, who are known to have dyslexia. Intelligence in these individuals can be completely normal or superior. The problem here is a learning problem caused by problems in the learning regions of the brain. In order to break the prejudice that there is an intelligence problem, it is important that not only families but also the whole society raise awareness, and that educators and health professionals working in this field do their best to raise the awareness of the society."

Reminding that teachers also have duties in this regard, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık said, "After determining the reading level of the child, it is useful to use the deductive method. Frequent repetition, patience and a positive attitude, motivation and encouragement affect the process positively. Since these children are easily distracted, short activities are more effective. Attention-enhancing activities and memory games can also be used as supportive."

Education should be provided by experts

"The treatment of dyslexia and all learning difficulties is education," said Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Ayık:

"This education is different from the education given at school. While the child continues his/her education in a normal school, he/she is also given individual or group special education. Education should be given by people specialized in this field. There is no drug treatment to eliminate learning disabilities. However, if there is an accompanying psychiatric illness (anxiety disorder, depression, etc.), their treatment is important. In individuals with attention deficit, medications can be used to increase attention. The duration and intensity of educational support varies according to the severity of dyslexia. In mild cases, even short-term educational support is sufficient; in severe cases, academic difficulties may continue despite continued support."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At09 August 2018
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