Keep sacrificial meat away from plastic!

Keep sacrificial meat away from plastic!

Experts warning the novice butchers who come to the agenda every Eid al-Adha emphasize that the sacrifice must be done by expert butchers. Experts, who make important warnings to prevent possible accidents during sacrifice slaughter, call for staying away from plastic containers against the risk of carcinogens!
Dr. Faculty Member Rüştü Uçan, Director of Üsküdar University Occupational Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Health Application and Research Center, made important warnings about possible accidents that may occur during slaughter during the Feast of Sacrifice.

Tools must be sharp and clean

Stating that in order to prevent possible accidents during sacrifice slaughter, it is necessary to get help from experts, Rüştü Uçan emphasized what should be done during sacrifice slaughter as follows: "One of the most important elements of occupational safety is to have the work done by a specialist in the work. Especially having butchers slaughter bovine animals will significantly reduce the number of accidents. Tools must be sharp and clean! The cutting tools you will use during slaughter must be complete. You should sharpen them every year. In addition, butcher's gloves with steel braids and wrist straps should be used against possible hand cuts."

All cutting tools must be disinfected

In addition, due to the importance of hygiene, these knives and all sharps should be washed and cleaned with antiseptic. At the very least, they should be wiped with alcohol or cologne. Tools should neither be too sharp nor too blunt. Injuries are more severe when they are too sharp. The victim suffers because the tools are not sharp."

Pay attention to 1 meter during slaughter!

Rüştü Uçan emphasized that there should be at least 1 meter distance between other people while slaughtering the victim and said, "Thus, you will at least not harm other people due to inexperience. The victim's leaping for his life is another risk and the victim should be tied very well."

Buy sacrificial animals that have passed veterinary control

Stating the importance of buying sacrifices that have passed veterinary control, Dr. Faculty Member Rüştü Uçan continued his words as follows: "Because there are infectious diseases that pass directly from animals to people. You can prevent this by buying controlled animals. The control marks on their ears ensure this. Use the areas designated by municipalities. Municipalities pay utmost attention to hygiene rules. Hygiene rules should be followed both during and after slaughter."

Do not damage victim skins

Prof. Dr. Rüştü Uçan said, "Remove the victim skin without injuring it and store it by rubbing it with the rock salt you have taken" and added, "This process is important in order to contribute to the economy. Therefore, it would be beneficial to have experts for this job for both economic and security reasons."

Stay away from plastic containers!

Üsküdar University Lecturer Textile Chemical Engineer Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen stated that plastic containers should not be used in the storage of sacrificial meat and gave the following warnings: "Unfortunately, the chemicals in plastics pass into food when they come into contact with food. Examples of these chemicals are Bisphenol A, PCB, PBB and PBDEs. Their passage into food is due to the effect of temperature. The higher the temperature, the easier it is for harmful substances to pass into food. Moreover, they are metabolized in our body in the form of pseudo estrogen, i.e. estrogen mimic. As a result, it causes infertility in men and women, breast cancer in women and neuropsychological disorders. Therefore, it is more harmful to store fatty and hot foods in plastic containers.

Sacrificial meat should be wrapped in greaseproof paper

Contact of carcinogenic chemicals in plastics with food is very dangerous for human health. In order to prevent such contamination, it would be correct to wrap the sacrificial meat in greaseproof paper and then bag it. It will also be useful to keep the mouth of the bags open. It is also recommended to store the sacrificial meat in a healthy way by including it in the cold chain. Plastic bags are among the products we use most frequently. The bags we buy from the markets, market bags, refrigerator bags, garbage bags, are usually always made of plastic. Non-recyclable plastics cause serious environmental problems. These plastic wastes harm not only the environment and us, but even animals."

Wait for the sacrificial meat to cool down!

Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen reminded that the sacrificial meat slaughtered on the Feast of Sacrifice is placed in hot plastic bags and shared without resting outside and said, "In this case, the toxic chemicals in the structure of the plastic are transmitted to the sacrificial meat with the effect of the heat and from there to humans. By reducing the use of plastic or by being a little more conscious about this issue, we can get the opportunity to live a better quality life. Therefore, after allowing the sacrificial meat to cool for a certain period of time, transport it in bags. Use thick bags that will not leak. It is more convenient to transport it on trays without putting it in bags. During this time, the meat cools down and bacterial growth is reduced. After cooling, the meat to be distributed should be bagged."

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At28 August 2018
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