Is what you consume when you have the flu really beneficial?

Is what you consume when you have the flu really beneficial?

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Bağışıklık sistemi, hava koşullarından stresli iş hayatına kadar birçok faktörden olumsuz etkilenir. Bağışıklık sisteminin zayıflamasıyla oluşan grip, özellikle kış aylarında etkisini gösterir. Uzmanlar, grip virüsünün hızlı mutasyon geçirmesi ve bağışıklık sistemini zayıflatması nedeniyle tedavi sürecini uzatabileceğini belirterek, "gribe iyi gelir" şeklinde ifade edilen bilgilerin bilimsellik düzeyine dikkat çektiler. Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım, bağışıklık sisteminin düzgün çalışmasını sağlamak için uygun giyinme, düzenli ve sağlıklı uyku, dengeli beslenme ve stres yönetiminin önemini vurguladı. "Gribe iyi gelen" bazı bitkisel tedavi yöntemlerinin (Echinacea, Reishi mantarı, Ginkgo Biloba, sarımsak) bilimsel olarak kanıtlanmış bir etkisi olmadığını veya sınırlı olduğunu, çinko ve D vitamini gibi takviyelerin ise yalnızca eksiklik durumunda faydalı olduğunu belirtti. Balın çocuklarda öksürüğe karşı sınırlı faydası varken, yüksek alerjik riski nedeniyle dikkatli kullanılması gerektiği belirtildi. Bağışıklığı güçlendirmek için bol sıvı tüketimi, el hijyeni, hasta kişilerle yakın temastan kaçınma, dengeli beslenme ve düzenli uyku önerildi.

The immune system is negatively affected by many factors, from weather conditions to stressful work life. Influenza, which is caused by the weakening of the immune system, shows its effect especially in winter months. Stating that the virus that causes the flu disease can prolong the treatment process due to rapid mutation and weakening of the immune system, experts drew attention to the level of scientificity of the information expressed as "good for flu".


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım gave important information about the immune system and influenza.

Yıldırım warned, "The immune system is negatively affected by not choosing clothes that will adapt to changing weather conditions, dressing in a way that disrupts the balance of our body temperature, not having regular and healthy sleep, not providing our body with balanced regular and balanced nutrients that our body needs, and the negligence we make in this direction."

Stress prevents the immune system from working

Uzm. Dr. Yıldırım said, "Our immune system cannot work adequately due to factors such as stressful work life, the state of hustle and bustle against general life, problems in our private or social life, and the accompaniment of many diseases we have in addition to the problems in our private or social life." and continued his words as follows:

"The disruption in the functioning of the immune system reveals the disease-causing process of many opportunistic microorganisms in our body. In the winter months, these opportunistic microorganisms are especially viral respiratory diseases; influenza and colds, which provide rapid transmission from sick people with the effect of the effect of the cooling in the air, collective living, having to provide indoor conditions and indoor-outdoor temperature difference, are among the most common diseases we see.

Mutating virus makes treatment difficult

Unfortunately, influenza is one of the diseases that we sometimes have difficulty in treating due to the rapid mutation and weakening of the immune system, as well as the fact that the influenza virus that causes influenza is seen in other living things."

How useful are those known as "good for flu"?

Uzm. Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım pointed out that in addition to the support and antiviral treatments given, herbal treatments are also one of the issues that occupy the agenda.

Stating that one of the frequently asked questions is the diet, Yıldırım said, "Of course, the place of food in our lives is indisputable. All of them have benefits in many subjects at certain rates," Yıldırım said and answered the question "How much of the information expressed as 'good for flu' is scientific?" as follows:

"Echinacea: Its effectiveness on the immune system is weak. It has been proven to have positive effects on the immune system in animal experiments. There are data that it has positive effects on colds in single or small group human experiences. There are no standardized studies yet. Some small, controlled human studies have shown that echinacea reduces flu symptoms, but others have shown no benefit. There is also a high risk of allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting and fever with a high potential for side effects. There is also evidence that some rheumatologic diseases may progressively develop in humans. It has also been shown to increase cervical and breast cancer by impairing the effectiveness of chemotherapy due to the risk of drug interactions.

Reishi Mushroom: Although it is preferred in immune strengthening and cancer treatments in Asian Far Eastern medical treatment, since the scientific analysis is weak, it is necessary to follow future studies to comment on this plant in terms of benefit and harm.

Ginkgo Biloba: Although there is information that this plant, which is especially used in the treatment of Alzheimer's and dementia, which are neurological diseases, is beneficial in respiratory diseases, these are the results of experiments in animals and there is no definitive data on its benefit on humans. At the same time, attention should be paid to its side effect in the direction of bleeding coagulation disorder.

Garlic Scientific studies on its preventive effect on upper respiratory tract diseases have not yet been completed.

Zinc: People with deficiency have a weak immune system. Adult women need 8 mg of zinc daily, adult men need 11 mg daily and pregnant and breastfeeding women need 11-12 mg daily. Vegetables are weak foods in terms of zinc reserves, and 1-2 mussels, 1 serving of beef, 2 bowls of oat flakes for breakfast can meet the daily zinc requirement. Crab, cashew, chickpeas, almonds, kidney beans also contain low amounts of zinc reserves.

Honey: In children over 1 year of age, it can be used as a cough reducer and expectorant in adolescents and adults (1 teaspoon for adults, 1 teaspoon for children). It should be used with caution due to its high allergenicity and allergy sufferers should never use it.

Vitamin D: People with normal levels of vitamin D do not benefit immunity by using additional vitamin D other than the daily requirement. It can also create a toxin effect on the body with accumulation in the body.

Vitamin C: It has no additional contribution to strengthen the immune system other than providing the daily requirement to the body. Since it is a daily excreted vitamin, excess is excreted from the kidneys and excess intake only tires the kidneys additionally."

Pay attention to balanced nutrition and regular sleep in children!

Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım, who emphasized the importance of routine balanced nutrition, regular sleep, appropriate clothing and avoiding sick people during the flu process in children, said, "Apart from these measures,

-Vitamin C supplementation

-Additional zinc supplementation other than to correct the deficiency



-Probiotics are not recommended," he warned.

Yıldırım said, "There are no studies on echinacea for children yet," and added, "Regional intranasal zinc use damages the sensory nerves and causes loss of sense of smell. The benefit of homeopathy has not yet been proven."

Listen to these suggestions to strengthen your immunity!

Uzm. Dr. Güzin Oğuz Yıldırım listed the things to be done to strengthen immunity as follows:

- "Drinking plenty of fluids
- Paying attention to hand hygiene
- Avoiding close contact with sick people, using a mask if necessary
- Staying away from stuffy environments
- Balanced nutrition
- Regular sleep rest will keep your immunity strong."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At18 January 2019
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