International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate

International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate

Content Summary

NPISTANBUL Hastanesi Uluslararası Ofisi, Ocak 2020'de Uluslararası Sağlık Turizmi Sertifikasını alarak sağlık kalitesine olan bağlılığını tescillemiştir. 2017 yılında yürürlüğe giren bir yönetmelik uyarınca, uluslararası sağlık turizmi hizmetlerinde minimum hizmet sunum standartlarını belirleme, sağlık kuruluşlarını ve aracı kuruluşları yetkilendirme ve bu faaliyetleri denetleme süreçlerini düzenlemiştir. Hastane, Sağlık Bakanlığı'nın Sağlık Kalite Değerlendirmesi'nden en az 85 puan alarak, uluslararası hastalarla iletişim ve bilgi aktarımı için uygun altyapıya ve otomasyon sistemine sahip olarak, farklı dillerde web sitesi oluşturarak, yabancı dil bilen personel çalıştırarak ve yabancı dilde hasta onam formları hazırlayarak bu yetkilendirilmeyi kazanmıştır. Hastane, yüksek hasta memnuniyeti oranıyla kaliteli ve etkili tedavi sunarak, uluslararası hasta sayısını artırmayı hedeflemektedir.

NPISTANBUL Hospital International Office received the International Health Tourism Certificate in the first month of 2020 and registered its understanding of quality in health...

NPISTANBUL Hospital International Office Manager, Deputy Chief Physician Dr. Hanifi Devrim; "In July 2017, the procedures and principles regarding the determination of the minimum service delivery standards of health services offered internationally within the scope of international health tourism and tourist health, the authorization of health institutions and intermediary organizations that will operate in international health tourism services and the supervision of these activities were regulated by a published regulation. According to this regulation, our institution was audited by the ministry and became one of the institutions authorized to carry out Health Tourism activities. During this audit, it is required to comply with many criteria such as obtaining at least 85 points from the Ministry of Health's Health Quality Assessment, having an infrastructure and automation system suitable for communication and information transfer with international patients, having a website in appropriate languages, employing personnel with foreign language proficiency suitable for the patient groups to be served, and preparing patient consent forms and documents in foreign languages. Our institution, which is entitled to receive the authorization certificate in accordance with all criteria, aims to continue to increase the number of patients day by day with a high patient satisfaction rate by providing the highest quality and effective treatment to international patients.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At03 February 2021
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