How to prevent a blood clot?

How to prevent a blood clot?

Content Summary

Yüksek tansiyon ve kontrolsüz diyabet, pıhtılaşmanın en önemli faktörleri arasında yer almaktadır. Pıhtılaşma, damarlarda biriken yağ ve kolesterol gibi maddelerin parçalarının koparak kan akımıyla taşınması sonucu oluşur. Büyük damarların tıkanması inme (felç) ile sonuçlanır. Küçük pıhtılar çevresel küçük damarlarda sorun yaratmazken, büyük pıhtılar büyük damarları tıkayarak ilgili bölgede iskemiye (kan yetersizliğine) ve ardından enfarktüse (doku ölümü) yol açar. Beyindeki damar tıkanıklığı ise felçle sonuçlanabilir. Pıhtılaşmayı önlemek için kan yağ, trigliserid ve kolesterol seviyelerinin normalleştirilmesi, yüksek tansiyon ve diyabetin kontrol altına alınması gerekmektedir. Düzenli kardiyolojik kontroller, damarların Doppler ultrasonla kontrolü, dengeli beslenme, şeker ve tuz tüketiminin azaltılması, düzenli egzersiz ve karın bölgesindeki yağın azaltılması önemlidir. Genetik faktörlerin yanı sıra çevresel faktörler ve yaşam tarzı da pıhtılaşmada rol oynar ve genetik mutasyonlara yol açabilir.

Stating that hypertension and uncontrolled diabetes are among the most important factors in clotting, experts warn that healthy nutrition, exercise, abdominal fat, as well as cardiological controls should not be neglected.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital experts said that clotting occurs when some parts of substances such as fat and cholesterol accumulated in the vessels break off and go up with the blood flow.

Stroke occurs when large vessels are blocked

Stating that small or large clots are thrown with this blood circulation in arteriosclerosis in the neck vessels or blockages in the neck vessels, experts gave the following information:

"When these clots come to a vessel of their own caliber or diameter, they block it. If the clot is small, it goes to the small vessels in the periphery and does not cause problems, if it is large, the clots block the large vessels. Since they will prevent the blood supply in the place where that large vessel is irrigated or supplied with blood, anemia occurs there. This anemia is called ischemia. If one of the coronary arteries in the heart is blocked, ischemia occurs in the heart muscle that is fed by that coronary artery and if it cannot be fed with blood, an infarction develops. When a blood vessel is blocked in the brain, that part of the brain cannot function and loses its functions. Whatever center there is in that area, wherever the vessel is supplying blood, whatever functional areas there are in that area, those functions disappear. If one of the major arteries is blocked, severe paralysis occurs in most cases. We call this stroke in Turkish. When large vessels are blocked, the amount of stroke or the amount of infarction, ischemia increases and severe pictures can occur."

Vessels should be checked

At certain ages, the vessels that supply the brain from the front of the neck, called "carotid vessels", and the vessels that supply the brain from the back of the neck on both sides, called "vertebral vessels", should be checked with a simple technique called doppler ultrasound.

Beware of hypertension and diabetes!

In order to prevent clots, it is necessary to reduce the lipid ratio, triglyceride ratio and cholesterol ratio in the blood to normal levels. Hypertension is one of the problems that cause the biggest problems in the vascular wall and diabetes is the other. Diabetes should be kept under strict control without neglecting it because diabetes has increased a lot in the society with our new unbalanced eating habits. Diabetes is an insidious disease that disrupts the vascular wall and causes irreversible damage when it gives symptoms in the late stages. Vessels are kind of like water pipes. The poorer the quality of the mains water, the poorer the quality of the water coming from the dam, the more the content in the water will cause problems in the pipes, the structure of the veins and the structure and fluidity of the blood will cause such problems. Just as water can burst pipes if it is pressurized or cause blockages if it is muddy, hypertension in our vascular structure causes a pressurized blood flow, causing distortions in the vascular wall, and causes the plugs sitting on the vascular wall that have narrowed the vessel to be ripped off and pushed into the vessels above and cause their blockage. Sometimes uncontrolled hypertension can also cause cerebral hemorrhages.

Healthy living tips to prevent blood clots

Stating that healthy living is very effective in preventing clotting, experts made the following recommendations:

"It is very effective to stay away from hypertension and diabetes so as not to cause arteriosclerosis. It is necessary to have regular cardiological examinations. It is very effective to have the veins checked. It is necessary to have routine examinations and to eat regularly and to eat lean foods, minimizing sugar and salt intake. Exercise, walking and sports reduce cholesterol and fat levels. Reducing fat around the belly changes fat profiles. If we normalize the fat profile, adopt a balanced eating and drinking habit, and stay away from fast food, we will have the opportunity to live a healthier life."

We can disrupt our genetic heritage

Clotting can be due to genetic as well as environmental factors. Arteriosclerosis can also run in families. When arteriosclerosis occurs, it can be passed on to other members of the family. When blood pressure is high, it can be passed on to other members of the family. We can say that this is a genetic inheritance. It is an inheritance from parents. We can disrupt our good genetic inheritance with environmental factors and our life habits, we can create genetic mutations. In the past, it used to be said that there was no change in genetic inheritance, but now it is known that genetic mutations can be caused by environmental influences and nutrition.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 November 2022
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