How to maintain brain health

How to maintain brain health

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Uzmanlar, doğru beslenmenin yaşamın her döneminde, özellikle beyin sağlığı için çok önemli olduğunu vurguluyor. Yeterli ve dengeli beslenme, hastalıkların önlenmesi ve tedavisinde, yaşam kalitesinin iyileştirilmesinde kritik rol oynar. Beyin sağlığını destekleyen besinler arasında tam yağlı yoğurt, ıspanak, pazı, yağlı balıklar (somon, ton balığı, sardalya), fındık, yulaf ezmesi ve zerdeçal yer alır. İşlenmiş etlerden ve şekerli gıdalardan kaçınılmalı, düzenli egzersiz yapılmalı, kan basıncı kontrol altında tutulmalı, sigara ve alkol kullanımı bırakılmalı, yeterli uyku alınmalı ve sosyal aktivitelere katılım sağlanmalıdır. Beyin sağlığını korumak için, rutinin değiştirilmesi, zihinsel egzersizler (bulmaca) yapılması ve temiz havada vakit geçirilmesi önerilir. Özetle, sağlıklı bir beyin için dengeli beslenme, sağlıklı yaşam tarzı ve düzenli zihinsel aktivite birleşimi gereklidir.

Nutrition is of great importance in every period of life, from the womb to old age. Prevention and treatment of diseases and improving quality of life depends on learning to eat adequate and balanced nutrition. Emphasizing that correcting wrong eating habits is one of the main factors in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, experts point out that factors such as smoking & alcohol use, cholesterol and high blood pressure negatively affect brain health and draw attention to the effect of regular nutrition on brain health.

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Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkcü made important evaluations about the effects of proper nutrition on brain health.

"Nutrition should be planned individually"

"Nutrition is a basic requirement for individuals to reach their growth and development potential, to be protected from diseases and to lead a quality life. Nutrition is important in every period of human life from the womb to old age. It is necessary to know and learn adequate and balanced nutrition in order to prevent and treat diseases and improve the quality of life." said Özden Örkcü,

"Adequate and balanced nutrition is the ability to take each of the energy and nutrients in sufficient amounts according to various factors such as age, gender, physical activity, genetic, physiological characteristics, disease status, etc., and to process and consume the nutrients that are the source of these nutrients without losing their nutritional value and without impairing health. The role of adequate and balanced nutrition in the protection and restoration of health is becoming increasingly important. For this reason, nutrition should be planned and implemented individually."

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkcü gave the following information about foods that support brain health:

Yogurt is of great importance for brain health!

"Yogurt is a very important food source for brain health. Especially full-fat yogurt supports cell membrane development by increasing brain activity. With a few pieces of dark chocolate that you can add to yogurt, you can increase brain blood flow and keep your child's mind more active.

Spinach and kale chips with eggs grow brain cells!

Packed with folate and vitamins, greens such as spinach and kale are part of a healthy diet that reduces your child's risk of developing dementia later in life. Spinach and kale chips, especially with eggs, help new brain cells grow.

Don't forget to eat fish!

Natural oily fish is a good source of vitamin D. To protect your child's brain against cognitive decline and memory loss, feed them fish containing Omega-3 such as salmon, tuna and sardines.

Avoid salami, sausage and pepperoni!

Prefer meats that do not contain artificial substances, dyes, flavors, preservatives and sweeteners. Avoid processed foods such as salami, sausage and pepperoni.

Hazelnuts are good for the nervous system

Packed with protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, nuts and seeds are foods that keep your child's nervous system happy.

Oatmeal protects the heart and brain vessels!

Rich in protein and fiber, oatmeal protects the heart and brain vessels. One study found that children who ate sweetened oatmeal did better on academic tasks related to memory than children who ate sugary cereals. Use cinnamon instead of sugar to sweeten foods. Spice compounds help protect brain cells.

Turmeric plays a role in the treatment of many chronic diseases

Turmeric is a plant used for the protection of public health with its antioxidant properties. Curcumin, the main component of the plant, shows therapeutic properties in many chronic diseases in which inflammation plays a fundamental role with its polyphenolic properties. It is also reported to have preventive and therapeutic effects in various types of cancer. In addition to neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cognitive performance, cognitive disorders such as verbal memory, Crohn's Disease, Helicobacter pylori infection, after cadaveric kidney transplantation, it has been determined that curcumin has a protective effect on gallbladder function."

Pay attention to these suggestions for brain health!

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkcü listed the things to do for brain health as follows:

- "What the brain does not like is lack of oxygen, that is, polluted air. For this reason, especially people living in big cities need to saturate their brains with oxygen by doing breathing exercises in open air and wooded areas or on the seashore.

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-Walk and exercise outdoors.

-Regular nutrition is also important for brain development. The brain's blood-sugar level receives a boost especially at main meals.

-High blood pressure is one of the most important factors of arteriosclerosis. In order to prevent cerebrovascular diseases, which rank third among the causes of death, and to protect the blood flow to the brain, it is essential to keep blood pressure in balance with both diet and medical treatment.

-Smoking causes significant damage to the brain as well as the whole body. In order to protect brain health, it is necessary not to smoke.

-Alcohol numbs brain cells. In what we call a state of intoxication, it causes the metabolism of brain cells to be disrupted and the control of all mental functions to disappear.

-Blood fats, cholesterol and similar fats cause blockages in the brain vessels as well as in the heart and other organs of the body. For this reason, paying attention to cholesterol, dieting if necessary, and eating a fat-free diet are very necessary for brain health.

-Sleep is also important for brain functions. Sleeping between six and eight hours every day allows the brain to rest after working all day. During this time, it stores the materials it wants to archive in the temporal region of the brain. This process can only take place during sleep.

-Change the routine you do every day. Change the way you go to the grocery store from time to time and take different routes. Surprise your brain, thus activating your brain cells.

-Get into social situations. Talk to people and discuss various topics. Brainstorm.

-Engage in puzzles such as crossword puzzles and sudoku. This exercises both your past and recent memory."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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