How to Lower Cholesterol

How to Lower Cholesterol

Content Summary

Yüksek kolesterolün belirtileri arasında halsizlik, solgun cilt, uyuşma, ciltte yağ birikimi, sebebi bilinmeyen morluklar ve yara iyileşmesinde gecikme yer alır. Kolesterolü düşürmenin en iyi yolu sağlıklı beslenme ve düzenli egzersizdir. Hayvansal ürünlerden uzak durmak, rafine şekerden kaçınmak, bol meyve ve sebze tüketmek (Akdeniz diyeti örneği verilebilir) ve en az yarım saatlik günlük yürüyüşler gibi düzenli egzersiz yapmak önemlidir. Diyet ve egzersize rağmen kolesterol düşmezse, uzman bir doktor tarafından ilaç tedavisi gerekebilir. Kolesterole iyi gelen diğer faktörler arasında düzenli uyku, stresden kaçınma, sağlıklı yağlar (doymuş yağlar değil) tüketme, yağlı ve kızartılmış gıdalardan kaçınma yer alır. Kolesterolü düşüren besinler arasında ceviz, fındık, badem gibi sağlıklı kuruyemişler (çiğ olarak), sağlıklı tahıllar, baklagiller, bol meyve ve sebze (taze salata), şekersiz bitter çikolata (az miktarda), avokado ve sarımsak bulunur. Zeytinyağı da salatalarda ve yemeklerde tüketilmelidir.

How to lower cholesterol, it is usually animal foods that cause cholesterol in the human body, but most of it is synthesized by the human body.

Cholesterol symptoms

- Weakness and endless fatigue

- Pale skin tone

- Numbness in the legs and hands

- Skin fat accumulation and skin blemishes

- Bruising of unknown cause in some parts of the body

- Delayed healing of wounds in the body can be considered among the symptoms, but should be evaluated by a specialist.

How to Lower Cholesterol?

How to lower cholesterol, the best way to lower cholesterol is a healthy diet and regular exercise.

- The best way to lower cholesterol is to eat healthy. It is necessary to eat healthy foods and stay away from foods of animal origin.

- Avoid refined sugar to lower cholesterol.

- To lower cholesterol, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits. For this, the Mediterranean diet can be given as an example.

- An active life is essential to lower cholesterol. We are not talking about heavy sports, one of the best sports at this point is daily walks of at least half an hour. Regular exercise increases HDL, which is beneficial for healthy cholesterol.

- If the current cholesterol does not decrease with diet and exercise, it may be necessary to start drug treatment by a specialist doctor at this point.

What is Good for Cholesterol?

What is good for cholesterol, the first of the best things for cholesterol is a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet alone may not be enough, so a regular exercise must be added to a healthy diet.

- Regular exercise,

- Regular sleep routine,

- A diet with an emphasis on green vegetables and fruits,

- Avoiding stress,

- Eating healthy fats, not saturated fats,

- Avoiding very fatty foods,

- Avoiding fried foods,

Foods that Lower Cholesterol

Foods that lower cholesterol,

- Healthy nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds should be eaten raw and not roasted.

- Consume healthy cereals.

- Consume legumes

- Eating more fruits and vegetables and consuming fresh salads at meals

- You can consume sugar-free dark chocolate, but you should adjust the proportions well and avoid excessive consumption.

- Avocado is beneficial to consume because it is in the healthy fat group.

- Garlic can also be consumed due to its antioxidant properties.

- Olive oil consumption is also good for cholesterol. It is recommended to be consumed in salads and meals.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At22 November 2022
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