How to Communicate After an Earthquake?

How to Communicate After an Earthquake?

Content Summary

Sosyal medya, bilgi arayışında kullanılan ilk kanallardan biridir ve doğru bilgilerle birlikte yanlış bilgiler de bu kanallar üzerinden dolaşmaktadır. Bu durumu önlemek için; resmi ve güvenilir kanallar aracılığıyla kesintisiz bilgi akışının sağlanması, yanlış ve sahte haberlerin anında deşifre edilmesi ve toplumun bilgi ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması gerekmektedir. Sosyal medya okuryazarlığı konusunda kamuoyunu bilgilendirmek için eğitimler düzenlenebilir ve doğru bilgilerin yanlış bilgilerden nasıl ayırt edileceği gösterilmelidir. Afet durumlarında altyapı sorunları nedeniyle medya üzerinden bilgi akışı kesintiye uğrayabilir; bu gibi durumlarda internet üzerinden iletişim gibi alternatif iletişim kanallarına başvurmak daha faydalı olabilir. Ancak, çevrimiçi iletişim sırasında çok fazla bilgi akışı olduğundan, resmi kaynaklardan ve uzmanlardan alınan bilgilerin doğrulanması önemlidir. Medyanın doğal afetleri nasıl ele alması gerektiği konusunda profesyonel örgütlerin bazı rehber ilkeler geliştirmesi gereklidir. Afet haberlerinde sansasyonelcilikten kaçınılmalı, görüntüler ticari amaçlar için kullanılmamalı ve travmaya yol açabilecek tarz ve görüntülerden kaçınılmalıdır. Kurtarma hikayeleri haberleştirilebilir ancak kurtarılanların gelecekteki yaşamları da göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Bilgi eksikliği dedikodulara ve paniğe yol açabilir; bu nedenle medyanın doğru bilgiye erişebilmesi ve kamuoyunu tam ve doğru bir şekilde bilgilendirme görevi yerine getirmesi elzemdir.

Society's need for information increases during natural disasters such as earthquakes. The first place people turn to for information is usually the media. If the flow of information in the media is interrupted, there may be an increase in rumors that have nothing to do with reality and as a result, there may be an air of panic in the society. There are some issues to be considered in such situations. It is important that post-earthquake communication is healthy and accurate information is conveyed to the society.

Social media is one of the first channels used in the search for information. False information as well as accurate information is circulated on these channels. Among the things to be done to prevent this situation; maintaining the flow of information through official and reliable channels without interruption, deciphering false and false news instantly, and meeting the information needs of the society. Trainings can be organized to inform the public about social media literacy and it is important to show how to distinguish correct information from false information.

Communication can be established over the Internet

In events such as earthquakes and disasters, there may be interruptions in the flow of information from the media due to infrastructure problems. In such cases, it may be more beneficial for people to turn to alternative communication channels, such as communication via the internet.

In such cases, the public can be informed through social media platforms. However, it is important to verify the information received from official sources and experts, as there is a lot of information flow during online communication.

What is the Importance of Statements Used in the Media?

Experts also underline the need for professional organizations to develop some guiding principles on how the media should cover natural disasters. In addition, in case the media is cut off during an earthquake, it would be useful to have post-earthquake communication over the internet, but sensationalism should be avoided and images should not be used for commercial purposes.

Sensationalist and pain-increasing styles and images that would traumatize people should not be used in news about deaths. Professional organizations should develop some guiding principles on how the media should cover natural disasters.

Which images should be used after an earthquake?

There is nothing wrong with news coverage of rescue stories that are considered miracles in earthquakes. However, the future lives of the rescued babies should also be taken into consideration when these news are given. Care should be taken not to use images that may cause trauma to them in the news.

What Can Lack of Information Lead to?

In addition to the increased need for information after an earthquake, people may try to learn what happened as soon as possible. In such extraordinary situations, it is important for the media to inform the public quickly and accurately. However, if the flow of information from the media is interrupted, gossip and hard-to-believe rumors may emerge. Such situations can lead to panic in the society. In order to prevent the lack of information, the media must be able to access the right information and fulfill its duty to fully and accurately inform the public.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At17 February 2023
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