How is knee arthritis treated?

How is knee arthritis treated?

Content Summary

Aşırı kilolu olmak, özellikle diz eklemi olmak üzere, osteoartrit (eklem kireçlenmesi) riskini artırır. Yeni bir araştırma, diz ekleminde orta derecede hasarı olan aşırı kilolu veya obez 640 hastada yapılan manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRI) sonuçlarına göre, vücut ağırlığının en az %10'unu kaybeden hastalarda 48 ay sonra diz eklemi hasarında önemli bir azalma olduğunu göstermiştir. Vücut ağırlığının %5-10 arası kaybedenlerde hastalığın ilerlemesi yavaşlarken, kilo vermeyenlerde hastalık ilerlemeye devam etmiştir. Bu nedenle, uzmanlar, kilo kaybının diz osteoartriti için etkili bir tedavi seçeneği olduğunu ve kıkırdak hasarını önlemeye ve menisküsü korumaya yardımcı olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Sağlıklı bir kiloyu korumak, kronik hastalıkları önlemede ve artrit ile mücadelede etkilidir.

Staying at a healthy weight is effective not only in preventing chronic diseases but also in the fight against arthritis.

Stating that weight loss is an effective treatment option for knee joint arthritis, experts warn, "Losing weight of at least '% of body weight will both prevent cartilage damage and protect the meniscus."

Üsküdar University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Faculty Member Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu said that osteoarthritis, popularly known as "joint calcification", is a progressive disease that can lead to cartilage destruction by losing the healthy smooth structure of the articular cartilage.

Stating that osteoarthritis usually starts with pain and then causes limitation of movement, loss of function and cartilage loss, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu said, "The knee joint is one of the most affected joints. Being overweight increases the load on the knee joint and over time causes arthritis symptoms; inflammation, pain, swelling and hardening. In other words, being overweight is a risk factor for arthritis."


Referring to the results of a new study in which magnetic resonance images (MRI) of 640 patients with knee arthritis in the United States were examined, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu said:

"This research has shown that weight loss is an effective treatment option for osteoarthritis of the knee joint and can stop the disease. All of the people participating in the study were selected from overweight or obese (body mass index over 25) patients with moderate knee joint damage, and the follow-up results were examined by performing magnetic resonance imaging both at the beginning of the study and 48 months later.

The results of the evaluation using advanced technological methods that can make changes visible at the molecular level showed that after 48 months, knee joint damage was significantly reduced in patients who had lost more than 10% of their body weight. This can be exemplified as follows; a 160 cm tall and 80 kg woman losing at least 8 kg will stop the progression of knee arthritis. In patients who lost between 5% and 5% of their body weight, the progression of the disease only slowed down, while in patients who did not lose weight at all, the disease continued to progress without slowing down."

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu stated that the results of the research reveal that weight loss is an effective treatment option for knee osteoarthritis and said, "Losing weight of at least '% of body weight will both prevent cartilage damage and protect the menisci. The more weight lost, the more this effect increases. To protect your joints, make sure that your weight stays within healthy limits. If you are overweight, stay healthy by applying a weight management program with proper nutrition and exercise habits."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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