How Does Cellulite Go Away, Why Does It Happen?

How Does Cellulite Go Away, Why Does It Happen?

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Selülit, derinin alt katmanlarında yağ hücrelerinin büyümesi sonucu oluşan, portakal kabuğuna benzeyen girinti ve çıkıntılara neden olan bir durumdur. Kadınlarda erkeklerden daha sık görülür, çünkü kadın ve erkeklerde yağ, kas ve bağ dokusunun dağılımı anatomik olarak farklıdır. Selülit oluşumu, bağ dokusunun dikey şeritlerinin yağ hücrelerini sıkıştırarak oluşturduğu küçük cepler ve genişlemiş yağ hücreleri nedeniyle meydana gelir. Genetik faktörler, metabolizma hızı, yağ dağılımı ve dolaşım gibi faktörler selülit gelişimini etkileyebilir. Selülit, üç dereceye ayrılır: Birinci derece selülit hafif, sıkıştırıldığında daha belirginleşir; ikinci derece selülit ayakta durulduğunda veya bacaklar çaprazlandığında görünür; üçüncü derece selülit ise yatay pozisyonda bile belirgindir ve ağrıya neden olabilir. Selülit oluşumunu tamamen önlemek mümkün olmasa da, sağlıklı beslenme, aktif yaşam tarzı, sağlıklı kilonun korunması, kas güçlendirici egzersizler ve cilt bakımı selülit görünümünü azaltmaya yardımcı olabilir. Ancak hızlı kilo kaybı sonucu oluşan gevşek cilt, selüliti daha belirgin hale getirebilir.

Cellulite is a skin problem that especially women are uncomfortable with. Cellulite, which is the size of an orange peel, is called hydro lipodystrophy in medical terms. Treatment recommendations for cellulite caused by differences in the structures of individuals, birth process, sudden changes in weight and irregular nutrition are among the curious issues.

Fat cells grow between the layers of the skin on human skin. This causes lumps and dimples in the skin. The formation of this pit is called cellulite .
Cellulite generally acquires an appearance resembling an orange peel. Cellulite occurs in both men and women. However, there are anatomically different distributions of fat, muscle and connective tissue in men and women. Therefore, it can occur more frequently and easily in women.

Why Cellulite Occurs?

There are bands of connective tissue in some parts. These bands run vertically between fat cells and connect the upper areas of the skin to the deeper structures of the body. The bands form chambers, or small pockets, with enough empty space for fat cells of the usual size. When the fat cells become enlarged, the bands compress the fat structure like a net, causing cellulite with indentations and protrusions. The enlarged fat cells create small bumps, while the tight 'septa' compress the adipose tissue, causing dimpling. Under the upper parts of the skin defined as epidermis and dermis, a dense amount of fat cells are stored. This results in a rough appearance.
Certain genes are required for the development ofcellulite . Genetic factors can affect an individual's metabolic intensity, the distribution of fat to the lower part of the skin and circulation levels, and these conditions can cause cellulite to develop.
Although cellulite is more common in people with a high fat content, cellulite can also occur in thin and physically fit people. The age of development of cellulite is set at 25, but it can also occur in younger people.

What are the Degrees of Cellulite?

First degree cellulite: Cellulites that occur in the person's body are likened to orange peel. This orange peel image causes a bumpy appearance on the skin of the person and becomes more prominent with the compression of the skin. However, the appearance of cellulite is not obvious when standing or lying down.
Second degree cellulite: This type of cellulite shows itself on the skin when standing for a long time and crossing the legs. On the compressed skin, orange bumps appear.
Third degree cellulite: This type of cellulite does not show itself when sitting and in a compressed position, but it does show itself in a horizontal position. These cellulites can cause pain. It can cause a painful condition in women during menopause. It usually occurs in the thighs of the legs, abdomen, arm hips and buttocks.

What are the ways to prevent cellulite?

Cellulite formation cannot be completely prevented. However, cellulite formation can be reduced by applying a number of measures. An active lifestyle and consuming healthy foods can minimize the appearance of cellulite . In addition, maintaining a healthy body weight helps to minimize the level of dimples in the thighs or abdomen. Muscle-strengthening exercises for the thighs and belly area can also help to shape and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Weight loss of people with excess weight can contribute to minimizing the appearance of cellulite . However, weight loss also causes the event to become more obvious in some people. In general, the loosened skin that occurs after rapid and significant weight loss makes the appearance of cellulite more obvious. For this reason, a weight loss program can be applied at regular intervals that will allow the skin to stretch according to weight loss.
Cellulite appearance can be reduced if the person takes good care of his/her skin. It may be useful to avoid smoking and to prefer sunscreen products to contribute to keeping the skin more cottony, cleaner and firmer.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At15 September 2022
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