Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip Replacement Surgery

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Kalça protezi ameliyatı, hasarlı kıkırdak ve kemiğin çıkarılması, kalçanın hizalanması ve kalça ekleminin işlevini yerine koymak için metal, plastik veya seramik parçaların yerleştirilmesini içerir. Ameliyat öncesinde ve sonrasında bazı noktalara dikkat edilmesi gerekir. Ameliyat ortalama 2-3 saat sürer. Ameliyat öncesinde genel sağlığın iyi olması için önlemler alınmalı, uygun beslenme sağlanmalı, gerektiğinde kilo verilmeli, kasları güçlendirmek için egzersizler yapılmalı, alkol tüketimi azaltılmalı, sigara bırakılmalı, alerjiler bildirilmeli, olası enfeksiyonlar doktorla paylaşılmalı, kullanılan ilaçlar (reçeteli, reçetesiz ve bitkisel takviyeler dahil) bildirilmeli, kan sulandırıcı ilaç kullanımı ameliyat öncesinde durdurulmalı, gebelik durumu bildirilmeli ve kronik rahatsızlıklar doktorla paylaşılmalı. Ameliyat öncesi 8 saat yemek yenmemeli, gerektiğinde rahatlatıcı ilaç alınabilir ve anestezi tipi doktora göre değişir. Ameliyattan sonra yara iyileşene kadar suda beklememeli, yara örtülmeli, bol sıvı tüketilmeli, iştah kaybı durumunda doktora başvurulmalı, dengeli beslenmeli, bacaklar çaprazlama yapılmamalı, eğilirken belden aşağı eğilmeli, düzenli yürüyüş yapılmalı, ayaklar içe veya dışa doğru bükülmemeli, ağrı, şişme, kızarıklık, ateş, nefes darlığı veya göğüs ağrısı durumunda doktora başvurulmalı, cinsel hayata dönüş ile ilgili doktor tavsiyeleri izlenmelidir. Evde ise ilk haftalarda merdiven kullanımı dikkatli olmalı, halı ve kilimler kaldırılmalı, banyoya korkuluk takılmalı veya duş sandalyesi kullanılmalı, yüksek ve sert sandalyeler tercih edilmelidir.

Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery involves removing damaged cartilage and bone, aligning the hip and inserting metal, plastic or ceramic parts to replace the function of the hip joint.

In order for the operation to be successful, certain things must be taken into consideration before and after the operation. On average, hip replacement surgery can take 2 to 3 hours.

Before and after the hip replacement surgery, it is necessary to pay attention to and apply the points that the doctor states that should be paid attention to.

Things to Consider Before Hip Replacement Surgery

  • Necessary precautions should be taken to ensure good general health before surgery.
  • Proper nutrition should be provided. If necessary, weight should be lost.
  • Conditioning exercises should be done to strengthen the muscles.
  • Alcohol intake should be reduced.
  • If you smoke, you should quit before surgery.
  • Any allergy to any medication, anesthesia, tape or latex should be reported to the doctor.
  • The doctor should be informed about possible infections in the body.
  • Information about the medications used periodically should be shared with the doctor. In addition to prescription medications, the doctor should be informed about over-the-counter or herbal supplements.
  • If there has been a bleeding disorder in the past or if blood thinners or drugs that prevent blood clotting are used, your doctor should be informed and the use of these drugs should be suspended before surgery.
  • If you are pregnant or suspected to be pregnant, this should be shared with the doctor.
  • If there are chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes, these conditions should also be shared with the doctor before surgery.

Points to be Considered During the Operation Process

Eating should be stopped approximately 8 hours before the operation. If necessary, sedative medication can be requested from the doctor for relaxation. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. However, in some cases spinal or epidural anesthesia is also used. The doctor decides on the type of anesthesia according to the patient's condition. For the success of the surgery, it is important to follow home care instructions for the first few weeks after surgery.

Rules to be followed after surgery

  • Soaking should be avoided until the wound is well healed
  • The wound should be wrapped to prevent irritation from clothing.
  • It is important to drink plenty of fluids.
  • In some cases, loss of appetite may be observed after surgery. If this condition persists, the doctor should be contacted.
  • In general, a balanced diet program should be created with iron supplements, and nutrition programs for tissue healing and increasing muscle strength should be followed.
  • Legs should not be crossed, legs should be kept apart while sitting.
  • When bending down, it should be bent below the waist level and squatting should be used.
  • Regular walking should be done
  • Feet should not be bent inwards or outwards when lying, sitting or standing.
  • Check-ups should not be neglected and a doctor should be consulted in case of hip pain, pain/swelling in the calf or leg, redness/burning or leakage at the site of surgery, high fever, breathing difficulties or chest pain.
  • The doctor's recommendations for returning to sexual life should be followed.

Plans to be made at home

  • Care should be taken not to use stairs in the first weeks of the healing process. If stairs are to be used, they should be held to the handrail. When going up the stairs, the healthy leg should be used first, and when going down, the operated leg should be used first.
  • Carpets or rugs that will get caught on the feet should be removed.
  • A handrail should be built in the bathroom, shower or bathtub or a shower chair should be used.
  • When sitting, hard and high chairs or armchairs with armrests should be preferred.
CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At27 September 2022
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