For psychological well-being: stop, think and start again!

For psychological well-being: stop, think and start again!

Content Summary

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, yeni yılla birlikte insanların yoğun yaşam temposu ve stresini ele alarak, bu durumun öz gelişime bir fırsat olduğunu vurguluyor. Geçen yılı değerlendirmenin önemine dikkat çeken Tarhan, rutin yaşamın zararlarından bahsediyor ve "durup düşünmek, sonra yeniden başlamak" tavsiyesinde bulunuyor. Bireylerin, tıpkı bir cihazın fabrika ayarlarına döndürülmesi gibi, kendilerini günlük yaşamın yoğunluğundan arındırarak dinlenmeleri gerektiğini belirtiyor. İnsanların özgür iradeleri olduğunu ve bu nedenle hedef belirleyip, gelecek projeksiyonları geliştirmeleri ve stratejilerini gözden geçirmeleri gerektiğini söylüyor. Doğru hedeflerin insanları harekete geçirdiğini, ancak modern insanın sıklıkla isteklerini elde edememe sonucu yaşadığı ruhsal çöküntüden muzdarip olduğunu belirtiyor. Mutluluk ve zevkin aynı olmadığını, bağımlılığın ödül başarısızlık sendromu olduğunu ve kısa vadeli zevklere odaklanmanın "psikolojik obeziteye" yol açabileceğini ekliyor. Son olarak, içsel engellerin dışsal engellerden daha fazla engelleyici olduğunu ve idealizm, realizm ve aktivizm üçlüsünün dengeli bir şekilde kullanılması gerektiğini belirtiyor.

2018, which we have just entered a few days ago, is an opportunity for new beginnings and new decisions.

Stating that one of the biggest problems of people of our age is intense hustle and bustle and stress, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan points out that stress and reasonable amounts of distress are actually an opportunity for self-improvement. Underlining the need to make an accounting of the previous year, Prof. Dr. Tarhan said, "In our age, the most damaging thing for a person is the intense and routine life conditions and hustle and bustle. What needs to be done is to take a break from this marathon. Stop, think and start again," he advised.

Üsküdar University Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan drew attention to the importance of psychological refreshment and psychological well-being as we enter a new year.

Stop, think and start again

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that in the new year, one should make an accounting of the previous year and said, "One of the biggest harmful behaviors of our age is busy and routine life. We do not realize the consequences too much. People are in a social density and this situation is not noticed much. There is social mobility, economic mobility and when this happens, people drown in normal routine daily life. They should stop, think, start again," he said.

Factory settings should be returned from time to time

Underlining that individuals should rest by removing themselves from the intensity of daily life for a while, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "Just as it is beneficial for a device to return to factory settings at certain times, this is the same for humans. This is even called the "" rule in innovation. If a person does something for 100 minutes, he needs to think about that work for 15 minutes. A year has passed, stop, think and start again. If they don't do this, some mistakes lead them to the wrong place. Renewing oneself is important in this respect. In a way, just as we take a bath at certain intervals, we need to renew, refresh and update ourselves at certain intervals. If we do this to ourselves, we will use our lives in a healthier, more efficient and peaceful way. Therefore, the new year is an opportunity."
Pointing out that stress and reasonable amounts of distress are an opportunity for self-improvement, Tarhan said, "Controllable stress improves people.

A person with free will is aware of his own existence

Stating that human beings are the only beings who are aware of their existence, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan emphasized that people who are aware of their own existence have free will and continued his words as follows

"Since humans have free will, they need to set goals, develop future projections and revise their strategies because they need to know where they are going. Our brain has the ability to program itself. If we do not program ourselves, external events program us. Renewing ourselves is actually programming and updating ourselves. For this, it is important that people use their time efficiently and as a result, when they reach a certain age, they can look back and leave a full life history."

The right goals mobilize people

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan emphasized that one of the most common problems of modern people is the mental breakdown they experience as a result of not getting what they want and said, "This is the most common state of mind of a young person. It is actually natural for him to feel this. A person has dreams, a person makes a plan to reach his dreams, makes an effort to achieve them, but a person trying to reach his dream is like climbing a mountain. What does a person climbing a mountain do? They try way A, they try way B, they try way C, they try way B, they try way C. Whatever they do, they go up because that mountain has been climbed before. He will say that if someone has climbed it before, I can climb it too. But in such cases, he will aspire to the difficult. He will make an effort towards his goal. He will find a way to reach the goal without harming himself. For this, his motivation must be high, and for this, his goal must be right and he must believe in his goal. The things that mobilize people are the right goals. You cannot employ a person without a purpose."

People become psychologically obese because they cannot get enough of the reward

Expressing that happiness and pleasure are not the same thing, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that addiction is called reward failure syndrome and made the following statements: "There are two kinds of pleasure; there is short-term pleasure and there is medium and long-term pleasure. When it comes to pleasure, generally, if I like it at that moment, it is good, if I don't like it, it is bad, with the philosophy of short-term live in the moment, the person glorifies instant pleasure in popular culture. One needs to be able to delay pleasure, one needs to learn this. But this doesn't happen by itself. People who can use this feature in humans, people who regulate emotion, that is, they manage emotions, manage pleasure and use it efficiently. Otherwise they become psychologically obese."

Internal obstacles affect the person more than external obstacles

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that the thing that dulls people's abilities the most is to break their own hopes and said, "When we can overcome the obstacles within us, it is actually the internal obstacles that hinder us more than external obstacles. This dulls many abilities that people can do. Of course, there is a triad while doing these things: Idealism, realism, activism. A person will have ideals. Let him dream, let him have ideals. But while dreaming, of course, one foot should be on the ground. The second pillar is to be both an idealist and a realist. The third leg is activism. People have ideals and dreams, they make the connection between reality and their dreams, but if they don't have energy, they can't produce anything. The value of a person is determined by their ideals."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At09 August 2018
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