Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver

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Yağlı karaciğer hastalığı, karaciğerin kendi ağırlığının %5'inden fazla yağ içermesi anlamına gelir. Bu durum, alkol kaynaklı ve daha sık görülen alkolsüz steatohepatit olmak üzere iki şekilde ortaya çıkar ve genel popülasyonda %20-30 oranında görülür, erkeklerde kadınlardan daha yaygındır. Alkol tüketimi, hepatit C enfeksiyonu, insülin direnci, diyabet, yüksek trigliserit seviyeleri ve obezite gibi birçok hastalığın sonucu olabilir. Çoğu hastada belirti görülmez ancak yorgunluk, hızlı yorgunluk, kaşıntı, sarılık ve karın sağ üst kadranda ağrı/dolgunluk hissi yaşanabilir. Tanıda ultrason kullanılır. Tedavi, alkol ve sigarayı bırakmayı, diyet ve egzersizle kilo vermeyi, diyabet ve hiperlipidemi için ilaç kullanmayı içerir. Uygun tedavi ile basit yağlı karaciğer hastalığı tedavi edilebilir ancak %5'inde 7 yıl içinde siroza ve %1'inde ölüme yol açabilir. Hastalık için onaylanmış bir ilaç yoktur, etiyoloji belirlenmeli ve buna göre tedavi uygulanmalıdır.

What is fatty liver disease and what are its symptoms means that the liver contains at least 5% more fat than its own weight.

The liver is an organ that has important functions in our body and is responsible for the fulfillment of vital functions. Maintaining liver health is of great importance in terms of life expectancy.

This condition can be seen clinically in two forms: alcohol-related and non-alcohol-related hepatosteatosis, which we encounter more frequently. The incidence in the general population is around 20-30%. Fatty liver disease is more common in men than women.

Fatty liver disease can be a consequence of many diseases such as excessive alcohol consumption, hepatitis C infection, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, high serum triglyceride levels and obesity.

What are the symptoms of fatty liver disease

Most patients do not have any complaints in fatty liver disease.

In some patients

  • Fatigue
  • Quick fatigue
  • Itching
  • Jaundice
  • There may be pain and a feeling of fullness in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen.

During routine examination, enlargement of the liver and mild elevation of liver enzymes (1-4 times) may be found in the laboratory. Ultrasonography is the most commonly used method in the diagnosis of fatty liver disease because it is cheap and easily accessible.

What should a person with fatty liver disease pay attention to

  • Smoking and alcohol should be completely avoided.
  • Lose weight by dieting
  • Exercise regularly
  • Those diagnosed with diabetes should use the medications and insulin regularly.
  • Diet should be started for those with hyperlipidemia. If cholesterol and triglyceride levels are not controlled with diet, medication should be initiated.

In patients who comply with these treatments, simple fatty liver disease can be easily treated

What are the risks of fatty liver disease

Cirrhosis develops in 5% of cases of fatty liver disease in an average of 7 years and is reported to result in death in 1%.

How fatty liver disease is treated

First of all, etiology should be determined and then treatment should be applied for the cause. In treatment, concomitant metabolic diseases such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia should be taken into consideration and weight loss should be achieved through exercise and diet.

There are many drugs that have been the subject of research so far in the treatment of fatty liver disease. However, there is no drug licensed directly for this disease in our country and in the world.

When a diagnosis of fatty liver disease is made, the person should consult a specialist, receive timely treatment and follow the treatment protocols, which will prevent future illnesses.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At17 August 2020
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