Family is the biggest factor in high cholesterol!

Family is the biggest factor in high cholesterol!

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Yüksek kolesterol olarak da bilinen bozulmuş lipid seviyeleri, özellikle kardiyovasküler hastalıklar olmak üzere birçok hastalığa yol açar. Uzmanlar, lipid seviyesi bozukluğunun kalp damarlarında daralmaya ve tıkanıklığa yol açtığını belirterek ailevi faktörlere dikkat çekmektedir. Yüksek kolesterolün birincil nedeni ailevi faktörlerdir; 50 yaşın altındaki ve ailesinde kalp krizi geçiren bireyler daha yüksek risk altındadır. İkinci neden ise işlenmiş etler (sosis, salam vb.) ve yağlı etlerin aşırı tüketiminden kaynaklanan beslenme alışkanlıklarıdır. Sağlıksız yaşam tarzı, yani kötü beslenme ve hareketsizlik de önemli bir faktördür. Yüksek kolesterol, kalp krizi, kardiyovasküler hastalıklar ve koroner arter hastalıklarına yol açar. Belirtiler arasında göğüs ağrısı, yanma hissi, aşırı nefes darlığı, karın ağrısı, mide bulantısı yer alabilir. Önleme için sağlıklı bir diyet (hayvansal yağlardan uzak durmak), düzenli egzersiz, sigara bırakma ve kan basıncını kontrol altına alma önemlidir. 20 yaşından itibaren lipid prokalsitonin seviyesini kontrol etmek ve trans yağlardan uzak durmak önerilmektedir.

Impaired lipid levels, commonly known as "cholesterol", lead to many diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases. Stating that lipid level disorder leads to stenosis and blockage in the heart vessels, experts draw attention to familial factors.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı gave important information about lipid level disorder.


"A lipid level disorder is a cholesterol. Cholesterol is a part of a fat, a substance from it or a part of a lipid. It is produced in the liver and then distributed throughout the body. Harmful or excess cholesterol is also transported back to the liver." Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "Lipid level disorders are a problem that should be treated in any case."

Animal fats cause bad cholesterol!

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "The lipid level disorder is as follows; there is something else here, which is a mixture of protein and lipids with an excess of harmful parts. This is what we call bad cholesterol, which is harmful to the body."

"This fat accumulates in the vessels leading to the heart. Its accumulation leads to heart attacks, cardiovascular diseases and coronary artery vascular diseases. Bad cholesterol levels cause more accumulation and damage the body. If we treat these diseases, we reduce the risk of heart attack. We can do this in two ways. The first is by paying attention to our diet and the second is by not consuming animal fat.

The number one cause of high cholesterol: Familial factors

What we call 'lipid level disorder' is the accumulation of high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels. One of the reasons for this accumulation is familial factors, i.e. lipid levels caused by the parents. People under the age of 50 whose parents have had a heart attack or who have high accumulation in the heart vessels have a higher risk of having a heart attack than normal individuals. Since it is higher than normal individuals, it is necessary to reduce the cholesterol level in these people or to reduce the risk of disease caused by poor nutrition, inactivity, etc. in normal people. We can measure this by looking at the bad cholesterol-good cholesterol measurement."

Stay away from processed meats!

Stating that the second cause of bad cholesterol is eating habits, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "It is a disease caused by excessive consumption of processed meats such as sausage, salami, sausage, bacon and fatty meats. These are the two most important reasons. In particular, the reason that involves the whole society is the disordered lifestyle, that is, malnutrition and inactivity."

High cholesterol especially leads to cardiovascular diseases

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said that lipid level disorder especially leads to cardiovascular diseases and added: "A stenosis in the heart vessels or a blockage of the vessel that feeds the heart, which we call a heart attack, causes diseases. This causes serious heart failure and shortened life expectancy, sudden deaths, decreased quality of life and strokes."

Main symptoms Chest pain and burning

Referring to the symptoms of diseases caused by lipid level disorders, Prof. Dr. Baltalı said, "Especially in men over the age of 40 and women aged 60-65, chest pain and burning is the most common condition. Apart from this, extreme shortness of breath, abdominal pain, nausea, and being able to hear your voice when you are quiet can occur."

Eat a healthy diet to prevent diseases!

In order to prevent these diseases; most importantly, we should pay attention to what we eat, drink, our mobility, our lifestyle and make it healthy. To make it healthy, we need to eliminate the cause of coronary artery disease. The most important of these is smoking. At the same time, in order to prevent these diseases, we have to reduce blood pressure salt ratio and pay attention to what we eat and drink. Animal foods and fats should be avoided as much as possible.

Another important issue is to control lipid procalcitonin from the age of 20. If it is high, it should be lowered. This shows that we need to be selective in what we eat. For example; we should stay away from trans fats."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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