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Endoskopi, ucunda kamera bulunan ince bir tüp yardımıyla yemek borusunun ve midenin görüntülenmesini sağlayan ve hastalıkların teşhisine yardımcı olan bir işlemdir. İşlem sırasında, sedasyon anestezisi sayesinde hasta ağrı hissetmez ve reflekslerini kontrol edebilir. Endoskopi, inatçı hastalıkların teşhisi ve gerekirse biyopsi alınması için tercih edilir ve genellikle 40 yaş üstü bireylere önerilir. İşlemden önce birkaç hafta mide ilacı kullanılmaması ve 8-12 saat aç kalınması gerekir. Endoskopi sırasında hasta sol tarafına yatar ve kamera görüntülerini monitörden izleyen doktor tarafından detaylı bir inceleme yapılır. İşlem sonrası hasta yaklaşık bir saat dinlendikten sonra taburcu edilebilir. Endoskopi, inatçı mide ağrısı, anemi, tekrarlayan mide hastalıkları (gastrit, reflü, ülser), sebebi bilinmeyen kilo kaybı, uzun süreli kabızlık, dışkıda kanama, siyah renkli dışkı, ağızdan kanama, yutulan yabancı cisimler ve uzun süreli ishal gibi durumlarda yapılır.

Endoscopy is the visualization of the esophagus and stomach with the help of a thin tube with a camera at the end, it helps in the diagnosis of diseases.

Why is endoscopy performed?

Endoscopy is a method used to visualize diseases in the esophagus, the junction of the esophagus and stomach, stomach and duodenum. A thin tube with a camera at the end is sent through the mouth into the esophagus and then into the stomach. In this way, wounds or other diseases can be visualized and diagnosed. The patient does not feel any pain or ache during this procedure. Because anesthesia called sedation anesthesia is applied. This anesthesia is different from other anesthesia. The patient continues to be able to control their reflexes. If necessary during endoscopy, the patient's biopsy is taken for examination without repeating the same procedure. Endoscopy is preferred for stubborn diseases that cannot be treated despite treatment. It is not recommended to perform endoscopy at an early age, it may be more appropriate to perform it at the age of 40 and later.

How is Endoscopy Performed?

When it is decided to perform an endoscopy, it is recommended not to use stomach medications for a few weeks beforehand. In this way, the diagnosis can be more accurate. The patient who will undergo endoscopy should be hungry. It is recommended that the patient should not eat or drink anything for 8-12 hours. Because endoscopy is a procedure that should be performed on an empty stomach. If the patient has dentures, they should be removed. An apparatus called a mouthpiece is worn to prevent damage to the patient's teeth. Sedation anesthesia is applied to the patient before endoscopy. During the endoscopy, the patient should lie on his/her left side. In some patients, endoscopy is performed using general anesthesia. The esophagus and stomach are examined in detail with a camera through a tube inserted through the mouth. The image from the camera is projected onto the monitor and the examination is performed. The patient's vital signs are also checked. After the endoscopy, the patient rests for about an hour and then can go home.

Why is Endoscopy Performed?

  • In persistent stomach pain
  • To identify the cause of anemia
  • Recurrent stomach diseases (gastritis, reflux, ulcer)
  • Detection of weight loss of unknown cause
  • In prolonged constipation
  • When there is bleeding in the stool
  • When the stool is black in color
  • When blood comes from the mouth
  • When foreign bodies are swallowed
  • Endoscopy is preferred in cases of prolonged diarrhea.
CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At15 January 2020
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