Drinks that Strengthen the Immune System

Drinks that Strengthen the Immune System

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Kış aylarında artan hastalıklara karşı bağışıklık sisteminin güçlendirilmesi gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır. Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi Beslenme ve Diyet Uzmanı Gizem Köse'ye göre, evde hazırlanabilecek sıcak bitki çayları ve çorbalar bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmede etkilidir. Köse, C vitamini açısından zengin kuşburnu çayı, demir emilimini azaltmadığı için yumurta ile tüketilebilen ıhlamur çayı, metabolizmayı hızlandıran ve kan şekerini düzenleyen tarçınlı ve yeşil çaylar ile sindirim sistemini düzenleyen kayısı ve erik çaylarını önermektedir. Günde 3 fincana kadar bitki çayı tüketilebileceğini belirten Köse, ayrıca düşük kalorili ve yüksek sıvı içeriğine sahip çorbaların da bağışıklık sistemini desteklediğini ve özellikle sebze çorbalarının metabolizma hızlandırıcı etkisi olduğunu eklemiştir.

The immune system needs to be strong in the fight against increasing diseases in the winter season.

According to experts stating that the immune system will be strengthened with herbal teas to be prepared at home, soup consumption in winter is also effective in protecting the immune system.

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Gizem Köse from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital said that we can strengthen our immune system while warming up with hot herbal teas that we can prepare at home on cold winter days.

Stating that herbal teas are effective in protecting against common winter diseases such as flu, colds and colds that cause weakness and fatigue, Gizem Köse listed the healthy drinks that can be consumed in winter as follows:


Rosehip Rosehip is a good source of vitamin C. We can even say that it is the best source of vitamin C that can be drunk hot. Especially in these months when the weather is changeable, you can strengthen your immune system with 1 cup of rosehip tea a day. It can also help suppress your desire to consume sugary foods with its taste!


Linden: Linden is always associated with diseases, we cannot think of it otherwise. You can create your protection shield against diseases with linden, the most innocent of herbal teas! In fact, on days when you consume eggs for breakfast, try linden instead of black tea, which reduces the absorption of iron in eggs!


Spicy teas and green tea: In general, spices, which have no calorie content and help speed up metabolism, are widely used in our country. Cinnamon, which has been the most popular recently, helps regulate blood sugar. You can even consume it as chai mixed with milk in some coffee shops. While cinnamon helps you overcome your sweet crises thanks to its cinnamon content, it helps you maintain your body temperature with its black pepper and ginger content.

Green tea is the unprocessed form of black tea. Therefore, excessive consumption may cause edema. However, we need to draw attention to its fat burning accelerator feature, 2 cups of green tea a day helps to lose weight as well as important health benefits. Green tea, which has varieties such as pineapple and bergamot, draws attention as a healthy drink.


Apricot and plum tea: The most important effects of apricot and plum teas are to reduce digestive problems. The immune system and the digestive system work together and when one fails, the other can be affected. For this reason, 1 cup of apricot or plum tea that you will consume 1 in 2 days can help relieve your digestive problems."


Stating that hot herbal teas can be consumed up to 3 cups a day, Gizem Köse stated that soup consumption in winter is also effective in protecting the immune system, "Soup is a savior that fills our stomach before meals due to its high liquid content and low calorie content. You can also benefit from the metabolism accelerator effect by using plenty of spices in soups consisting of vegetables. Lentil and ezogelin soups are good alternatives for those who do not like to consume dried legumes as a meal, and artichoke, zucchini and cauliflower soups for those who do not like vegetables. This is the perfect time for these vegetables! In my opinion, do not waste it and be sure to consume your soup cooked with 1 tablespoon of olive oil in 1 liter of water before dinner."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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