Don't neglect your heart in the fall!

Don't neglect your heart in the fall!

Content Summary

Dünya Kalp Günü (29 Eylül) vesilesiyle, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı mevsim geçişlerinde kalp hastalarının dikkat etmesi gereken hususlara dikkat çekmiştir. Bunlar arasında; grip aşısı yaptırmak, düzenli doktor kontrolünden geçmek ve ilaçlarını doktor kontrolünde düzenlemek, tuz tüketimini azaltmak, sigarayı bırakmak ve sağlıklı beslenmek (yağlı et ve iç organlardan uzak durarak, balık, sebze, baklagil ve zeytinyağı tüketimini artırmak) yer almaktadır. Kalp krizi riski 24 saat devam etse de sabah 08:00-11:00 saatleri arasında daha yüksektir. Aile öyküsünde kalp hastalığı olanlar daha yüksek risk altındadır ve spor yapmadan önce mutlaka doktora görünmelidirler. Düzenli egzersiz (örneğin, haftada 4 gün en az 20 dakika yürüyüş) kalp sağlığı için faydalıdır, ancak ağır sporlardan (ağırlık kaldırma, boks) kaçınılmalıdır. İlaçlar doktor tarafından önerildiği şekilde düzenli olarak kullanılmalı ve kendiliğinden kesilmemelidir. Kan basıncı ve şeker düzeyinin düzenli olarak kontrol edilmesi önemlidir. 20 yaşından itibaren 3 yılda bir kontrol önerilirken, problem olanlarda daha sık kontrol gerekmektedir.

Every year, September 29 is commemorated as World Heart Day to draw attention to heart health. The precautions to be taken by heart patients during seasonal transitions are vital: "During seasonal transitions, flu vaccination should be done, doctor control should not be neglected, salt consumption should be paid attention to, and smoking should be quit."

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı drew attention to the precautions to be taken by heart patients during seasonal transitions.

Flu vaccination should be done

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı stated that flu diseases, which are common during seasonal transitions, cause serious shortness of breath, especially in heart patients, and said, "Hospitalizations of heart patients are much more frequent during this period. For this reason, especially in October and November before the winter season, patients with heart failure, that is, those whose heart does not work sufficiently and elderly patients should get a flu vaccine. And every year they should get pneumococcal vaccine beyond the flu vaccine. This is a cause of pneumonia. The top pneumonia-causing bacteria is pneumococcal bacteria. It also has a vaccine. Elderly patients, especially those with heart failure, should be vaccinated every year."

Medications need to be regulated

Stating that heart patients should definitely go to a doctor's check-up during seasonal transitions, before winter, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı emphasized that medications should be rearranged. Prof. Dr. Baltalı said, "Risk factors such as heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes should be re-evaluated, high cholesterol should be controlled and the medications related to it should be rearranged. Especially at the end of summer and the beginning of fall, heart patients should come to the doctor's control."

Smoking should be quit

Emphasizing that heart patients should definitely quit smoking and pay attention to their nutrition, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said:
"First of all, we recommend that heart patients quit smoking. Secondly, we recommend them to pay attention to their cholesterol, that is, to pay attention to their nutrition. Solid fats should be avoided as much as possible. Heart patients should stay away from trans fats. Red meat consumption should be watched. Fish, vegetables, legumes and olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, should be used. If lifestyle is not enough to lower cholesterol, they should use medication. They should especially avoid fatty meat and offal."

Doctors' advice must be followed

Stating that the recommendations of doctors should be followed, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "We recommend that heart patients regularly use the medications given by their doctors and follow their recommendations. Blood pressure is also very important in heart patients. Blood pressure should not rise in any way. If the blood pressure drops, they should continue taking those medications and not stop them in any way. Very often we observe the following misbehavior in patients; the patient takes the medication for 20-25 days and then does not continue with the second box because my blood pressure has dropped. Patients should not do this. They should not stop taking their medication unless the doctor tells them to, and they should go as often as the doctor calls them. They should be prescribed medication as much as the doctor allows. They should do as much as the doctor says. He should pay attention to his sugar. He should control sugar," he said.

Risk increases in the morning hours

Stating that the risk of heart attack is 24 hours a day, but especially in the morning hours when it is more common, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "The risk of heart attack is higher between 08:00 and 11:00 in the morning. Because heart rate increases during these hours. Heart rate slows down during sleep. Heart rate increases after waking up. Increased heart rate before a heart attack appears to be a triggering factor. It is most common in the morning hours."

Salt consumption should be limited

Stating that those with a family history of heart disease are at risk, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı drew attention to the need to restrict excessive salt consumption. Prof. Dr. Baltalı said, "Those whose mother, father and siblings have heart disease at an early age have a higher risk of heart disease than those who do not. Therefore, sports that will create risk in heart disease should be avoided. These people should especially not smoke, pay attention to their cholesterol, and if they have high blood pressure or diabetes, they should pay attention to this. They should keep their blood pressure at normal values with medication. Blood pressure patients should limit their salt intake. The rate of salt use in Turkey is very high. Our nation really eats salt. Therefore, salt should be limited.

Emphasizing that in order to avoid heart disease, it is necessary to get away from the factors that cause the disease, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "Especially for blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol control, they should go to the doctor at certain intervals. These controls start at the age of 20 and if there is no problem, they should go after three years. If there is a problem, they should use the necessary lifestyle and medications depending on that problem."

Have a health check before sports

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı stated that those who have heart disease in their family should undergo a doctor's check before doing sports and emphasized the importance of sports in terms of heart health. Prof. Dr. Baltalı said the following:

"Deaths due to heart disease can be caused not only by a heart attack but also by another condition. These sudden deaths are rare and therefore attract the attention of the society. People who will do officially licensed sports should be checked by a cardiologist in any case. Otherwise, sports and exercise are recommended by doctors. People who do sports and exercise are less likely to develop heart disease. Walking is especially recommended. It is recommended to walk 4 days a week for at least 20 minutes. It is recommended to move, walk, swim, ride a bicycle for a healthy life. But especially if there is heart disease in the family, they are already under a doctor's control. Can these people do sports, yes they can, but if they want to play football as a licensed athlete, they need to go through a doctor's control. Football and swimming can be done, but weightlifting and boxing cause serious brain trauma even if there is no heart disease. Sports that require effort by lifting weights such as wrestling and weightlifting are not recommended too much. They should see a doctor every month. Those with a family history of heart disease should go to the doctor, listen carefully to the doctor's recommendations and follow the recommendations. They should not smoke. They should eat healthy foods and healthy foods."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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