Don't let TEOG uncertainty discourage your child

Don't let TEOG uncertainty discourage your child

Content Summary

TEOG sistemindeki planlanan değişikliklerden kaynaklanan belirsizlikler, özellikle bu yıl sınava hazırlanan öğrencilerde ve ailelerinde kaygı ve strese neden olmaktadır. Uzmanlar, ebeveynlerin bu dönemde çocukların yaşadığı kaygıyı azaltmada özel bir rolü olduğunu vurgulamakta ve "Çocuğa hedefini gerçekleştirmek için bir plan yapması ve çalışmaya devam etmesi gerektiği söylenmelidir" tavsiyesinde bulunmaktadırlar. Uzman Klinik Psikolog Selvinaz Çınar Parlak, öğrencilerin hedefleri için somut planlar yapmaları gerektiğini, değişen ölçme ve değerlendirme yöntemlerine rağmen okulda öğrenmenin ve akademik bilginin önemini koruduğunu, ebeveynlerin çocuklarını sakinleştirmeleri ve öğrenme motivasyonlarını desteklemeleri gerektiğini belirtmiştir. Öğrencilerin düzenli çalışmaya devam etmeleri, yeni sistemin tüm öğrenciler için aynı olacağı ve hedeflerine ulaşmak için yapmaları gerekenlerin değişmeyeceği hatırlatılmalıdır. Kaygı normal olsa da bu durumun yeni sisteme hızlı uyum sağlamayı sağlayabileceği vurgulanmıştır.

The uncertainties arising from the planned changes in the TEOG system cause anxiety and stress, especially in students and their families who are preparing to take the exam this year. Experts underline that parents have a special role in reducing the anxiety experienced by children during this period and advise, "The child should be told to make a plan and continue to study in order to reach his/her goal."

Selvinaz Çınar Parlak, Specialist Clinical Psychologist at Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center, gave important advice about the anxiety and stress that arise.

A concrete plan is essential for the goal

Stating that students who have goals and want to reach these goals should have concrete plans about what they will do and how they will reach their goals, Parlak said, "When the new model is announced, children can be made concrete about their new plans. During this period, even if different methods are applied in measurement and evaluation, it should be reminded that every child is responsible for the current education curriculum and that all students are in the same conditions. They should be told that they will be evaluated under the same conditions as their peers and on school and academic knowledge."

To be 'successful' even if the system changes

In case the child refuses to study in the face of these developments, Parlak advised parents: "Even if the measurement and evaluation method changes, what is important for students will not change, they will still need to learn at school and have good academic knowledge in order to be successful and study at the high school they want. Children should be reminded that the content of the measured information will not change, school learning is important, only the method has changed."

Motivations for learning should be supported

Emphasizing that parents should calm their children and support their motivation to learn, Selvinaz Çınar Parlak said:

"There are many controversial issues regarding the amendment. It is important for parents to instill hope in students who feel pessimistic and hopeless and to look after their children's motivation. They should be reminded that all students are on equal footing, that the content of the information will not change, that even if the assessors and methods are different, all children with good school learning will get the results they deserve, and their motivation to acquire knowledge and learn should be supported. It is important that they believe that those who are good and deserving can achieve their goals, that success is not random and that especially effort and discipline will bring results."

Continue to study regularly

Expert Clinical Psychologist Selvinaz Çınar Parlak listed her other recommendations as follows:

"Nothing will change in terms of students' duties and responsibilities, their academic knowledge will need to be strong, their school learning will need to be good, and this is possible by studying regularly.

The new assessment and evaluation system will be the same for all students.

What they need to do to achieve their goals will not change.

It is normal for students to feel anxiety, anxiety will continue until the uncertainty is clarified, but this situation, this state of alertness will also enable them to adapt to the new system quickly."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At09 August 2018
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