Child's speech disorder affects academic success

Child's speech disorder affects academic success

Content Summary

Okul öncesi ve okul çağındaki çocuklarda kekemelik veya telaffuz bozuklukları gibi konuşma ve dil bozuklukları, çevreyle iletişimden akademik başarıya kadar birçok alanda olumsuz sonuçlara yol açabilir. Çocuğun okuma ve yazmada zorlanması, okula devam etmekte zorluk yaşaması, konuşmasının çevresindekiler tarafından anlaşılmaması, ödev yapmada zorlanması, söylenenleri anlamada zorlanması veya akademik başarısının yaşıtlarının gerisinde kalması, konuşma ve dil bozukluğundan şüphelenmeyi gerektirir. Dil bozukluklarının başlıca belirtileri arasında söylenenleri anlamada ve kendini ifade etmede zorluk, yaşıtlarından daha kısa cümleler kurma, eklerin kullanımında sorunlar yaşama ve sınırlı kelime dağarcığı bulunur. Kekemelik de yaygın bir sorundur ve erken müdahale, çocuğun dil, konuşma ve akademik becerilerde yaşıtlarının seviyesine ulaşmasını sağlar. Etkili bir süreç başlatmak ve yürütmek için ebeveynlerin, öğretmenlerin ve uzmanların iş birliği büyük önem taşır.

Child's speech disorder affects academic success

Speech and language disorders such as stuttering or pronunciation disorders in preschool and school-age children can lead to negative consequences in many areas from communication with the environment to academic success. Early intervention in this period enables children to reach the level of their peers in language, speech and academic skills.

Language and Speech Disorders Specialist İbrahim Yaşa from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital said that preschool and school period are the most important periods to pay attention to language and speech disorders.

Attention if he has difficulty in reading and writing!

İbrahim Yaşa made the following evaluations:

"If the child has difficulty in learning to read and write, has difficulty in attending school, if his/her speech is not understood by those around him/her, if he/she has difficulty doing homework, if he/she has trouble understanding what is said to him/her, if his/her academic achievement is behind his/her peers, it is necessary to suspect a possible speech and language difficulty. With the start of educational activities with the school process, attention to such problems increases and it is important to get effective guidance and help from the right specialist for language and speech problems."

Expressing that the most common language and speech disorders in this period vary, İbrahim Yaşa said, "Having difficulty in understanding what is said and expressing himself, forming shorter sentences than his peers, having problems in the use of affixes, having a limited vocabulary are the main symptoms of language disorders."

Stuttering can be seen

İbrahim Yaşa stated that the most common problems are vocalization and stuttering and said:

"Failure to produce letters (sounds) correctly or producing another letter (sound) instead of the sound it should produce, for example, saying "yakam" instead of "digit" because he cannot vocalize the sound "r" may be an indication of a phonetics-phonological disorder. Unlike such problems, the child's speech fluency is interrupted by sound, syllable and word repetitions, additions, extensions and blocks (for example, the child says "kakakapı", "kkkkapı" or "kaaapı" instead of "door") may be evidence that stuttering may be a problem."

Early intervention is very important

Emphasizing that such problems affect the child's literacy activities, class participation, communication with the environment and self-confidence, that is, academic success, İbrahim Yaşa said, "Early intervention in this period enables the child to reach the level of his peers in language, speech and academic skills. It is of great importance that parents, teachers and specialists cooperate in order to initiate and carry out the process effectively."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 December 2020
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