Causes of Back Pain

Causes of Back Pain

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Bel ağrısı, günlük yaşamı zorlaştıran birçok nedenden kaynaklanabilen, semptomlarla kendini gösteren bir ağrıdır. Nedenleri arasında travmalar, akciğer kanseri, kalp krizi ve kalp hastalıkları, bel, boyun ve sırt fıtığı, aşırı yorgunluk, uzun süre ayakta durma veya oturma, ağır kaldırma, klima ve cereyan, rahatsız yatakta uyuma, ağır sırt çantası taşıma, sigara içme, ilaç yan etkileri, mide hastalıkları, skolyoz (omurga eğriliği) ve zona (sinir uçlarının iltihabı) bulunur. Tedavi, ağrının nedeninin belirlenmesine bağlıdır. Yorgunluk, rahatsız yatak veya sürekli oturma gibi nedenler kendiliğinden düzelebilirken, diğer nedenler uzman doktorlar tarafından tedavi edilmelidir. Bel ağrısının önlenmesi için ise aşırı kilolardan kurtulma, egzersiz (yoga, pilates), sırtüstü yüzme, kas ve kemik güçlendirme, güneşlenme, soğuktan korunma, ortopedik ürün kullanımı, sigarayı bırakma, dik oturma, doğru masaj teknikleri, aynı pozisyonda kalmama, ağır kaldırmama, stressiz yaşam ve kaliteli uyku önemlidir. Bel ağrısı bazen tehlikeli olabilir, bu nedenle özellikle kalp krizi, akciğer kanseri ve skolyoz gibi ciddi hastalıkların erken teşhis ve tedavisi önemlidir.

Causes of back pain, back pain is pain that manifests itself with symptoms and can be caused by many reasons that make daily life difficult.

Back pain can be a symptom of important diseases.

Causes of Back Pain

  • Traumas
  • Lung cancer
  • Heart attack and heart disease
  • Lumbar, neck and back hernia
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Standing and sitting too much during the day
  • Heavy lifting
  • Exposure to air conditioning and drafts
  • Sleeping on an uncomfortable bed
  • Using a heavy backpack
  • Smoking
  • Side effects of the medicines used
  • Stomach diseases
  • Curvature of the spine (scoliosis)
  • Shingles (inflammation of nerve endings)

It is among the causes of back pain.

How is back pain treated?

In general, pain reduces the quality of life, causes unhappiness, decreases motivation, can cause lack of attention and inability to focus. Back pain is among these pains and back pain also shows these symptoms. Back pain can be caused by many reasons. In order to treat it, the cause or causes of back pain must first be investigated. Once the causes of back pain have been identified, a treatment plan can be prepared. If back pain is caused by exposure to air conditioning, fatigue, lying in an uncomfortable bed or sitting all the time, no treatment is required. It can be corrected without treatment. If it is caused by other reasons, appropriate treatment can be determined and applied by specialist physicians.

Ways to Prevent Back Pain

What to do to avoid the causes of back pain;

  • Getting rid of excess weight
  • Exercise and sports (yoga, pilates)
  • Backstroke
  • Strengthening muscles and bones
  • Sunbathing
  • Protection from the cold
  • Using orthopedic products
  • Staying away from cigarettes
  • Sitting upright
  • Massage with the right massage techniques
  • Not staying in the same position all the time, being mobile
  • No heavy lifting
  • Avoiding stress
  • Getting quality sleep to relieve fatigue

The most important thing is to identify and treat the causes of chronic back pain.

Is Back Pain Dangerous?

Back pain can sometimes be dangerous. Therefore, the causes of back pain should be taken into consideration. Dangerousness is determined by the underlying causes of back pain. Diseases such as heart attack, lung cancer, scoliosis can be dangerous and should be diagnosed and treated early. If other causes cause back pain, these conditions are much less dangerous than others.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 July 2020
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