Causes and Treatment of Herpes, How Does Herpes Go Away?

Causes and Treatment of Herpes, How Does Herpes Go Away?

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Herpes, soğuk algınlığı yaralarına neden olan herpes simpleks virüsünün cilde bulaşmasıyla oluşan viral bir enfeksiyondur. Bu virüs bir bölgede yerleşirse ömür boyu tekrarlayabilir. Bulaşmış bölgeye dokunulduğunda başka bir bölgeye de bulaşabilir. Herpes'in birçok nedeni olabilir; bunlar arasında korunmasız cinsel ilişki, hormonal değişiklikler (özellikle kadınlarda), zayıflamış bağışıklık sistemi, stres, kaygı ve korku bulunur. Kesin nedeni belirlemek için bir uzmana danışmak önemlidir. Herpes için kesin bir tedavi yoktur, ancak lokal antibiyotikler virüsün etkisini azaltmaya yardımcı olabilir. Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmek ve stresten uzak durmak da önemlidir. Tedavi, kremler, haplar ve antiviral ilaçlar (yılda birkaç kez ortaya çıkması durumunda) içerebilir. Dudaktaki herpes tekrarlayabilir ve bulaşıcıdır, bu nedenle kişisel eşyaların ayrılması, öpüşmekten kaçınılması ve küçük çocuklardan uzak durulması önemlidir. Antibiyotikli dudak kremleri faydalı olabilir.

What is Herpes?

Herpes is a viral infection that occurs when the virus called herpes simplex, which causes cold sores, infects the skin.

When this virus that causes cold sores settles in one area, it can recur and can last a lifetime, it can come out from time to time, that is, it can recur. When the infected area is touched, if we are touching a different place, it can also carry the virus to that area, so it is useful to pay attention.

What Causes Herpes?

There may be many factors that cause herpes and it is not correct to attribute this situation to a single cause, so as we said, there may be many reasons.

There may be more than one cause that causes herpes. For example, unprotected sexual intercourse can cause this condition. If there is such a virus on the other side, it is likely that this virus will pass to the other person. Since hormones change in certain periods in women, herpes can occur especially in the genital area. One of the reasons for this herpes may be the change of secretions in the genital area.
Another cause of herpes is related to immunity. When the immune system falls, it becomes easier for the virus to settle in the body. Apart from that, of course, stress, anxiety and fears cause herpes. Such emotional states lower the immunity of the person, making it easier for the virus to settle in the body.

To find out the exact cause of herpes, it is always useful to consult a specialist first. The actual cause can be revealed with tests and examinations.

How does herpes go away, what is good for herpes?

How herpes passes, herpes treatment is applied in various ways. In addition to these, the region where herpes is located shows changes and differences in the treatment to be applied. But there is not yet a clearly defined definitive treatment. The effect of the virus is reduced with antibiotics that can be applied locally. The virus remains in the body part of the nerve cells in the body of the person and manifests itself at a moment when the body is vulnerable and weak. At this point, the person must first strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to stay away from stress and fears that will lower the immune system.

What is good for herpes, there are local treatments to be applied to herpes. At this point, creams and pills can be applied during treatment. In order to apply these treatments, antibiotics suitable for the virus should be preferred. It is correct to be recommended by a specialist physician.

If herpes occurs several times a year, antiviral treatments can be applied. Herpes must be treated and diagnosed by a specialist before it progresses and spreads to the body.

Since herpes is generally contagious, people should pay attention to general sensitivity.

How to Treat Herpes on the Lip?

Herpes in the lip area may recur several times because herpes that settle in this area can recur from time to time. When there is herpes on the lip, the person should separate the items such as glasses etc. used at home. When there is herpes on the lip, it is necessary not to kiss and stay away from small children. Using lip balm with antibiotics for herpes on the lip benefits the herpes and makes it go away.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At19 February 2021
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