Big shoes threaten foot health

Big shoes threaten foot health

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Ayak sağlığı için ayakkabı seçimi çok önemlidir. Uzmanlar, kış aylarında kullanılan çizme ve bot seçiminde dikkatli olunması gerektiğini belirterek, çocuklara "gelecek yıl giyer" diyerek büyük ayakkabı alınmasının ayak sağlığını bozduğunu vurguluyor. Ayakkabı alışverişini akşamları, ayaklar şiştiğinde yapmak öneriliyor. Tercihen deri ve hafif modeller seçilmeli, taban yastıklı ve ayağın anatomisini destekleyici olmalı, üst ve yanlardan sıkmamalı ve başparmak ile ayakkabı ucu arasında 1 cm boşluk bırakmalıdır. Ayakkabının arkasına girilebilmeli ve topuksuz veya yüksek topuklu ayakkabılar tercih edilmemelidir. Yetişkinler için 2,5-3 cm geniş tabanlı topuk, bebekler için 0,5 cm, çocuklar için ise 1,5-2 cm topuklu modeller öneriliyor. Çocuk ayakkabıları 6 ayda bir kontrol edilmeli ve "gelecek yıl giyer" diye büyük ayakkabı alınmamalıdır; aksi takdirde ayak anatomisi bozulur, yürüme zorlaşır ve ayak bileği burkulmaları artar.

The choice of shoes is of great importance for foot health. Stating that care should be taken when choosing boots and boots, experts point out that buying big shoes for children by saying "he will wear them next year" deteriorates foot health.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Orthopedics Specialist Dr. Abdullah Şarlak gave important information about what to pay attention to when shopping for shoes.

Do your shoe shopping in the evening

Stating that care should be taken when choosing boots and boots used in winter seasons, Uzm. Dr. Abdullah Şarlak,

"We should shop for shoes especially in the evening when our feet swell. We should preferably choose models made of leather and lightweight. The insole should be shock absorbing and support the anatomy of the foot. It should not squeeze from the top and sides. There should be a gap of 1 cm between the big toe and the front. The shoe should be able to enter the back of the shoe. Shoes without heels or with high heels should not be chosen because they will cause foot pain. Heel; For adults, it should be 2.5-3 cm and wide-based model. For babies, 0.5 cm; for children, models with a 1.5-2 cm high heel should be preferred."

Do not buy big shoes for your child because "he/she will wear them next year"!

Uzm. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Şarlak said, "When choosing boots and boots, the thickness of the socks to be worn should be tried with them. In this way, it can prevent the formation of strokes, wounds and calluses due to squeezing or baggy" and gave the following warnings about the choice of shoes in children:

"Since children's feet grow rapidly, the size of shoes and boots should be checked at 6-month intervals. It is inconvenient to buy big shoes because 'he will wear them next year'. As a result, the anatomy of the foot deteriorates, it becomes difficult to walk, and ankle sprains and injuries are more common in cases of squeezing and loose fit."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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