Beware of muscle-powered sports

Beware of muscle-powered sports

Content Summary

Kardiyovasküler hastalıklar, dünyada ölümün başlıca nedenidir ve aşırı ve sağlıksız beslenmenin bir sonucudur. Uzmanlar, beslenmenin kalp sağlığını doğrudan etkilediğini vurguluyor ve aşırı çaba ve güç gerektiren ağırlık kaldırma, güreş gibi kas gücü gerektiren sporların da kalp sağlığını olumsuz etkilediğini belirtiyorlar. Obezite, kalp krizi ve diğer kardiyovasküler hastalıklara yol açarak bu hastalıklarda önemli bir risk faktörü olan hipertansiyon ve diyabet gibi önemli risk faktörlerine de neden olur. Sağlıklı beslenmenin miktarı ve içeriği önemlidir; yağlı et, şeker ve kimyasal olarak üretilmiş şekerlerden kaçınılmalı, zeytinyağı tercih edilmeli, yağsız et tüketilmeli ve tuz alımı sınırlandırılmalıdır. Yüksek tansiyonu azaltmak için tuz tüketimini azaltmak, yoğurt ve süt ürünleri yemek, hareket etmek ve ideal kiloya dikkat etmek önemlidir. Haftada en az dört gün yarım saat koşu, yürüyüş ve yüzme gibi egzersizler yapılmalıdır. Ağırlık kaldırma ve güreş gibi aşırı çaba gerektiren kas gücü sporları kalp sağlığını olumsuz etkiler. Kalp hastalığı olan kişiler doktor kontrolünden geçmeli ve doktor tavsiyelerine uymalıdır. Sağlıklı bireylerin de kalp hastalığı risklerini ortaya çıkarmak ve gelecekteki riskleri en aza indirgemek için kontrol amaçlı check-up yaptırmaları önemlidir, özellikle 20 yaşından sonra ve 40 yaş üstü erkekler ile 55-60 yaş üstü kadınlar için daha da önemlidir.

Cardiovascular diseases, which are the result of excessive and unhealthy nutrition, are the leading cause of death in the world. Emphasizing that nutrition directly affects heart health, experts underline that muscle-powered sports such as weightlifting, wrestling, etc., which require excessive effort and force, also negatively affect heart health.

"World Heart Day", organized by the World Heart Federation and its member organizations, with the theme of heart health, has been celebrated on September 29 every year since 2000.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Cardiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı gave important information about cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading cause of death in the world.

Obesity triggers cardiovascular diseases!

"The relationship between heart health and nutrition is very clear," said Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı,

"First of all, obesity causes many diseases. One of them is cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. The role of obesity in this disease is that it causes heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases. One of the primary reasons for this is nutrition. Apart from overfeeding, weight gain and weight gain, obesity is a direct risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Apart from that, it also causes important risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes."

Stay away from fatty meat and sugar!

Stating that the amount of food is very important, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "The more we eat, the more heart disease it causes. The content of the diet is very important. The things that lead to cardiovascular diseases, especially the consumption of fatty meat or sugar or chemically produced sugars, both cause obesity and can lead to deterioration in cardiovascular health. Therefore, firstly, we need to pay attention to the amount of nutrition, secondly, to the content of nutrition, that is, what we eat. Secondly, inactivity can lead to cardiovascular disease and cause obesity. We need to pay attention to sports."

Take care to use olive oil!

Prof. Dr. Baltalı said, "Firstly, we should eat according to the body's needs, and secondly, we should eat according to its content" and continued his words as follows:

"For example; we should avoid trans fat. Trans fats are fats created to extend the shelf life of chemically obtained oils. Instead of these, we should especially prefer liquid oils. Butter is discussed, it is not a very useful and harmful fat. We especially need to prefer olive oil from liquid oils. We need to pay close attention to dairy products. It is important that the fat content of meat is as low as possible. We should prefer lean meat. The substances in fatty meat have a negative effect on heart health. Another factor is salt. Although the amount of salt has not been shown to have a direct effect on cardiovascular disease, it causes high blood pressure. Salt is a proof for blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, we need to limit the amount of salt.

Reduce the amount of salt to get rid of high blood pressure!

In order to reduce high blood pressure, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt. It is important to eat yogurt, dairy products, move and pay attention to the ideal weight balance. In particular, exercises such as running, walking and swimming should be done at least 4 days a week for half an hour.

Listen to your doctor's recommendations!

People with heart disease should first have a doctor's check-up and secondly, they should pay attention to the recommendations given by the doctor during the check-up. Sports such as swimming, walking, playing tennis can be done to protect heart health. Sports such as weightlifting, wrestling, etc., which require too much effort and force, and which are done with muscle power negatively affect heart health."

Get a check-up to prevent the risk of heart disease!

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baltalı said, "It is important for healthy individuals to go to check up for control purposes, to reveal the risks of heart disease, to combat these risks and to reduce the risk of future heart diseases as much as possible." and concluded his words as follows:

"Especially at the age of 20, it is absolutely necessary to go. In addition, those who are more at risk; especially men over the age of 40 and women over the age of 55 - 60 should also go to the doctor for control as much as possible. Men are more at risk."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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