Beware of beach and pool injuries

Beware of beach and pool injuries

Content Summary

Yaz sıcağında deniz ve havuz serinlemek için tercih edilen yerlerdir. Ancak, uzmanlar özellikle "dalaş" tarzı atlamaların ciddi sağlık sorunlarına yol açabileceğini vurgulayarak, yaralanmalara karşı alınabilecek önlemlere dikkat çekiyorlar. Bu tür atlamalarda derinliğin göz önünde bulundurulması öneriliyor. Havuz, deniz veya sığ sularda derinlik düşünülmeden yapılan dalaş atlamaları, özellikle boyun omurlarında olmak üzere tüm omurga boyunca kırık oluşumuna neden olabilir. Ayrıca topuk, pelvis ve kalça kırıkları da oluşabilir. Yüzme stili de önemli olup, yanlış teknikler omuz ekleminde kronik sorunlara yol açabilir; örneğin, freestyle yüzmede doğru teknikler kullanılmalı ve ilgili kas grupları önceden gerdirilmelidir. Omuz çıkıkları son derece ağrılıdır ve acil servise ulaşım sağlanmalıdır. Omuz yerine yerleştirme girişimleri daha fazla hasara neden olabilir. Yüzme sırasında kramp riski göz önüne alındığında, cankurtaran hizmeti olan mavi bayraklı plajlar tercih edilmeli ve derinlik bilgisi mutlaka edinilmelidir. Plaj voleybolu gibi sporlarda zorlama yapılmamalı; omuz travması durumunda oyun bırakılmalı, kol askı ile sabitlenmeli ve ortopedi uzmanına başvurulmalıdır. Yaralanma durumunda, yaralı kişi karaya çıkarılmalı, hava yolu kontrol edilmeli, açık kırık varsa temiz bir bezle basınç uygulanmalı, boyun bölgesi sabitlenmeli ve ilgili kol veya bacak hafifçe kaldırılmalıdır.

In these days of sweltering summer heat, the sea and pool are mostly preferred to cool off. Emphasizing that the jumping style called nailing, especially fishing, can cause significant health problems, experts draw attention to the precautions that can be taken against injuries. It is recommended to consider the depth in such jumps. In shoulder trauma, which is frequently encountered in beach volleyball, the shoulder should be suspended and a specialist should be consulted as soon as possible.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora pointed out that fishing jumps in pools, seas or shallow waters without considering the depth can cause fractures along the entire spinal line, especially the cervical vertebrae. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora emphasized that in addition to spinal injuries, heel, pelvic and hip fractures may occur in nail jumps.

Spine and shoulder problems may occur according to swimming style

Stating that attention should also be paid to the swimming style in such injuries, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora said, "Swimming style can cause serious chronic problems in the spine and upper side soft tissues, especially in the shoulder joint. For example, swimmers with structural general ligament laxity may encounter problems such as chronic shoulder pain and spontaneous shoulder dislocations due to micro-level shoulder instability. Especially during freestyle swimming, correct techniques should be used and the relevant muscle groups should be stretched beforehand. In butterfly swimming, which is the most difficult style, the main strain is usually in the lumbar and back spine."

Beware of shoulder dislocations while swimming!

Stating that they frequently encounter shoulder dislocation cases during swimming or joking in the pool and sea, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora listed the things to be done in such cases as follows:

"Shoulder dislocations are extremely painful by nature. The first thing to do is to get the person ashore in the most urgent way. Shoulder dislocations can be traumatic or positional. For whatever reason, although some of them spontaneously snap back into place, a considerable number of them remain in the dislocated position. In such cases, the patient should be immediately transported to the nearest emergency room in the position where he feels most comfortable without any maneuvers."

Unconscious intervention causes more damage

Stating that shoulder dislocations are performed under operating room conditions today, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora also pointed out that unconscious interventions to put the shoulder in place will cause much more damage to the shoulder joint.

Beaches with lifeguard service should be preferred

Stating that blue flag beaches should be preferred while swimming, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora said that beaches where lifeguard service is provided should be preferred in order to reach land in a healthy way in terms of the risk of cramping while swimming in the sea. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora stated that it is absolutely necessary to have information about the depth and emphasized that unconscious fishing or nailing jumps should be avoided.

Neck area should be stabilized

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora, who stated that in cases such as injury or fracture at the end of fishing or nailing jumps, the person should be taken to land immediately and the airway should be checked, made the following recommendations:

"Until the ambulance arrives, if the fractures are open, that is, if muscles and bones are visible with active bleeding, pressure should be applied immediately with a clean cloth or towel without playing with the position. The neck area should be stabilized with the help of a neck collar. Slightly lifting the relevant arm or leg may be beneficial for circulation."

Do not get injured while playing beach volleyball!

Emphasizing that people should not force themselves in sports such as beach volleyball, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kerem Canbora pointed out that such situations can cause shoulder trauma and said, "Simple strains in such sports may be ignored. However, in the resulting shoulder trauma, the game should be terminated and the arm should be fixed immediately with the help of a sling. Intermittent ice application is an extremely useful measure to reduce edema and bleeding that may occur inside. The nature and extent of the damage should be determined by an orthopedic specialist as soon as possible."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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