Be careful when talking on your cell phone!

Be careful when talking on your cell phone!

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Hücre telefonlarından yayılan elektromanyetik radyasyon, uykusuzluk ve yorgunluk gibi kısa vadeli etkilerinin yanı sıra, biyolojik yapıdan hormonlara ve DNA'ya kadar vücudumuzda birçok değişikliğe neden olarak yaşam kalitesini bozmaktadır. Uzmanlar, özellikle cep telefonu gibi cihazların kullanımında mesafenin önemine dikkat çekerek, telefonda konuşurken cihazı 1 cm uzakta tutmanın radyasyonu %20 azalttığını belirttiler. Elektromanyetik radyasyon ve elektromanyetik alanın farklı kavramlar olduğunu vurgulayan Prof. Dr. Selim Şeker, yüksek frekanslı cihazların radyasyon yaydığını, düşük frekanslı cihazların ise elektromanyetik alan yaydığını açıkladı. 2004 yılında yayınlanan Reflex çalışmasına göre, elektromanyetik radyasyonun çocukları ve yetişkinleri farklı şekilde etkilediği belirtildi. Uzun vadeli etkilerinin biyolojik yapıyı, hormonal aktiviteleri ve insan genetiğini değiştirerek DNA'yı etkilediği ve hasarın sonraki nesillere bile geçebileceği vurgulandı. Radyasyonun beynin savunma mekanizmasını etkilediği, Alzheimer ve Parkinson gibi hastalıklara neden olabileceği ifade edildi. Cep telefonlarının, sık kullanım ve yakın mesafe nedeniyle vücudun radyasyonu ortadan kaldıramayacağı kadar zararlı olduğu, hatta sigaradan daha tehlikeli olabileceği belirtildi. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından kansere neden olabilecek cihazlar listesine 2011 yılında cep telefonlarının da eklendiğini, ancak daha önceki araştırmaların sonuçlarının cep telefonu şirketleri tarafından yayınlanmasının engellendiği belirtilmiştir. Radyasyonun etkilerini azaltmak için kulaklık kullanımı, hoparlör fonksiyonu ve mesajlaşma önerilirken, 5G teknolojisinin mikrodalga ve milimetre dalga radyasyonunu aşırı derecede artıracağı ve sağlık sorunlarına yol açabileceği, fiber optik kablolama yerine tercih edilmesinin kar odaklı olduğu belirtilmiştir.

The electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones, which have become a part of our daily lives, can impair the quality of life with its negative effects. Electromagnetic radiation, which has short-term effects such as insomnia and fatigue, causes many changes in our body, from biological structure to hormones and DNA. Drawing attention to the importance of distance, especially in the use of devices such as mobile phones, experts pointed out that keeping the device 1 cm away while talking on the phone reduces radiation by 20%.

Prof. Dr. Selim Şeker, Faculty Member of Üsküdar University Department of Electrical and Electronics, touched upon the effects of electromagnetic radiation, which has been on the agenda recently, on living things.


Prof. Dr. Şeker, who deals with the issues in detail in his book titled '5G Internet of Things and Our Health', which meets with his readers from Hay Kitap, gave information about the mobile phone radiation that people are frequently exposed to and explained the measures to minimize the radiation received from the mobile phone. Drawing attention to the changes that will occur with the introduction of 5G technology into our lives, Şeker gave information about the problems caused by 5G in terms of health.

"Electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic field are different from each other"

Stating that the concepts of electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic field are different from each other, Prof. Dr. Selim Şeker stated that electromagnetic radiation uses all electrical energy and performs its normal functions and therefore high-frequency devices emit radiation, while low-frequency devices, such as household appliances, emit electromagnetic fields rather than radiation.

"It affects human DNA"

Stating that the most prominent effects of electromagnetic radiation on living beings were revealed by the Reflex study published in 2004, Şeker drew attention to the fact that electromagnetic radiation has different effects on children and adults as a result of this study. He stated that while the short-term effects of electromagnetic radiation are seen as insomnia and fatigue, the long-term effects of electromagnetic radiation change the biological structure, hormonal activities and human genetics, affecting the DNA of human beings and its damages may occur even in the next generations.

Electromagnetic radiation affects the brain's defense mechanism

Stating that electromagnetic radiation and the human soul are energy, Prof. Dr. Selim Şeker stated that the power spent by humans in a day is around 40 watts. Prof. Dr. Şeker said that as a result of the interaction of the two energies, electromagnetic radiation affects the brain and damages the defense mechanism of the brain and enters parts of the brain and causes diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's in the brain, while radiations a thousand times below the standard cause neurons to die and this endangers human life.

"Duration of use and distance affect radiation"

Stating that the radiation emitted by electrical devices varies according to some criteria, Prof. Dr. Şeker stated that the body can eliminate the radiation emitted by the hair dryer that we use for 5 minutes, and that it is difficult to eliminate the effects of radiation emitted by frequently used mobile phones from the body.

Pay attention to the distance

Prof. Dr. Şeker stated that the other criterion by which the radiation emitted from electrical devices varies other than the frequency of use is the distance, and pointed out that the closer you are to electrical devices, the more radiation is affected, and that keeping the phone 1 cm away while talking on the phone reduces radiation by 20%.

Cell phones are even more harmful than cigarettes

Stating that the most dangerous of electrical devices is the cell phone, Şeker said that not everyone smokes but everyone uses phones, so cell phones are even more harmful than cigarettes. Stating that the damage caused by cell phones is on cells and permanent, Şeker stated that we do not give the body the opportunity to compensate for this damage, which causes permanent damage.

Cell phones are on the list of cancer-causing devices

Stating that electrical devices used in homes were listed by the World Health Organization as potentially causing cancer, Şeker said that mobile phones were included in the list in 2011. Prof. Dr. Selim Şeker stated that even in the research findings conducted in 1993 at the request of mobile phone companies, it was determined that mobile phones cause cancer, but the results of the research, which lasted for 6 years, were prevented from being published by mobile phone companies.

Things to consider when using a cell phone

Stating that radiation enters through our ears and reaches the brain while using a cell phone, Şeker stated that the skull does not block radiation and made suggestions to reduce the effect of radiation emitted from the cell phone. Stating that the cell phone emits high doses of power to reach the person you are calling, Şeker said that in order to be protected from this, we should take it to our ear after the other party answers, and at the same time, using headphones and talking on the speaker reduces radiation. Stating that sending text messages instead of using the phone frequently during the day reduces the radiation effect, Şeker underlined that we should keep the cell phone where we sleep.

What is 5G technology?

Stating that the term 5G is used for wireless technology, Prof. Dr. Şeker stated that 5G provides faster and higher propagation capacity and stated that 5G technology will increase the microwave and millimeter wave radiations around us extremely. Stating that several million base stations need to be installed for 5G technology to work in Turkey, Şeker said that this means encountering base stations between every 3 meters and 10 meters.

5G technology brings health problems with it

Stating that with the use of 5G technology, electrosis will increase in nature, Şeker stated that 5G will negatively affect the natural ecosystem and even the atmosphere due to the radiation it brings. Stating that the human body will be exposed to a kind of radiation that it has never known and never encountered before, Şeker drew attention to the health problems that may occur as a result. Stating that 5G will cause an increase in cancers by affecting cell growth and organs, and will inevitably affect the immune system, heart and circulatory system and biological functions, Şeker also stated that thermal effects affect the skin as well as causing damage to the eye surface and the eye.

Şeker stated that in many parts of the world, fiber optic cables should be laid instead of building base stations near homes. Underlining that fiber optic cabling is faster, safer and high capacity, Şeker stated that communication companies prefer wireless mobile phone subscription instead of fiber optic because they want to make more profit.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At04 December 2018
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