Attention to Covid-19 measures in the sale and slaughter of sacrifices!

Attention to Covid-19 measures in the sale and slaughter of sacrifices!

Content Summary

Kurban Bayramı'nda Covid-19 önlemlerine uyulması büyük önem taşıyor. Sağlık Bakanlığı'nın kılavuzuna göre, kurban satış alanlarında 8 metrekareye bir kişi sınırı, ateş ölçümü, maske zorunluluğu, sosyal mesafe ve hijyen kurallarına uyulması gerekiyor. Hastalık belirtileri gösteren kişilerin satış alanlarına alınmaması ve işletmelerin restoranlar için belirlenmiş Covid-19 önlemlerine uyması şart. Kurban kesiminde ise, işinin ehli kasapların kullanımı, keskin ve temiz aletler, koruyucu ekipman (eldiven, bilek bandı) ve sosyal mesafe kuralına uyulması önemle vurgulanıyor. Kesim yerlerinin önceden planlanması, yetkilendirilmesi, Covid-19 bilgilendirme posterlerinin asılması ve randevulu kesim sistemiyle kalabalıkların önüne geçilmesi gerekiyor. Personelin maske ve eldiven kullanması ve atıkların doğru şekilde bertaraf edilmesi de önemli önlemler arasında yer alıyor.

Attention to Covid-19 measures in the sale and slaughter of sacrifices!

Stating that the upcoming Eid al-Adha will pass in a different atmosphere this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, experts emphasize that compliance with the precautions is even more important this holiday. Stating that physical distance should be maintained during sacrifice slaughter, experts underline that hygiene rules must be strictly followed by warning about masks. Drawing attention to the novice butchers who come to the agenda every Eid al-Adha, experts remind that the sacrifice must be performed by expert butchers with appropriate tools.

Dr. Faculty Member Rüştü Uçan, Director of Üsküdar University Occupational Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Health Application and Research Center, noted that a series of measures were taken on Eid al-Adha within the scope of the measures to be taken in the process of combating the Covid-19 outbreak caused by the coronavirus.

Butchers should be trained on the Covid-19 outbreak

Rüştü Uçan stated that these measures were determined in the guide titled "Epidemic Management and Working Guide" published by the Ministry of Health and noted that it is important to comply with these measures. Rüştü Uçan said, "Accordingly, those who will work in animal slaughterhouses, butchers, cleaners and managers should be trained on the Covid-19 outbreak, slaughtering should be done by appointment to prevent the formation of crowds in these places, safety distance should be observed and masks should be worn."

Wearing a mask is requested

Rüştü Uçan stated that in the aforementioned guideline, signs with the necessary warnings about the fight against coronavirus were requested to be hung at the entrance of animal sales and slaughter areas and said, "These signs are requested to include information such as keeping the safety distance, wearing a mask and paying attention to cleaning hygiene."

Pay attention to these rules!

Prof. Dr. Faculty Member Rüştü Uçan noted that the Ministry of Health listed the measures regarding the sacrifice sales areas as follows:

1) In the animal sales area, controlled human access should be provided so that there is one person (customer and seller together) per 8 square meters;

2) Signboards with informative rules on Covid-19 protection measures should be posted at the entrance gates and appropriate places in the animal sales area;

3) Customers with fever, cough, runny nose and respiratory problems should not be allowed into animal sales areas;

4) People entering animal sales places should have their temperature taken; those with a body temperature above 38 degrees should not be allowed inside;

5) Customers should be warned not to stay too long in animal sales areas;

6) In animal markets with a closed area or facility, customers should be ensured to enter the facility areas with masks and be masked within the facility. Hand sanitizer should be available at the entrance and each guest entering the facility should be ensured to use hand antiseptic. All areas of use (waiting, resting) should be arranged to comply with a distance of at least 1 meter and markings should be prepared on the floor and seating areas where necessary;

7) Food and beverage areas in these facilities must comply with the measures to be taken in restaurants, eateries and cafes within the scope of Covid-19;

8) Appropriate animal sales units should be created in order to prevent crowds of people and density in certain places in the animal sales area. The distance between these units should be at least 2 meters;

9) Hand antiseptic or cologne containing at least 70 percent alcohol should be available in the appropriate place of each animal sales unit. Sinks for hand washing should be provided in accessible places within the animal sales area. There should be enough sinks and toilets. Peddlers should not be allowed in the animal sales area. Buffets, grocery stores and coffee shops serving near the animal sales area must comply with the measures to be taken within the scope of COVID-19;

10) The "Legislation on the Measures to be taken during the Feast of Sacrifice" must be followed in the organization of animal sales areas and environmental cleaning."

Novice butcher warning

Drawing attention to the novice butchers who come to the agenda every Eid al-Adha, Rüştü Uçan emphasized that the sacrifice must be done by expert butchers with appropriate tools. Rüştü Uçan said, "One of the most important elements of occupational safety is to have the work done by a person who is an expert in his job. Especially having butchers slaughter bovine animals will significantly reduce the number of accidents. Tools must be sharp and clean! The cutting tools you will use during slaughter must be complete. You should sharpen them every year. In addition, butcher's gloves with steel braids and wrist belts should be used against possible hand cuts."

These rules should be followed in slaughterhouses

Üsküdar University Occupational Safety Lecturer Occupational Hygienist Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen said that the measures to be taken in animal slaughterhouses / slaughterhouses are listed as follows in the guide titled "Epidemic Management and Working Guide" published by the Ministry of Health:

1) Slaughter sites should be planned, identified, standards checked and authorized in advance;

2) Information posters about Covid-19 should be hung in front of animal slaughterhouses/slaughterhouses. In provinces, districts and other settlements, it should be ensured that existing animal slaughterhouses/slaughterhouses that comply with slaughter standards are open and provide service during the feast;

3) In districts or settlements where there are no animal slaughtering places/slaughterhouses, authorities should establish mobile animal slaughtering places/slaughterhouses in accordance with the standards, and measures should be taken to clean the slaughtering places and their surroundings;

4) Slaughtering should be done by appointment to avoid crowding in front of slaughterhouses/slaughterhouses;

5) It should be ensured that those waiting in front of animal slaughterhouses/slaughterhouses observe social distancing and wear masks;

6) On the other hand, pay attention to cleanliness and health hygiene in sinks, toilets and showers, if any, and clean them according to the specified criteria;

7) Ensure that personnel wear medical masks and gloves; after slaughter and cleaning, personnel should remove their masks and gloves, throw them in a special waste bin and wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At27 July 2020
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