Anger Addiction

Anger Addiction

Content Summary

Özet: Uzmanlara göre öfke, her sağlıklı bireyde bulunan ve beynin ödül sistemlerini aktive eden doğal bir duygudur. Adrenalin salgılatır, stres hormonunun seviyesini azaltır ve doğal bir ödüllendirici işlev görür, ancak sık tekrarlanması bağımlılığa yol açabilir. Öfke, öz güven, sosyal saygınlık, hak-adalet, aidiyet ve grup saygınlığı gibi konularda tehdit algılandığında ortaya çıkan, koruyucu bir işlevi olan evrimsel bir duygudur. Biyolojik genetik ve sosyal öğrenme ile şekillenen öfke tepkileri, toplumdan topluma değişkenlik gösterir. Öfke, empatiyi artırabilir ve çözüm odaklı bir yaklaşımı destekleyebilir; ancak kontrol edilemeyen öfke, şiddete ve ilişkilerde sorunlara yol açar. Öfke kontrolü sorunlarında profesyonel destek almak önemlidir. Aşırı öfke durumunda, erteleme, düzenli egzersiz, nefes egzersizleri ve olumluya odaklanma gibi yöntemler sakinleşmeye yardımcı olabilir. Tehlikeli öfke durumlarında ise öncelikle kendi güvenliğimizi sağlamalı, konuyu ertelemeli ve net sınırlar koymalıyız.

Stating that anger is an emotion that is present in every healthy person and activates certain reward systems in the brain, experts said, "Anger leads to the release of adrenaline and reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol. Therefore, it is a natural rewarder, it can turn into addiction over time."

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Saadet Merih Çengel from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital AMATEM said that anger is not violence, but an emotion found in every healthy person. "The feeling of anger is healthy in any situation, but aggressive and aggressive behaviors caused by this emotion lead to unhealthy communication," Çengel said.


Noting that anger is an emotion that activates certain reward systems in the brain, causes the release of adrenaline and reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol, Çengel said, "In this context, it is possible to say that anger is a natural rewarder. When a person experiences anger frequently for the purposes of relieving himself/herself from solution-oriented and result-oriented anger and showing power, it turns into addiction over time."


Stating that anger, which is an emotion that every healthy individual experiences from time to time and has protective features, occurs when there is a threat to self-confidence, social dignity, right-injustice, belonging, group dignity, Çengel said, "In fact, anger has evolutionary bases, when we face a threat, we get angry to protect ourselves against this threat and to determine the best coping strategies."


Stating that anger has characteristics that vary from society to society, Çengel said, "We can explain the basics of anger as biological genetics and social learning. In biological genetics, people whose impulse-related center in the brain is more active get angry more quickly. In social learning, we can give the following example. Let's assume that the child learns how to react to the father's approach when he is wronged. Therefore, the way social authority figures react determines how a person expresses anger. As a society, we are becoming more and more angry, this is directly proportional to the anger coefficient of authority figures."


Stating that the feeling of anger can increase empathy, Saadet Merih Çengel said, "In the relationship in which we are in conflict, the person who experiences more intense feelings of anger compared to feelings of hate, anxiety, fear, sadness exhibits a more empathetic approach during that conflict. For example, in a study conducted on Israelis before the Israel-Palestine Summit in 2007, it was observed that people whose dominant emotion was only anger had a more solution-oriented and empathetic approach at the summit."


Stating that people who have anger control problems only follow the path of violence regarding the expression of anger, Çengel said, "Anger is observed more frequently in these people and causes problems in relationships. These people focus more on the most negative outcome scenario and believe that problems can only be solved by aggressive reactions." Stating that the person experiencing anger control has problems in the areas of work, family and social life, Çengel said that professional support should be sought in the fight against this situation, which poses a threat to himself and his environment.


Stating that people who are excessively angry can calm themselves with some measures, Çengel listed these suggestions as follows:

- Procrastination method can be used. The individual should wait for an hour and calm down without interacting with the other person while experiencing anger. Especially if there is a tendency to violence, anger should be expected to decrease.

- Regular exercise and sports can reduce anger. With regular sports, the reactions of the mind and body to anger are regulated.

- It may be possible to calm the body with breathing exercises. The perception system should be made more flexible.

- The focus on the negative should be shifted to the positive and what should be done to solve the problem should be considered."

Saadet Merih Çengel also said about approaching people with extreme anger: "First of all, we should protect ourselves and make sure that we are safe. If we are aware that the other person is dangerously angry, we should postpone the issue and attempts to find a solution and set a clear boundary."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At01 February 2018
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