An active life is essential for brain health

An active life is essential for brain health

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Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa, beyin sağlığının fiziksel, zihinsel, ruhsal ve sosyal sağlığın korunmasıyla mümkün olduğunu belirtiyor. Beynin insanın değerlerinin, ilişkilerinin, düşüncelerinin, kararlarının, eylemlerinin, davranışlarının, duygularının, sevinçlerinin, mutluluğunun ve üzüntülerinin kaynağı olduğunu vurguluyor. Beyin sağlığını korumak için zihinsel ve fiziksel olarak aktif bir yaşam tarzı, anlamlı ve değerli bir yaşam sürdürmek, doğal ve doğru beslenme, temiz bir çevre, tütün, alkol, uyuşturucu gibi toksik maddelerden kaçınmak, yeterli ve kaliteli uyku almak, stresi kontrol altına almak ve hipertansiyon, diyabet gibi sistemik hastalıkları kontrol etmek ve tedavi etmek önemlidir. Baş ağrısı gibi şikayetler ihmal edilmemeli ve erken teşhis için düzenli sağlık kontrolleri ve doktora başvuru gereklidir.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Neurosurgeon Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said that protecting brain health is possible by protecting physical, mental, spiritual and social health.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said, "The brain is the source of all human values and relationships, thoughts, decisions, actions, behaviors, emotions, joys, happiness and sadness. In a sense, we can say that the brain or the nervous system is the organ that makes us who we are. Therefore, all structures, tissues, organs and systems in the human organism are undoubtedly important for a healthy life, but brain health is essential for the functionality of a structure that makes sense of and directs the world of human existence and should be paid close attention."

Listen to these suggestions for brain health

Stating that human health is a whole, Prof. Dr. Bozbuğa listed the points to be considered in our daily lives to protect brain health as follows:
"In order to be called a healthy person, it is expected and considered that a human being, who is a biopsychosocial being, should be in a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being. Here, brain health is of course central and of utmost importance. From this perspective, in order to maintain brain health, a person must also maintain physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being - be healthy. For this, a mentally and physically active lifestyle and a life with meaning and values are the primary conditions. Natural and proper nutrition and a clean environment, avoiding toxic (= poisonous) substances such as tobacco, alcohol, narcotics, getting enough quality sleep, controlling stress, controlling and treating systemic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, if any, can be said to be the most important factors to be considered for general body health and brain health."

Headaches should not be neglected

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said that early diagnosis is important in brain health as it is important in every field of health. Stating that the most important and common complaint is headache, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bozbuğa said, "In the human organism, there is a well-functioning repair, adaptation, flexibility, regeneration mechanism that we call "homeostasis", which corresponds to Hippocrates' statement that "nature cures itself", and diseases or problems may not show signs and symptoms at least until a certain stage, or they can even be eliminated from the body - they can be corrected. Keeping this tremendous power/homeostasis in the human body effective is largely possible by maintaining a correct lifestyle; in addition, regular periodic health checks and consulting a physician without delay in case of any complaints (the most important - and common - one can be said to be headache) are of value in terms of brain health and early diagnosis."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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