After Ramadan, a new diet is needed

After Ramadan, a new diet is needed

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Ramazan Bayramı'nın ardından normal beslenmeye geçişte yeni bir beslenme düzenine ihtiyaç vardır. Uzmanlar, Ramazan boyunca değişen beslenme rutininin ardından normal günlük beslenmeye geçişte yeni bir diyete ihtiyaç olduğunu belirterek, bayramda aşırı ve hızlı tüketilen yiyeceklerin özellikle sindirim ve dolaşım sistemi olmak üzere birçok rahatsızlığa yol açtığını vurguladı. Bayramda aşırı ve hızlı yemek yemekten kaçınılması gerektiği konusunda uyarıda bulunan uzmanlar, mide rahatsızlıkları, şişkinlik, bulantı, reflü, çarpıntı ve kabızlık gibi sorunların yaşanabileceğini belirtti. Bayram ikramlarından uzak durmanın en iyi yolunun "hayır" diyebilmek veya tabakları paylaşmak olduğu önerilir. Beslenme uzmanları, günlük 5-6 öğün tüketilmesini, bunların 2-3'ünün atıştırmalık olması gerektiğini, ana öğünlerde daha çok sebze, tavuk veya yağsız et tercih edilmesi gerektiğini, kızarmış yiyeceklerden kaçınılması gerektiğini ve bol sıvı tüketilmesi gerektiğini söylüyor. Bayram sabahı hafif bir kahvaltının, öğlen protein ağırlıklı bir yemek ve akşam ise düşük kalorili, sindirimi kolay sebze ağırlıklı bir menünün tercih edilmesi tavsiye ediliyor. Önerilen bir Bayram günü menüsü ise; sabah bir dilim peynir, 3-4 zeytin veya 2-3 ceviz, bir çay kaşığı pekmez veya bal, 1-2 dilim tam buğday ekmeği, domates ve salatalık; öğlen 90 gr ızgara et/balık/tavuk, 6 kaşık bulgur pilavı veya tam buğday makarna, bol salata; akşam ise bir kase çorba, bir porsiyon sebze yemeği, salata, yarım kase yağsız yoğurt ve 1-2 dilim tam buğday ekmeği içerebilir.

As the Ramadan feast is just days away, preparations for the feast continue at full speed. Rich tables are among the indispensables of Eid al-Fitr, which comes after Ramadan coincides with hot days and an average of 17 hours of fasting. Stating that a new diet is needed in the transition to normal daily nutrition after the changing nutritional routine during Ramadan, experts pointed out that excessive and fast-consumed foods during the feast lead to many disorders, especially the digestive and circulatory system.


Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü warned against excessive and fast eating during Eid al-Fitr.

After Ramadan, a new diet is needed

"Our body, which gets used to eating 2-3 meals after a month-long fasting, regulates the cholesterol-lipid balance, the load on the digestive and circulatory system decreases, and our body generally relaxes with the removal of excess weight," says Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü,

"After Ramadan, there is a need for a new dietary pattern in the transition to a normal daily diet. We should continue our habits at the end of Ramadan without losing the beauties gained during Ramadan (for example; not eating before we are hungry, balanced nutrition and hydration, quitting bad habits that we always know are harmful to our health such as alcohol and smoking)."

Excessive and fast eating leads to many ailments!

"Consuming food excessively and quickly after Ramadan will cause many disorders in our body, especially in the digestive and circulatory system," Özden Örkçü said:

"Gastritis with indigestion, bloating and nausea, or reflux disease, which is described as the burning of food that occurs after overeating, palpitations after overeating, feeling of tightness in the chest are some of them. Changes in defecation habits are also among the diseases that may occur as a result of an unbalanced diet. Patients with chronic diseases who can fast during Ramadan are advised to see their doctors at the end of the feast to be re-evaluated and their medications reorganized."

The best way to avoid holiday treats: Saying "no"

Although the trays of pastries, desserts, stuffing and wraps made for the guests during the feast are very appetizing, the best way to avoid feast treats is to be able to say 'No' to the extended treats or to share your plate with someone else and to complete your visit with the least damage."

Avoid fried foods and eat a vegetable-based diet

Özden Örkçü said, "The number of daily meals should be 5-6, but 2-3 of these should be determined as snacks."

"For main meals, more vegetables, chicken or lean meats should be preferred and prepared boiled or baked. Deep-fried foods should be avoided. Fluids should be taken frequently but in measured amounts. Instead of acidic drinks, light drinks such as buttermilk, homemade lemonade, fruit compotes should be preferred. Especially those with reflux and chronic gastritis should avoid excessively spicy, peppery and fatty foods. Fruit should be taken between meals, but the portion size should be observed."

How should you eat on Eid?

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü gave the following information about the recommended diet during Eid al-Fitr:


"Since Eid morning is the first breakfast that everyone will have together after Ramadan, it has a rich and varied menu. It will not be easy for our stomach, which has entered into a new eating habit with Ramadan, to digest this rich menu. As such, the first question that comes to mind is how should we eat on the morning of Eid and at other meals?

Drink 1 glass of warm lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach

When you wake up, taking 1 glass of warm water with lemon and 3 dried apricots on an empty stomach will reduce the complaints of bloating and constipation after Ramadan. After 30 minutes, you should definitely have breakfast.

Avoid heavy and fatty foods

For breakfast, instead of heavy and fatty foods such as pastries and fried foods; cheese, olives, jam / molasses, tomato-cucumber, boiled egg, whole wheat bread, unsweetened tea or herbal tea should be made. Lunch should be protein-heavy, and a low-calorie, easily digestible vegetable-heavy menu should be preferred in the evening. Make time for light brisk walks 45 minutes to 1 hour after meals."

What can be consumed on the 1st day of Bayram?

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü made the following suggestions for the 1st day of the feast:

"In the morning
1 slice of cheese
3-4 olives or 2-3 walnuts
1 teaspoon molasses or honey
1-2 slices of whole wheat bread
Cold cut tomatoes and cucumbers
(Eggs at least 3 times a week if there is no disease that may prevent it)

1 serving of fruit
90 g grilled meat/fish/chicken
6 spoons of bulgur pilaf or wholemeal pasta
Plenty of salad

1 serving of fruit or 1 milk dessert special for the holiday

1 bowl of soup
1 serving of vegetable dish
Half a bowl of fat-free yogurt
1-2 slices of whole wheat bread

Half a bowl of yogurt or 1 cup milk (with cinnamon) or 1 cup plain kefir + 2 walnuts."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At10 June 2019
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