About spinach, the most controversial vegetable of recent days

About spinach, the most controversial vegetable of recent days

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Son günlerde İstanbul'da 108, Tekirdağ'da 22 kişinin zehirlenmesiyle gündeme gelen ıspanak, birçok faydası nedeniyle öne çıkıyor. Zehirlenmelerin ıspanağa karışan yabancı otlardan kaynaklandığı belirlendi. Ispanak, vücut için gerekli kalsiyum, potasyum, demir ve magnezyum minerallerinin önemli bir kaynağıdır. Göz sağlığından kemik sağlığına, beyin sağlığının korunmasına ve bağışıklık sisteminin güçlendirilmesine kadar birçok faydası bulunmaktadır. Düşük kalorili ve doyurucu bir besin olan ıspanak, antioksidan ve antikanserojen özelliklere sahiptir. Özellikle mide ve cilt kanserine karşı etkili olduğu belirtilmiştir. Ayrıca göz sağlığını korur, hipertansiyonu önler, sindirim sistemini destekler, kan basıncını düşürür ve anemiyi önler. Böbrek hastaları ıspanak tüketimi konusunda doktorlarına danışmalıdır. Gut hastalığı olanlar da aşırı tüketimden kaçınmalıdır. Ispanağı pişirilirken fazla yağ kullanılmamalı, protein içeriğini artırmak için yumurta veya az yağlı kıyma eklenebilir.

Spinach, which came to the agenda with the poisoning of 108 people in Istanbul and 22 people in Tekirdağ, has become the most talked about vegetable of recent days. In the examinations, it was determined that weeds mixed with spinach caused poisoning. Experts state that spinach is an important source of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium minerals necessary for our body. Spinach, which attracts attention with its many benefits from eye health to bone health, protects brain health and strengthens the immune system.
NPISTANBUL Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Özden Örkçü mentioned the place of spinach, which is an important source of calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium, in nutrition.

Low calorie and satisfying

Özden Örkçü said that the minerals in spinach, which is an important source of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium minerals, which are especially necessary for our body, have an important place for the function of the body. Örkçü said, "A serving of spinach is 100 grams and only 23 calories. When 6-8 tablespoons of spinach is consumed daily, it is 1 serving per day and only 76 calories. Spinach is beneficial because it is low in calories and is a filling food."
Özden Örkçü, who noted that green leafy vegetables contain plenty of fiber (pula) useful for our body, noted that although the amount of protein in spinach is high, it is not a very high quality protein source because it is not of animal origin.

It has anti-cancer properties

Stating that spinach is also rich in flavonoids, Özden Örkçü said, "Spinach is also an anticarcinogenic. Today, research has shown that spinach helps eliminate cells that cause stomach and skin cancer. Spinach has also been proven to be effective against aggressive prostate cancer" and listed the health benefits of spinach as follows:

Spinach protects eye health: Spinach contains vitamin A, antioxidants, cataracts and has been proven to be effective against eye problems that occur due to aging.
Protects bone health: Spinach is vital for maintaining bone health. It is rich in vitamin K. It contains calcium, which can be considered an alternative to milk and dairy products for vegan individuals. Plenty of milk and dairy products should be consumed to prevent osteoporosis. At the same time, consuming calcium-containing foods such as spinach protects bone health. This feature is also among the benefits of spinach.

Spinach prevents hypertension: Consuming spinach regularly in potassium content both relaxes the nerves and helps to keep hypertension at a healthy level.

Protects brain health: Consuming spinach regularly keeps the brain and mind constantly young and active. Spinach contains folate, vitamins K and C, which support hormone production in the nervous system. It contributes to brain health by balancing the fat and acid ratios necessary for brain health. Thus, spinach provides significant benefits for the correction of behavioral and cognitive problems.

It is beneficial for the digestive system and stomach: Spinachconsumption supports digestive system health in general and stomach health in particular. The beta carotene and vitamin C it contains helps protect colon cells damaged by free radicals.

Spinach lowers blood pressure: Peptides, which spinach contains in abundance, help lower blood pressure.

Spinach strengthens the immune system: Spinach, which contains a lot of vitamin A, provides protection of mucous membranes thanks to this feature. Apart from this, spinach, which protects the respiratory tract, also seriously fights infectious diseases. In addition, the digestive system organs and especially the protection of intestinal health contribute to the resistance of the immune system to diseases.

Spinach prevents anemia: Spinach is rich in iron. As a component of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to all cells of the body, iron is essential for providing energy to cells.

Spinach is beneficial for skin health: Skin and skin is the largest and most sensitive organ covering the whole body. We need some essential nutrients to maintain our skin health and spinach is a great alternative at this point. Spinach is packed with vital minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. This is why spinach plays an important role in skin health.

Kidney patients should consume it in consultation with their doctor

Stating that kidney patients should definitely consult their doctors about whether they can consume spinach, Özden Örkçü said, "Since the level of the disease varies according to the person, it may have different results on the point of spinach consumption. Consuming too much spinach is not recommended for people who are prone to diseases such as gouty arthritis, because spinach increases the level of uric acid in our body and causes joint pain, inflammation and swelling in the body, exacerbating gout."

It should be cooked with eggs and lean minced meat

Özden Örkçü stated that if spinach is cooked with meat, it should be cooked without adding additional oil, but if it is to be cooked without meat, it should be cooked by adding 1 tablespoon of olive oil to 1 kg of spinach and said, "Cooking with excessive oil makes it impossible to resign from the benefits of spinach. The amount of protein can be increased by adding eggs or lean minced meat."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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