5 steps to a stress-free life!

5 steps to a stress-free life!

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi'nden Klinik Psikolog Uzmanı İhsan Öztekin'in önerdiği stresle başa çıkmanın beş adımı şunlardır: 1) Kendinize güvenin, yetersiz hissetmeyin ve geçmiş başarılarınızı hatırlayın. 2) Sorunlara farklı açılardan bakın ve alternatif çözümler bulun. 3) Fiziksel sağlığınıza dikkat edin; düzenli egzersiz yapın, dengeli beslenin, yeterli uyuyun ve kafein/alkol tüketimini sınırlayın. 4) Hobiler edinin; müzik aleti çalmak, resim yapmak, doğada vakit geçirmek gibi keyif aldığınız aktivitelere zaman ayırın. 5) Kendinize beş dakika ayırın; sakin bir yerde derin nefes alarak bedeninize ve duygularınıza odaklanın, sonra yapmak istediklerinizi düşünün. Bu adımlar, stresle başa çıkmada ve daha huzurlu bir yaşam sürmede yardımcı olabilir.

5 steps to a stress-free life!

Stress, one of the most common problems of our day, causes many problems. Small changes in our lives, new decisions, new hobbies or approaching the problem from a slightly different perspective can be effective in combating stress.

Ihsan Öztekin, an Expert Clinical Psychologist from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital, gave important tips on coping with stress, which is a part of daily life.

Stating that everything that exceeds us, pushes our limits, that we have difficulty solving, that we start to think that we cannot solve is a source of stress, Öztekin listed 5 important steps in the fight against stress as follows:


Feelings of weakness, helplessness and inadequacy often accompany feelings of lack of solutions. Stop seeing yourself as a pathetic person, incapable of solving even your own problems, and stop feeling angry with yourself and your environment. Love yourself, value yourself, trust yourself. Don't blame and punish yourself excessively by thinking about the mistakes, wrong decisions, reactions that you want to make but can't. Don't make general negative judgments about yourself based on momentary situations. Don't devalue yourself and don't let other people devalue you. Remember your strengths and past successes.


Look at stressful situations from different angles and think of alternative solutions. Choose the one that makes sense, that you think you can do, and that you think is appropriate. For example, if it is stressful for you to host a guest in the best possible way, you should think that the time spent together will be a pleasant, cheerful and pleasant time, and to strengthen this thought, you should remember the good times you had with the guest in the past. You can acquire the habit of looking at things differently and seeing the positive aspects in all areas that may cause stress, such as business life, shopping, traveling.


If we move from the fact that the physical condition affects the mental state and the mental state affects the physical state, it should be remembered that staying physically healthy provides us with great support in coping with stress. Try to keep the body fit through physical activities such as sports, pay attention to nutrition, sleep should be regular, and avoid too much caffeine and alcohol consumption.

Take up a hobby: Identify areas of relaxation for yourself and pursue these areas with a strong desire and continuity without making any excuses. You can choose any activity that requires manual dexterity, such as playing a musical instrument, painting, sculpture, woodworking, model making, knitting, sewing. Water sports, nature sports such as hiking, mountaineering, picnics, photography, activities that require technical knowledge, as well as trips, charity and charity work through organizations such as charity associations, visits to relatives, activities related to the soil such as planting saplings, growing fruits and vegetables. In addition, you can add any activity that is special to you and that you would enjoy doing.


Stop reinforcing the status quo by thinking that you are too stressed. Clear your mind

a- Sit in a quiet place, take a deep breath and focus only on what your body is feeling.

b- Keep breathing deeply in and out. Try to feel what increases and decreases in your emotions.

c- Stop focusing on your body, just think about what you want to do.

You will see that in the 5 minutes you take for yourself, you will achieve a natural relaxation. "

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At23 December 2020
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